#COVID19 による入院は英国で再び急増。4週間連続で上昇し、4週間前より60%の増加。すべての年齢層で増加。子供たちのことを考えましょう。 #CovidIsNotOver #パンデミックはまだ収束していません twitter.com/DrEricDing/sta…
2/ Though people returned from #China are required to be quarantined, they can actually leave home during 14-day incubation. Although inflected with #COVID19, a Wuhan couple were also found fled from hospital to escape from quarantine.
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep21 • No one should be injured or killed by #COVID19. The 🦠 wouldn’t exist in the 🌎 if CCP hadn’t weaponized it in the labs • According to Military Service Law, the potential capacity of PLA could reach to 890M people if necessary americaoutloud.com/emperor-xi-is-…
To date, Shanghai CDC still insists on separating kids who tested positive if their parents tested negative. We don't understand this inhumane #COVID19 policy. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement twitter.com/CovidInChina1/…
#COVID Camp at Mohan, #Xishuangbanna, #Yunnan #Province in #China. Not sure whether those tourists who were stopped by police with machine guns at the airport two days ago were sent here. #COVID19 #CCPChina #AmazingChina
Excellent virtual between @MOHW_Taiwan Minister Chen & #Slovenia's🇸🇮 @JJansaSDS. The pair talked #COVID19 issues like global spread, response measures & vaccines. #Taiwan🇹🇼 anticipates working even closer with the #EU🇪🇺 country in combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/vladaRS/status…
Please donate Blood before vaccination #COVID19 #BePlasmaDonor
#横田基地 #COVID19 #新型コロナウイルス 横⽥基地における公衆衛⽣⾮常事態宣⾔に関しての日本語での情報は以下のリンクです。 bit.ly/2xdVNn1
The #COVID19 pandemic is causing a resurgence in extreme poverty, affecting women the most.
Bodies of the deceased are being burned outside in #Shanghai and other cities in #China as a result of the #COVID19 outbreak overwhelming emergency services and crematoriums.
@Jim_Jordan From Jan, 2020, I told the public that I refused to help CCP to claim raccoon dog as the host of #COVID19🦠. Because my investigation shows that raccoon dog is NOT the host at all. Now CCP claims that raccoon dog is the host as planned, and the nature-origin campaign is excited🤡
We sincerely thank @michaelaastrup of #Denmark🇩🇰 for urging #Taiwan's🇹🇼 observer status in the @WHO's World Health Assembly. The @folketinget MP & @venstredk spokesperson for foreign affairs is spot on! #TaiwanCanHelp combat #COVID19 & bolster the global response to the pandemic. twitter.com/michaelaastrup…
#COVID19 #COVID19予防薬 #イベルメクチン #カモスタット #拡散希望 全国各地からイベルメクチンかカモスタットのお問い合わせをお電話で頂きました。直接地方の皆様とお話して驚きました。いまだに、発熱患者を診察しないクリニックや医院が多く、相談出来ないので電話頂いている現実を知りました
The new IDF Coronavirus Task Force is taking the lead in Israel's effort to stop the spread of #COVID19. Here's how:
فيروس كورونا والبيان الفصل وما هو بالهزل .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 26 - رمضان - 1441 هـ 19 - 05 - 2020 مـ youtu.be/nR4kf8BgitE Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani Covid COVID-19 Christmas Happy Holidays #COVID19 #الهلال_النصر #عاجل_خبر_طامه_كبرا_عالميه twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
In #Beijing, containers are used to transport bodies. It was said 10 containers arrived in one day, not sure which day. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina
4/ I also encourage the world to #TweetforTaiwan. #COVID19 is the biggest challenge of the century. It is a matter concerning the health of the world, so we hope all member states will make a decision with wisdom and courage. #WHACountdown
「河南亦急宣布近期非必要勿前往北京」唔知香港政府會唔會市民唔好去呢? 原文: 【北京肺炎】疫情蔓延!遼寧、河北、四川皆出現與北京確診關聯病例 lih.kg/2064898 ●來源:明眼人都知 #武漢肺炎 #中國病毒 #COVID19 #MadeInChina #北京 #LIHKG
Here is my article on Nature magazine in May, 2020. As a co-first author, we are the first to test the high transmissibility and pathogenicity of #COVID19 virus, using the correct animal model Golden Hamster. CCP & PLA underestimated the transmissibility! nature.com/articles/s4158…
The junta's mass arrests correspond with a surge in #COVID19 infections in the country’s prisons, where access to health care is poor. #Aug20Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar yac.news/blogs/news/cov…
Totally agree with Rep. Gallagher @MikeforWI on GOP’s proposal of the special House Committee on Origin of #COVID19! It’s necessary and we have been waiting so long! twitter.com/VOAChinese/sta…
COVID-19 can be cured, but racism cannot be cured. Don't be a monster. #COVID19 #racism
日本政府が10月にも全世界からの新規入国受け入れを一部再開する方向。3カ月以上の中長期滞在する在留資格取得者が対象で、新型コロナ感染状況を見極めて最終判断します。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3mS9OMn