Desperate, hopeless and depressed, a mother of #12hkyouths burst into tears when telling her son is sick w/o medicine in #China’s prison, with no updates nor access to lawyers for 2 weeks. She just wants to see her son one more time in her life. #save12hkyouths #SaveTheChildren
台湾の報道です。 台湾へ密航失敗の若い香港人、中国へ連れ去れたら、無期懲役の可能性が高まる。 なぜ!そんな重い?中共の独裁を看過できない、今日は人ごとと思ってた災難も、明日は我が身の上に降りかかるかも! 何とか #香港人12人の若者を助けて #save12hkyouths yns.page.link/mv4nP
「息子の生死さえわかりません… 体調が心配です、面会も薬を届けることも許されないのです」と泣き出してしまった母親 #save12hkyouths 12名の若者は起訴もされず依然中国に拘束中。親御さんが顔を隠しての会見。これが国安法施行後の香港であると認めるしかないのが辛い。
海上での逮捕から3週間 #save12hkyouths 【中国当局が拘束中の台湾へ渡ろうとした香港人12名】 ポンペオ米国務長官が林鄭長官を名指しで非難 「林鄭長官が表明した市民に対する人権保護義務を問題視」 【家族による会見】 家族が依頼した弁護士の12名との面会許可などを要求
Thus, this page will pay closest attention to the 12 youths and will release latest updates from time to time so as to arouse and maintain public awareness in this matter. #save12hkyouths @save12hkyouths
On 23rd Aug 2020, 12 Hong Kong youths were arrested near the South-East waters from Hong Kong by the Guangdong Coast Guard and were allegedly detained at the Yantian District Detention Centre (“the Centre”) in Shenzhen. #save12hkyouths @save12hkyouths
[12 홍콩인 관심그룹] #save12hkyouths 1/ 2020년 8월 23일IMG_8040.PNG 홍콩인 12명이 홍콩 동남쪽 해역에서 중국 광동 해경에게 체포되었습니다. 이들은 현재 심천시에 구류된 상태입니다. 2/ 일부 가족들은 변호사를 대동하여 구류된 가족들을 만나고자 하였으나 코앞에서 거절을 당하였습니다.
3. Since it could be the first case that #HKers are put on trial in China’s secret court under #nationalsecuritylaw, we hope the world can keep watch on the situation and wish they can all come back safe. #save12hkyouths #save12hkyouth #save12
6. In order to bring those #asylumseekers back and safe, we hope the world can keep a close watch on the issue. #save12hkyouth #save12hkyouths