At #Zhuhai Customs in Guangzhou, #CCPChina. Not sure exactly what is happening. But there are a lot of rumors that people's passports and even green cards get destroyed at the Customs. It is more & more difficult for ppl to leave #China. #珠海 海關。不太明白怎麼回事。不讓潤?
What a disgrace! Pregnant woman forced to give birth on the road as the hospital refused to admit her cause she didn't have a #COVID test report! #Zhuhai City, #Guangdong Province, #CCPChina, Sep 20. #AmazingChina #CCPVirus #COVID19.
People rushed to the pharmaceutical factory to buy ibuprofen, not to get a better price. They just can't get it anywhere else. Dec 18, in #Zhuhai City, #CCPChina. This is one of the consequences of the #CCP's doing nothing policy after it abandoned its #ZeroCovidPolicy.