ロンドンの街頭に「王毅はチベット人とウイグル人の #大量虐殺 を実行した犯罪者であります。」というポスターが貼ってありました。 In the streets of London : a poster showing Chen Quanguo, the criminal who implemented the genocide of #Tibetans and #Uyghurs. #ウイグルジェノサイド
#BREAKING House of Lords passes #BlencathraAmendment 177 to 135. The amendment would stop medical equipment being imported from Xinjiang. On to the House of Commons where a huge rebellion is brewing. ✊ #UnmaskSlavery #Uyghurs
1/ Think Tank @ASPI_org found that over 80000 #Uyghurs as forced labour from #Xinjiang’s #ReEducationCamp are forced to work in factories for 83 well-known global brands, including @Apple, @BMV, @Gap, @Nike, @Samsung, @Sony, @volkswagen and #Huawei.
Coverage of #IPAC UK cross-party efforts to allow domestic courts to consider alleged genocide against #Uyghurs perpetrated by the Chinese state. smh.com.au/world/asia/us-…
Shaun is right about this. Londoners don’t want to pay for #Uyghurs to be oppressed. @SadiqKhan should order an urgent audit to root out all contractors complicit in atrocities in Western China. twitter.com/ShaunBaileyUK/…
#IPAC advisor @adrianzenz giving harrowing reports of forced labour and birth suppression of #Uyghurs in Xinjiang to @BBCNewsnight. Forced labour and internment in 're-education camps' are attempts to "coercively re-engineer Uyghur society".
2. ... disqualifying pro-democracy runners from elections, arresting students for online speeches, wanting non-Chinese activists overseas, building a city-wide DNA database just like #Uyghurs in #Xinjiang, to paving ways to impose a rubber-stamp legislature under its full control
2/ For the past decades, #China’s despotic rule has cracked down on any signs of dissidence on its territory. Lawyers are made disappeared, dissidents are put under watch, and whistleblowers are disciplined. While #Uyghurs are detained while churches are demolished.
Facebook profits from genocide denial and blocks news in Australia. Read this investigation and vote with your feet. #Uyghurs twitter.com/richardbath/st…
3/ One of the laboratories, Sunrise Diagnostic Centre, is owned by BGI that is subject to #US’s sanction for involving in human rights crackdown in #Xinjiang and collecting DNA data from #Uyghurs.
And here is Bach championing the propaganda mouthpieces of Xi’s regime. To say nothing of his *appaling* response to #Uyghurs who requested that the IOC move @Beijing2022 Bach is playing an active role in a cover up of an alleged sexual assault. He should resign.
Potentially a very big day for #Uyghurs Liz Truss recently said she believes 🇨🇳 is committing genocide and reportedly told European Reform Group hustings that she would recognise the genocide if elected. This would be a historic and long overdue step. twitter.com/trussliz/statu…
Dear @DominicRaab What happened to this “urgent” review, promised in Jan? #Uyghurs
#IPAC 🇩🇪 co-chair @MargareteBause MdB calls for political leaders to not attend the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, to signal concern with the Chinese government's abuses of #Uyghurs and violations of international law. twitter.com/MargareteBause…
大人を無償で強制的に労働させている並びにウイグル人子供達を少し金で誤魔化し強制労働させる中国人。 彼らの命と血で作られた中国製品を購入していますでしょうか。 日本でもほとんどの商品が中国製に囲まれつつあり、中国製品を購入すると敵がもっと強くなるのを忘れずに! #NoBeijing2022 #Uyghurs
This morning, wondering what to wear, although this w/e there are no protests or rallies, I decided to wear my other new #FreeTibet t-shirt It's so important, as we speak out for #HongKong #Uyghurs #Taiwan, & dissidents & religious believers in #China, we must not forget #Tibet
Hidden in @CommonsForeign (v good) report on #Uyghurs is this bombshell: 👏
#BREAKING: European Parliament 🇪🇺 votes in favour of motion citing “crimes against humanity and serious risk of genocide” against #Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region. The language is the strongest yet adopted by the EP, alongside calls for new sanctions on PRC officials. twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
EU ambassadors OK human rights sanctions on China | Politico #IPAC 🇪🇺 members have repeatedly called for the EU 'Magntisky' act to be used against Chinese officials perpetrating abuses on #Uyghurs. politico.eu/article/eu-amb…
#Breaking UK Government intends to prevent a vote on the #GenocideAmendment AGAIN. They will instead re-table @neill_bob wrecking amendment which excludes #Uyghurs From a Government letter to all MPs. Really poor.
Ne les oublions pas ! #Uyghurs #FreeUyghurs
#IPAC adviser on #Uyghurs @MahmutRahima explains her frustration at the lack of international action over suspected genocidal atrocities in the her homeland. independent.co.uk/voices/trump-c…
#Uyghurs in Afghanistan, now facing persecution from BOTH the Taliban and growing PRC influence in the region: "We are living in fear. We need help. Please help." Important report 👇 twitter.com/joelmgunter/st…
Why is the @StateDept expressing outrage about the systematic rape of #Uyghurs before our own Government? This was a @BBCNews story. And it should have run at the top of every bulletin. reuters.com/article/us-chi…