With an increase in internet use during the #COVID19 pandemic, women and girls have become targets of online violence more than ever. Let's use social media to spread awareness & kindness. Drop a 💙 in the comments if you're with us!
If same logic applies to #COVID19 , can other countries deport covid positive patients to China and bury them alive? #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
What a disgrace! Pregnant woman forced to give birth on the road as the hospital refused to admit her cause she didn't have a #COVID test report! #Zhuhai City, #Guangdong Province, #CCPChina, Sep 20. #AmazingChina #CCPVirus #COVID19.
Students of #PekingUniversity #BeijingUniversity protest against #COVID19 #lockdown . They actually pushed down the wall. The vice principal asks students to put down their phones to “protect Peking University”. In 1989, the students movement started from this university.
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止に大切な手洗い!歌を歌いながらしっかり洗いましょうね!😺🙌🚰 Hand washing is important to prevent the spread of #COVID19! Let's wash well while singing a song! 😺🙌🚰 (ASAGI) #手洗い動画 #手洗いソング #HangInThere #StayHome
新着記事:全量回収のアベノマスク、3月頭時点ですでに政府・経産省が要請しミャンマーで生産開始していたと判明 buzzap.jp/news/20200424-… #COVID19 #アベノマスク
This book is definitely a page-turner! @StevenWMosher has collected all the evidence and vividly reconstructed what happened behind the scenes in the #COVID19 pandemic. He was the 1st to report on the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2, & also the 1st researcher to interview me in detail! twitter.com/StevenWMosher/…
Watch top talents from #Taiwan's National Health Research Institutes & @SinicaFans share some of the contributions of the country's scientific community to combating #Coronavirus. #Remdesivir synthesized in <2 weeks & a 15-min #COVID19 rapid test kit prototype are game-changers!
More from #Xishuangbanna Airport in #Yunnan, #CCPChina. Women ask why the police are using guns against people including children who they are supposed to protect. Police are preventing tourists from leaving as new #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus were found locally.
#Wuhan Virus bioattack has killed 6 million innocent people globally in 2 yrs. It took Nazi Germany 14 yrs to murder 6 million Jews. #Xitler has outdone #Hitler. We must hold #China accountable 4 #COVID19 reparations. The price tag is $60 trillion 4🌐. 🇨🇳GDP is $18 trillion/yr.
#新型コロナウィルス よく攻撃する人体の八種類器官です。 上から、脳、目、気道、肺、肝、心臓、腎臓、大腸、様々の器官はウィルスの攻撃による、功能損失、至る死亡という。 本当に厄介なウィルスです。 #COVID19 heho.com.tw/archives/79879…
We sincerely thank @SecPompeo of @StateDept for recognizing #Taiwan's #Coronavirus-combating credentials. The country is willing & able to share the #TaiwanModel with @WHO member states. Cooperation, friendship & solidarity are key to managing #COVID19 & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/eAsiaMediaHub/…
With an increase in Internet use during #COVID19, women and girls have become targets of online violence more than ever. This #16Days of Activism, #OrangeTheWorld by using social media to spread awareness and kindness.
#Taiwan & #Iceland are oceans apart. But they couldn't be closer when it comes to managing #COVID19. The countries' cooperative strategies are hallmarked by speed, centralized command, quarantine, contact tracing, transparency & public trust. Read more🔽 theconversation.com/what-coronavir…
速報-英コーンウォールで開催された5.3万人規模の音楽祭に参加した5000人の若者が感染し、遺伝子的にデルタ亜型と関連していたことから、新たな #デルタ亜型 が出現したのではないかとの懸念が高まっています。この地域は現在英国で最も #COVID19 の感染率が高い地域となっています。(翻訳:deepL) twitter.com/DrEricDing/sta…
In #CCPChina, if you dare to go out farming during the #COVID #lockdown #COVID19 #CCPvirus (By the way, the music is epic. Don't know which genius added it).
No words! Absurdity at a new level. May no beings be born in #CCPChina. #Covid #COVID19 #CCPvirus
Minister Wu & @DeputyLiban, acting minister of @somalilandmfa, held a productive & rewarding virtual. Talks were extensive, spanning key topics like #Taiwan-#Somaliland cooperation projects, joint efforts combating #COVID19 & avenues for promoting mutually beneficial relations.
.@jacindaardern said when it comes to #COVID19, #NewZealand is "going to follow, pretty closely, the Taiwanese model. They worked up a framework for mass gatherings that’s been quite successful." Such praise is welcome, & #Taiwan stands ready to share its #Coronavirus know-how. twitter.com/NZStuffPolitic…
Does this look like the Sheepdog leading a flock of docile sheep? #CCPChina #AmazingChina #CCP #COVID #COVID19
#COVID19 の感染が世界中に広がる中、UN Womenは各国政府が女性と女の子の権利を擁護するよう支援しています。政府、地方自治体、国会、その他すべての意思決定権をもつ人々に下記10項目のチェックリストを提示し女性・女の子特有の課題に対応するよう求めています。bit.ly/2UqUJ6U
5/ As #COVID19 is transmitted through droplets, & surgical masks have been proved effective against droplet transmission, wear masks is the best way to keep away from virus, especially when it's commonly found that ppl cough in fully enclosed mass transportation & crowded areas.
毎週、他県の親族に会いに行き発熱し入院 そして、その親族とは別の親族が、入院の知らせを聞いて慌てて他県から新幹線でコチラに向かってると(もちろん面会不可) 皆さん緊急事態宣言の地域にお住まいの方々です この一族はなんなんですか? #コロナ病棟 #COVID19 #医療従事者 #看護師
At, oh, no, outside a hospital in #Beijing, patients receive treatments on the street as there is no more space inside. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina #ChinaCovidNews
Our embassies & overseas offices are pulling out all stops to keep #Taiwan's🇹🇼 economic & trade numbers on the growth track. Innovative approaches to tackling challenges relating to #COVID19 & #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine🇺🇦 paid tidy Q1 dividends! ▶️READ bit.ly/3P6MLvc