扶桑社刊「ウイグル人という罪」(2021発行)より 1/2 #ウイグル #Uyghurs
*Another* affirmation from the Biden Administration that China is committing genocide against #Uyghurs
Chinese ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming fails to explain new harrowing footage of #Uyghurs in #Xinjiang. #IPAC is calling for an independent and impartial UN led investigation into alleged atrocities in the region. ipac.global/campaigns/uygh… twitter.com/BBCPolitics/st…
Parliamentarians around the world from across the political spectrum would be gravely concerned if the exclusion of @MesutOzil1088 were due to his advocacy on behalf of #Uyghurs #StandTogether twitter.com/MesutOzil1088/…
Gee, let’s think. Restore #HongKong? Leave #Uyghurs alone? Stop persecuting #Tibet? Stop threatening #Taiwan? twitter.com/AmbQinGang/sta…
#Facebook is facilitating the modern slave trade.#Uyghurs twitter.com/SamanthaJPower…
⚠️The tireless @Nus_Ghani has secured an Urgent Question tomorrow on “the treatment of Uyghur women in Xinjiang’s detention camps” How much more evidence do you need? Give #Uyghurs their day in court. bbc.com/news/world-asi…
#ウイグル #Uyghurs #UyghurGenocide #中国 「ウイグル人という罪」(扶桑社刊)より fusosha.co.jp/books/detail/9…
Watch this video, reportedly of #Uyghurs sleeping next to their machines in a cotton factory in Aksu, Xinjiang. Freezing conditions. Inhumane. Would you like to live this way? twitter.com/WeiwuerXW/stat…
CNNの日本語記事です。#ウイグル #Uyghurs ”中国政府は新彊以外の地域に住む女性に対してより多くの子どもを産むよう奨励しているが、政府の記録によると、弾圧が始まる前年の14年には新彊での不妊手術件数は3214件だったが、18年には6万440件に跳ね上がった” cnn.co.jp/world/35157593…
Yet more evidence of the unrelenting brutality suffered by #Uyghurs. This report is important, and worth a few minutes of your time. 1/2
#GenocideAmendment is back in the Commons on 9th Feb. Lords 2nd Feb. @BorisJohnson is clear: the U.K. *will not* use the word “genocide” without a court ruling - but there’s no way of getting one at the moment. Don’t deny #Uyghurs their day in court.
The courage. The BBC report seems to have given others the confidence to speak out about rape and torture in the camps. #Uyghurs twitter.com/democracynow/s…
#IPAC 🇨🇦 co-chair @GarnettGenuis MP leads the Opposition in calling for the Canadian government to formally label the Chinese government's persecution of #Uyghurs a genocide. theglobeandmail.com/politics/artic…
The arbitrary detention, deprivation of rights, systematic torture & erasure of religious freedom of #Uyghurs & #Muslim minorities in #Xinjiang constitute crimes against humanity. No civilized world should tolerate this. Free them! JW twitter.com/UNHumanRights/…
Over 10 dead including a three year old, in a fire in #Urumqi #Uyghurs unable to escape because their doors were reportedly locked from the outside by China’s covid enforcers. This isn’t just an appalling tragedy. It’s state sponsored manslaughter.
#IPAC 🇺🇸 co-chair Sen. @marcorubio spearheads bi-partisan efforts to require the US Secretary of State to make a determination on whether the Chinese government's persecution of #Uyghurs and other groups in Xinjiang constitutes genocide. Full text: docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/…
1. Detailed account by @VanessaFrangvi1 on #Chinese meddling at universities in #Belgium, where Chinese embassies: -threaten to end cooperation w/ uni if continuing her #Uyghurs studies -recruit students to collect info on diaspora & expertise on #China plus.lesoir.be/328813/article…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 members Baroness Helena Kennedy and @DavidAltonHL propose a cross party amendment to the Trade Bill to block trade deals with genocidal states. If passed, this would open the way for the UK High Court to consider allegations of genocide against #Uyghurs and others.
I’m increasingly convinced that we dehumanise #Uyghurs in the West. If this were your mother, you wouldn’t be dithering over which court should rule on genocide. You’d be doing everything in your power to make this suffering stop. twitter.com/NurKashgar/sta…
Planning the next stage of the #GenocideAmendment with @ipacglobal colleagues @MPIainDS @Nus_Ghani and @DavidAltonHL #Uyghurs must have their day in court. Without a judgment, the @GOVUK won’t act. As HongKongers would say: add oil!
Turns out it was @BarryGardiner who has NEVER spoken on #Uyghurs, but was happy to celebrate genocide denying former ambassador’s departure, received significant sums from “spy” Christine Lee. twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
Crucially important. 131% increase in imports from the #Uyghur Region. We say we care about ending slavery. We say we care about #Uyghurs. But our actions speak differently. twitter.com/fbermingham/st…