Announcing our Asia Tour. So excited to be back to Asia to play these shows. More cities to be announced soon. #ONEOKROCK #Asia #eyeofthestorm
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: #Taiwan will always be a champion of freedom & democracy in #Asia. Glad to see organizations like @CIVICUSalliance recognizing the importance of civic freedoms & the role governments should play in defending them. twitter.com/CIVICUSMonitor…
Thank you Taipei! We’ll be back in 2020! #Taipei #Asia #TOUR2020 #METALGALAXY #BABYMETA
The @yushanforum is a bridge for dialogue between #Taiwan & #Asia. I was glad to share our many successes in engaging with the region at this year’s event, & I’m sure that once we’ve got past the pandemic, we will continue to build a safer, more prosperous world together.
What a way to celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia! On May 17, the Legislature voted to legalize #MarriageEquality, making #Taiwan the first country in #Asia to do so. Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue and dreams really do come true.
Thank you, everyone! #Movie #Asia #AKIRA #EXILE
#Taiwan has long been a bastion of human rights & equality in #Asia. It is disappointing to see @UN_Women misrepresent Taiwan, but misrepresentation can never erase the efforts of all those who fought so hard for the freedom & equality we enjoy today.
夜明けの恋人acoustic versionを KouさんdirectionでMVにしました‼️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ▼こちらからご視聴ください💁‍♀️ youtu.be/LZrlvZkI2kQ #Asia #jeity #夜明けの恋人 #acoustic
#Taiwan is a beacon of freedom, democracy & human rights. It's also the 2nd safest globally & safest in Eastern #Asia as per #Numbeo's latest crime index. In addition, the country remains the respected database's heavyweight champion of health care. ➡️bit.ly/2ZosHgc
ドライフラワーにJeity魂が宿った‼️ 小川智之氏のcoolで絶妙なアレンジでJeityが歌います。 【聴きやすく歌詞もあるのでこの動画で練習できます】 ▼こちら是非ご視聴ください✨ youtu.be/9j9WtyUQ8zg 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 #jeity #Asia #ドライフラワー #優里 #歌ってみた
#Taiwan is proud to be chosen as @RSF_inter Asia Bureau. We will continue to safeguard hard-earned #pressfreedom in #Asia & the world
残酷な天使のテーゼ!coverしました! ▼Check‼️ youtu.be/1S8wkSnw9As 👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼 Cover of 【A Cruel Angel's Thesis】 YouTube channel「Jeityはノーブルマン。」 Subscribe to Jeity’s channel! #Asia #coversong #jeity #Evangelion #anime
【Do you know this song?】 👍👍👍👍👍 Of course I do! 👍👍👍👍👍 「いい日旅立ち」 どれだけの人が口ずさんできたかー。 山口百恵さんの名曲。 Jeityが大切にcoverさせていただきました。 ▼こちらから是非ご視聴ください!Please listen youtu.be/ubGinYYPxT0 #山口百恵 #Asia #jeity
Results are in! #Taiwan's🇹🇼 global score is up & the country is the 2nd freest in #Asia. A vibrant democracy & strong #COVID19 response amid a campaign of coercion got the #IslandOfResilience top marks in political rights & civil liberties. Read #FreedomInTheWorld 2021 report.🔽 twitter.com/freedomhouse/s…
【Check it out‼️】 ▼Request please! youtu.be/80QXZXfOha0 ▼This music is epic! youtu.be/9j9WtyUQ8zg ▼ How can you even think to dislike this video? youtu.be/-sLY3uwe4UI ▼ Am I the only one who is crying? youtu.be/CfnrdoB_0hU #Asia #jeity #cover #Jeityはノーブルマン
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Please listen to his song. He can provide a very relaxing, comfortable time. ▼Here is the song that gently invites you to sleep ! youtu.be/FNszSuKnKvg 7000人以上のチャンネルご登録いただきました。 心から感謝申し上げます💓 #Asia #Japan #jeity
新曲シリーズ BTS【butter】カバーしました! ご視聴はこちらから ▼ youtu.be/iyrXeoUbEVg Jeity高音の魅力をお楽しみください! #Asia #bts #butter #Jeity #cover
Jeityはノーブルマン。 youtube.com/user/TheHirohi… 【春の新ドラマ主題歌祭り】開催中! ▼テレ朝系「特捜9season4」主題歌「僕らはまだ」/V6 youtu.be/ydWyhP9PM_M 本家とはまた違った歌声をお楽しみください。 #特捜9 #V6 #歌ってみた #jeity #cover #Asia
On #WorldHumanitarianDay, we salute the #RealLifeHeroes tirelessly toiling to build better tomorrows for the people amid #COVID19. Watch our video & see how #Taiwan is shouldering its share of the load across #Africa & #Asia via 450 programs in 60+ countries. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
More people in the region and around the world are coming to the realization that the #US is trying to create an #Asia-#Pacific version of #NATO.
#Japan’s future is in #Asia. If it insists to tie itself with the #USA strategy, there will only be a deeper antagonism in the Asia-Pacific region, causing the detriment of all regional countries, including Japan itself.
Once upon a time, Chinese people felt so insulted for being called “sick man of #Asia”. But now… did they earn this title again? #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina #ChinaCovidNews
YouTube channel「Jeityはノーブルマン。」の魅力は、 Jeityの多様性豊かな歌を楽しめることです‼️ 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 ✨今回は【融解sink/Vaundy】をcoverしています。✨ 低音、高音、最強です👍 ▼こちらから是非チェックしてください youtu.be/2NRWicwsU3I #Asia #cover #jeity #Vaunty
グモニーじゃー↗︎🐓🍥 (𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜) 今日も😊宜しくお願いしまーす✌️ まだまだAsia滞在中の為 反応鈍いです😵‍💫 #Asia #Philippine #フォロパ100
A heartfelt welcome to #US🇺🇸 @GovernorVA! So pleased that @GlennYoungkin has chosen #Taiwan🇹🇼 to be his first stop in #Asia, we're sure that this 2-day visit will enhance our partnerships in both government & industry!