Social worker Jackie Chen has had her rioting charge withdrawn after District Court judge Sham Siu-man ruled that she has no case to answer. Chen was arrested in Causeway Bay on 31 August last year during the #antiELAB protests in #HongKong #HongKongProtests
Executive councillor cum barrister Ronny Tong on the #12HKyouths: because the extradition bill wasn't amended last year amid the #antiELAB protests, the #HongKong government now has no authority to ask for the return of the 12 suspects from their mainland counterparts
4. In the past 4 years under #Beijing’s mounting pressure over the city, we were stuck in a vicious loop: disqualification > imprisonment > disqualification AGAIN > #antiELAB movement > international lobbying > disqualification AGAIN > #nationalsecuritylaw > forced into exile.
[Video recap] Last year today 20190825: thousands marched from Kwai Chung to Tsuen Wan, large conflict broke out at Yeung Uk Road. #HongKongProtests #hongkong #antiELAB
Today marks a year since #antiELAB movement in #HongKong. Hong Kong has never been the same again.
[What the hell is going on in HK?] 1/ After almost a year of #HKprotests, a 22yo lifeguard #Sinkaho, the first person that pleaded guilty to riot charges, is sentenced to 4 yrs behind bars today, even though he just threw umbrella & helmet during #antiELAB on June 12 last year.
#Thread: A quick look at the development of #LennonWalls in #HongKong, which started out at the govt office in 2014 during Occupy, rebuilt in 2019 and spread to all districts since the early days of the #antiELAB movement, playing an important role in mobilising people..
Capture uploaded. #antiELAB Please RT. Thanks.
What can you do to help Hong Kong #antiELAB ? 1. Share 2. Donate 3. Set Up 4. Rally 5. Create 6. Sign 7. Boycott 8. Voice 9. Tweet Please RT & #StandWithHongKong
The turnout for today’s banned #antiELAB march from TST to West Kowloon is remarkable. Two streams moving northward and southward on Nathan Road. #HKprotests #HongKongProstests
In Taikoo Shing mall, people are circling around the ice skating rink chanting #antiELAB protest slogans. Similar scenes are currently unfolding in malls in all 18 of Hong Kong’s districts today.
@TiffanyAndCo For anyone who hasn’t been following the #HongKongProtests, here’s the story behind the medic who was shot in her right eye at a protest and how she became an icon for the #antiELAB movement: theguardian.com/world/2019/aug…
Citizens are assembling tonight to stand up for victims of San Uk Ling, a remote detention centre near the Chinese border where arrested #antiELAB protesters have allegedly suffered beatings, torture, and sexual assault, and have been denied medical care and legal assistance.
Tomorrow night, local football fans will form a #HongKongWay human chain up Caroline Hill, home of the Hong Kong Football Association. These #antiELAB demonstrations just keep getting more niche!
A first aider shared his gas mask with a kid as Police continue to deploy tear gases in downtown HK. Cr.: @felix_image at @HK_Imaginaire #StandWithHongKong #antiELAB
Lady Liberty on wheels leading #antiELAB protesters’ retreat east toward Causeway Bay.
Some #antiELAB supporters are saying today’s airport action has already had the intended effect, with Airport Express stations closed and long lines of buses stopped on the highway awaiting police inspections. The police have done their work for them today. (Video via Telegram)
Inhumane case: Police refused to follow advise by FA and lead to delaying medical treatment. It could be death in the worst case. By the interview with FA. youtu.be/Gt2xoiuOWQo #HKGETV #humanitariancrisis #HK #Chinazi #terroristattack #policebrutality #inhumane #antiELAB
きゃりーらむらむの会見みたけど、法案の「完全撤回」宣言ではなくね? 「撤回する旨を立法会に出します」って言ってなかった? これって、立法会で否決されたら撤回にならないんじゃないの? #香港 #antiELAB #反送中 #hongkong
香港国際空港にて『レ・ミゼラブル』の民衆の歌を歌い、民主主義を訴える香港の人々。政府による暴力の残虐さが、指導者なき抵抗運動の団結をここまで強めている。 #antiELAB
This morning police were filmed chasing and tackling middle-schoolers outside Confucian Tai Shing Ho Kwok Pui Chun College in Tai Po, where yesterday around 100 students who wanted to participate in the #antiELAB strike were locked inside a classroom.
拡散希望 香港私服警察がデモ当日拳銃で実弾を打ちました! ペッパーボール弾だけではなく、 実弾です、ケガだけじゃすまないよ! なんか「おもちゃ拳銃」や「アンダーカバーは拳銃持つわけない」など 実弾使われた事実を否定する噂が流れてきてたから 証拠を是非見て下さい...! #香港デモ #antiELAB
The Investigation Ep.2 - 831 MTR Terrorist Attack by Hong Kong Police youtu.be/ZOUN8Cca_Lg Credit list: Pakkin Leung@Rice Post TVB Social Record Channel LostDutch #HKGETV #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #HK #Chinazi #terroristattack #policebrutality #inhumane #antiELAB
拡散希望 香港警察がデモ隊のふりをして燃焼ビンを投げた! (2/3) 信号のようなピカピカしてたライトは部隊用の装備だそうですし、 マスクなどの物で身分隠そうとするなら 自らこんな目立つ物は使わないだろ? 何度見ても腹たつ(続き) #香港デモ #ホンコンバッドコップ #antiELAB #antiELABhk