A rally will be held by groups in Ottawa on Feb 4 to protest against the #CCP continued crackdown on the #Uyghurs , #Tibetan and #Hongkongers, and to express strong discontent with the #Beijing2022 Winter Olympics.
Basketball match among #Tibetan #Buddhist monks in #Qinghai! At this altitude of over 3,500m, they could easily defeat #NBA players.
Human rights activists from the #HongKongers , #Uyghurs , #Tibetan communities and allies will be organizing a #NoBeijing2022 rally. @hk_watch Policy Advisor @jooeysiiu will be speaking at the rally, join us this Thursday!
Once unpaved and rugged, now hardened and smooth, the 38,200 km-long rural roads on the #Tibetan Plateau will lead the local people to a better life.