// TW - sexual harassment, sexual assault, gaslighting, verbal and physical abuse #Thread: Summary of OMEGA X Press Conference - regarding abuse and assault from SPIRE and Kang Sunghee (221115): #PROTECTOMEGAX
#Thread: SBS shares more developments regarding OMEGA X and SPIRE Entertainment:
#Thread: Current timeline of the entire SM situation: (There's a lot of moving parts to this developing situation at SM Entertainment that I'm clearly missing, but the below is focusing on the bigger headlines that have been reported in the last week.)
#Thread: SM Congress - New NCT U formation (not formal unit) - Current NCT members to mentor 21 contestants in Korea for upcoming NCT Hollywood (# of members to debut in NCT Hollywood was not confirmed) - NCT 127 to release LP and repackage - WayV to release LP (cont'd)
#Thread: Dispatch more details surrounding the situation between BlockBerry Creative and Chuu Many thanks to @Juni_trans for helping me review this lengthly article v.daum.net/v/202212191054…
#Thread: A quick look at the development of #LennonWalls in #HongKong, which started out at the govt office in 2014 during Occupy, rebuilt in 2019 and spread to all districts since the early days of the #antiELAB movement, playing an important role in mobilising people..
// TW - verbal and physical abuse + assault #Thread: SBS has shared video of Spire Entertainment's CEO "Kang" abusing and assaulting members of OMEGA X in LA following a concert part of their world tour v.daum.net/v/202210241718…
#Thread: Lee Sujeong (Lovelyz BabySoul) to make release her solo debut album today with title track "달을 걸어서" "달을 걸어서" is a continuation of "조각달" which Lee Sujeong released as BabySoul two years ago and reflects the growth of her as an artist entertain.v.daum.net/v/202204260800…
#Thread: Multiple artists will not be attending KAMP LA 2022 beginning tomorrow