I want to thank @SenCoryGardner for introducing the beauty, culture, & innovation of his home state of #Colorado to our delegation & the Taiwanese people. Together we celebrated the #US-#Taiwan friendship & looked forward to an even stronger partnership to come. #JFDS2019
METAL GALAXY WORLD TOUR ticket is on sale now! babymetal.wun.io #BABYMETAL #METALGALAXY #US #TOUR
#JFDS2019 showed once again that #Taiwan is a vital member of the international community in many ways. Throughout my visits, I was touched by the messages of strong support and encouragement from our like-minded friends in the #Caribbean and the #US. Go Taiwan!
I want to thank the #US government for notifying the Congress of the sale of F-16V fighters to #Taiwan. We will continue to cooperate closely with the US on security issues, contribute to peace & stability in the Taiwan Strait, and safeguard our freedom & democracy.
I welcomed a delegation today from @AmChamTaipei, a vital link to one of our most valued trading partners. They provided insightful input about challenges & opportunities in #Taiwan-#US trade relations, as we work together to address changes in the global trade order.
マジふるえた。感無量とはこのことか。#redbullairrace #レッドブルエアレース #幕張 #US-2
I teamed up with Tsai A-Ga (#蔡阿嘎) to welcome everyone to @CitiField in #NYC for the annual @Mets #TaiwanDay. #Taiwan & the #US share a passion for baseball, & nothing beats getting together with family & friends to cheer on our favourite team. #LGM #LetsGoTaiwan #LetsWin
As disinformation tactics continue to evolve, international cooperation is crucial. Delighted to meet #US @StateDRL Deputy Assistant Secretary Busby in #Taiwan for the #GCTF international workshop on media literacy & first-ever #IndoPacific Democratic Governance Consultations.
Pleased to exchange ideas with former US ambassador John Negroponte & his delegation from @TheWilsonCenter. Grateful for their valuable insights into #Taiwan-#US relations, & how much more we can accomplish through closer cooperation in economics, trade, & industrial development.
Pleased to meet @USAsiaPacific DAS Sandra Oudkirk, an important link between #Taiwan, the #US, & our regional partners. She sees #Taiwan as a reliable partner, & we look forward to working with the #US under the @APEC framework to address the regional challenges of the future.
Pleased to meet @USAsiaPacific DAS Sandra Oudkirk, an important link between #Taiwan, the #US, & our regional partners. She sees #Taiwan as a reliable partner, & we look forward to working with the #US under the @APEC framework to address the regional challenges of the future.
#NOW Thousands of protesters are attending a rally in Chater Garden, #HongKong, calling on the #US to pass the #HumanRightsandDemocracyAct that would sanction officials undermining rights situation in #HK #HongKongProtests
Some of those attending the Chater Garden rally in #HongKong supporting the passage of the #US #HumanRightsandDemocracyAct played the #HongKongprotest anthem before the start of the event #HongKongProtests (taken earlier, no signal to upload)
Some protesters decided to, without prior planning, march on Connaught Road Central, effectively stopping traffic in one of the major roads in the area. No #HongKongPolice in sight #HongKong #HongKongProtests #HK #HumanRightsandDemocracyAct #China #US
Portland and Seattle - purchase METAL GALAXY CD at the merch booth show this week and receive a free BABYMETAL sticker with purchase (while supplies last)! #BABYMETAL #METALGALAXY #Seattle #Portland #US
Portland and Seattle - purchase METAL GALAXY CD at the merch booth show this week and receive a free BABYMETAL sticker with purchase (while supplies last)! #BABYMETAL #METALGALAXY #Seattle #Portland #US
It is always a pleasure to welcome #AIT Chairman Moriarty back to Taiwan. He has made tremendous contributions to #Taiwan-#US relations, & we’re happy to have him here to discuss new developments.
At today’s meeting with @IRIglobal President @DCTwining & #Asia Director @johannakao, our discussions centred on the challenges #disinformation poses to democracies like #Taiwan & the #US, as well as how we can work with organizations like IRI to address these challenges.
Fruit from #Taiwan has a global reputation, & now fresh, healthy Taiwanese guava will soon be available in #US supermarkets! In fact, we will be the first country in Asia exporting guava to the US, a testament to our flourishing partnership.
It illustrates that we, the @HKHIIAD student delegation, have already been 7 places including #US #UK #Australia #EuropeanUnion #UN over the past 90days. We hope the Free World can #StandWithHongKong, pass the #MagnitskyAct. #UK should also grant more rights to #BNO holders too!
Always a pleasure to see @RichardBushIII of the @BrookingsInst, an old friend who has supported #Taiwan throughout his long & distinguished career. We are grateful for his many contributions & positive impact on Taiwan-#US relations, & look forward to his continued support.
하현상 'US' 드디어 음원으로 나옴ㄷㄷ 나오길 간절히 바랬는데ㅠㅠㅠㅠ하현상 음색 못잃어,,,   MV FULL ☞ youtu.be/vunLbiYppC0   [오늘의 30초] 하현상 - US   #하현상 #US #슈퍼밴드 #호피폴라
※심쟝주의※ 귀염 수치 과다로 심장에 해로울 수 있음 1:02초 그 눈물 내가 닦아줄게(스윽,,)    [내가 보고싶어서 모은 하현상.zip] 하현상   #하현상 #US
I was delighted to welcome a delegation of old friends from the @NATLCOMMITTEE. They have all been essential partners in strengthening #Taiwan-#US relations & promoting pioneering initiatives so we can work together to contribute to regional and global peace & prosperity.
🇺🇸#US Citizen William Devlin is now trapped in the #PolyU and besieged by #HKPoliceTerrorists Plz tell each senator and congressman and update the @StateDept & @WhiteHouse If #PolyU has fallen, many lives will be jeopardised. We need to fight against the #HKpolice NOW #SOSHK