THREAD: I spent all day reviewing & finalising first seven chapters of my new book on #China #HumanRights, including #HongKong #Tibet #Uyghurs & crackdown on civil society & religion by #XiJinping #CCP, as well as forced organ harvesting, published later this year by @opibooks /
2. - send angry letters to urge pulling articles critical of #Beijing -seduce or intimidate scholars into dropping "sensitive" studies -hire students to counter-protest during assemblies related to #Hongkong and #Uyghurs
A rally will be held by groups in Ottawa on Feb 4 to protest against the #CCP continued crackdown on the #Uyghurs , #Tibetan and #Hongkongers, and to express strong discontent with the #Beijing2022 Winter Olympics.
👏Board of Deputies of British Jews president pleads with MPs to vote for the #GenocideAmendment ahead of today’s vote, and points out flaws in @neill_bob amendment (which does nothing to help #Uyghurs) thetimes.co.uk/article/mps-mu…
👏Simply incredible leadership from the Jewish Community. World Jewish Relief commits to helping over 6000 #Uyghurs in Turkey. jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/world-jewish-r…
2020/06/24, NHK 国際報道, ウイグル問題特集(1) #UyghurinJapan #Uyghurs
#BREAKING: @trussliz and @neill_bob table motion to deny @HouseofCommons a vote on the #GenocideAmendment - insisting on their previous amendment which does not apply to China, and will do nothing for #Uyghurs
#ウイグル #ウイグル自治区 自動翻訳 "動画:イリ県グルジャ市「新生活卸市場」が炎上。 #Uyghurs Ili は 70 日間「封鎖」されており、動物や作物はすべてなくなっていました。現在、ウイグル人が生きていく手段は残されていない。#XinjiangFactSheet #SaveUyghurs" twitter.com/erkinsidick/st…
“Hugo Boss has not learned from history. They will be forced to make a choice - human rights or the concentration camps of Xinjiang” #Uyghurs twitter.com/richferrer/sta…
Charles Parton OBE (one of Britain’s sanest voices on China) clearly labelling China’s treatment of #Uyghurs as “genocide” at @LordsIRCom meeting today. This is becoming the consensus view. Do we really want a trade deal with a genocidal state?
#NEW 🇬🇧 seeks debate on #Uyghurs at UN Human Rights Council! 🙏🏻👏👏 Let’s see if PRC “fights” as promised last week. reuters.com/world/china/co…
This is the lived reality for people who dare to speak up for family members persecuted by the Chinese Government. Please read and share. 👇 #Uyghurs twitter.com/RayhanAsat/sta…
4. Such #Beijing interference intensified before #nationalsecuritylaw. As @amnesty report says, #Beijing & its loyalists increasingly use “threats, bullying and harassment” to stamp out voices criticizing #China’s human rights violations in HK & #Uyghurs. amnesty.ca/news/human-rig…
Here's my Q: do you think it's consistent to flaunt your anti-slavery ESG credentials while you have senior employees who are CCP members - a political party which is enslaving #Uyghurs? twitter.com/StuartKLau/sta…
Phenomenal, painstaking work. #Uyghurs twitter.com/alisonkilling/…
Slow clap for the NGOs helping governments dodge responsibility to prevent genocide. Below is what govts should be doing. 👇 NGO reports on #Uyghurs which neglect to mention mounting evidence for genocide make life EASIER for those who have form in AVOIDING these duties….
Good exchange. Kudos to Nandy for refusing to let the issue go - a true friend to #Uyghurs. @trussliz response very careful but reasonably encouraging. Think we could see decent movement on 🇨🇳with these two. #NoGenocideTrade twitter.com/lisanandy/stat…
Human rights activists from the #HongKongers , #Uyghurs , #Tibetan communities and allies will be organizing a #NoBeijing2022 rally. @hk_watch Policy Advisor @jooeysiiu will be speaking at the rally, join us this Thursday!
中国の元警察官はウイグル族への拷問を語る。 ライフル銃で武装した数百人の警官がウイグル族の住む町で家々を回り、数百人を家から引きずり出し、手錠をはめ、フードをかぶせた。もし抵抗したら撃つと脅した。これらは中国の元警察官がCNNに語った内容だ。 #Uyghurs cnn.co.jp/world/35177647…
This is a truly incredible, vital piece of work by @adrianzenz, painstakingly researched, revealing yet more evidence of horrendous atrocities inflicted on #Uyghurs by #XiJinping's #CCP Check out #XinjiangPoliceFiles & let's Stop #UyghurGenocide xinjiangpolicefiles.org
Evidence of #CCP fascist #China using #Uyghurs as slave labor in Xinjiang!!! twitter.com/AshokBhat_KP/s…
中国共産党が #ウイグル の伝統的な独自性に関連したすべてのものを排除するように命じた後、独自の文化を持つ家の装飾を守ろうとするウイグル人達。 中国共産党は言語や文化などウイグル人が持っているすべてのものを段階的に破壊しています。 #Uyghurs #NoBeijing2022
The absurdity as well as the inhumanity of #CCP's treatment of #Uyghurs Uyghur cop’s daughter serving 10 years in Xinjiang prison for viewing Turkish films rfa.org/english/news/u…
Some thoughts on UK genocide policy for @BrightblueGB “…sends a signal to those suffering that their atrocities are only worthy of our recognition when that recognition costs us nothing” #Uyghurs twitter.com/RyanShorthouse…
During today’s Human Rights Rally of Solidarity with #Uyghurs in #HongKong, a protester was threatened by the @hkpoliceforce at point blank range. #StandWithUyghur