[What the hell is going on in HK?] 1/ After almost a year of #HKprotests, a 22yo lifeguard #Sinkaho, the first person that pleaded guilty to riot charges, is sentenced to 4 yrs behind bars today, even though he just threw umbrella & helmet during #antiELAB on June 12 last year.
1.7 million protestors today in support of the Summer of discontent! Public opinion is still on our side! Keep fighting HongKongers! #antiELAB
Police stormed into the MTR compartment and attacked passengers. Some were extremely frightened and hurted. #antiELAB
Hong Kong is full of stars. Hang on! #antiELAB #FreeHongKong
[Video recap] Last year today 20190825: thousands marched from Kwai Chung to Tsuen Wan, large conflict broke out at Yeung Uk Road. #HongKongProtests #hongkong #antiELAB
Police beat the reporters. Its totally unacceptable. Stop police brutality NOW! #antiELAB #FreeHongKong
#Thread: A quick look at the development of #LennonWalls in #HongKong, which started out at the govt office in 2014 during Occupy, rebuilt in 2019 and spread to all districts since the early days of the #antiELAB movement, playing an important role in mobilising people..
香港からの観光客の人が渋谷の抗議の輪の中に入って #香港加油 って大きな声で言ってるの見て、香港にいたら絶対にデモに行ってたであろう人のための場所に渋谷がなってるのはほんと大きな意味があると思う。それが香港の状況にどれだけの意味があるかは置いておいて。#antiELAB
Today marks a year since #antiELAB movement in #HongKong. Hong Kong has never been the same again.
What has happened in Hong Kong in 2019? Why massive protests happened? Let’s take a look at it in 2 minutes. #antiELAB #FreeHongKong #FreedomHK
The turnout for today’s banned #antiELAB march from TST to West Kowloon is remarkable. Two streams moving northward and southward on Nathan Road. #HKprotests #HongKongProstests
A first aider shared his gas mask with a kid as Police continue to deploy tear gases in downtown HK. Cr.: @felix_image at @HK_Imaginaire #StandWithHongKong #antiELAB
It’s what you call “warzone”. The police brutality is real. #antiELAB
A flag warning the police not to shoot first-aiders was raised yesterday. There were first-aiders being shot and fainted. HUMANITARIAN CRSIS now in Hong Kong. #antiELAB
Lady Liberty on wheels leading #antiELAB protesters’ retreat east toward Causeway Bay.
What can you do to help Hong Kong #antiELAB ? 1. Share 2. Donate 3. Set Up 4. Rally 5. Create 6. Sign 7. Boycott 8. Voice 9. Tweet Please RT & #StandWithHongKong
BREAKING: Earlier today, the pro-Beijing triad gangsters were cheering for the police when they were marching out. This is another proof of thug-police collusion. #antiELAB #freedomHK #FreeHK
きゃりーらむらむの会見みたけど、法案の「完全撤回」宣言ではなくね? 「撤回する旨を立法会に出します」って言ってなかった? これって、立法会で否決されたら撤回にならないんじゃないの? #香港 #antiELAB #反送中 #hongkong
[clip from the internet] Police stormed into the MTR platform and compartment and attacked passengers. Obviously there were citizens who were shocked. Some were extremely frightened and hurted. #antiELAB
#FreeHongKong action at New York Central Station. Proud to be HONGKONGERS! #antiELAB #FreedomHK
@TiffanyAndCo For anyone who hasn’t been following the #HongKongProtests, here’s the story behind the medic who was shot in her right eye at a protest and how she became an icon for the #antiELAB movement: theguardian.com/world/2019/aug…
The police was trying to murder the reporters. #FreedomHK #antiELAB
Just 15 minutes into the “Stuck with You” pressure test protest at Hong Kong International Airport and there are already several hundred #antiELAB protesters gathered outside at the airport bus terminus. These things tend not to get serious until a few hours after the start time.
香港国際空港にて『レ・ミゼラブル』の民衆の歌を歌い、民主主義を訴える香港の人々。政府による暴力の残虐さが、指導者なき抵抗運動の団結をここまで強めている。 #antiELAB