New Album “METAL RESISTANCE" jumped up #1 Amazon US Best Sellers in Albums! #BABYMETAL #Amazon #US #MetalResistance
Now arrive at Los Angeles. LAに到着ーーー! #US #CALIFORNIA #LOSANGELES #AIRPORT @ Los Angeles, California instagram.com/p/BHQBX7mDuoZ/
Only a few tickets left @thepalladium @hellyeahband! Make sure to grab your tickets now! concerts1.livenation.com/event/09005255… #BABYMETAL #LA #US
Happy #IndependenceDay to all our friends in the #US! #July4th
Had great discussion on regional security w/ #US veteran State official Daniel Russel, who helped lay solid foundation for #Taiwan-US ties
I thank @JimInhofe & visiting members of both Senate & House Armed Services Committees for their unwavering support for #Taiwan-#US relationship. We’ll continue to engage w/ US closely to safeguard our shared democratic values and ensure a free & open #IndoPacific region
BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2018 Confirmed !! babymetal.com/news/detail.ph… #BABYMETAL #US #EU #UK
#TaiwanTravelAct symbolizes the #US Congress' longstanding support for #Taiwan. The Taiwan-US partnership is a key pillar of peace & stability for the Indo-Pacific region & I am grateful to all members of Congress who supported this important bill
We are so excited about world tour 2018 with special guest @skyharbormusic and @DreamStateUK ! #BABYMETAL #Worldtour2018 #US #EU #UK
We celebrate the passage of the #Taiwan Relations Act 39 years ago. It is a law that is as relevant as it ever was & an enduring symbol of the #US commitment to Taiwan
Wonderful to meet @dpletka & @AEI delegation and discuss how #Taiwan-#US relations serve to stabilize peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. Based on our shared democratic values and strategic interests, I trust our partnership will continue to grow deeper and deeper!
It’s a pleasure to visit AIT’s new compound, a manifestation of #US commitment to #Taiwan & the enduring friendship b/w our two peoples. I also told Director Kin Moy that I’ve marked the opening ceremony on my calendar!
Thank you, @RepEdRoyce, @RepEliotEngel, & 170 members of #US Congress. Your letter truly embodies the spirit of #HealthForAll. #Taiwan will never yield to any political pressure trying to eliminate our presence in the world! twitter.com/mofa_taiwan/st…
Thank you, @marcorubio, @SenatorMenendez & 11 other #US Senators for taking a stand & defending the fundamental #humanrights, which should also be shared by the people of #Taiwan! #TaiwanCanHelp twitter.com/mofa_taiwan/st…
We thank #US @SecAzar for supporting #Taiwan’s participation in @WHO. The global disease prevention network should include the 23 million people of Taiwan.
Thank you @sendavidperdue for visiting #Taiwan & reaffirming your support for our longstanding partnership. We stand ready to work w/ #US & like-minded countries to ensure that no country is bound by any nation’s economic might or threat of coercion.
Today we dedicate the new AIT compound,we also rededicate ourselves to our shared commitment that as free & open democracies, #Taiwan & #US have an obligation to work w/ one another to defend our shared values. I look forward 2 an even brighter chapter in our enduring friendship!
Wonderful to see #AIT Chairman Moriarty again. We thank the #US for speaking up against Chinese pressure on int’l airlines to change their designation of #Taiwan. Our people deeply cherish the friendship that the US has shown us.
I’m pleased to confer the Order of Brilliant Star with Grand Cordon upon Kin Moy, Director of the AIT. Over the past 3 years, his efforts have brought #Taiwan-#US relations to new heights. Kin, I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. You will be missed!
#China’s attempt to block #Taiwan’s int’l participation will only reinforce our determination to play an active & positive role in the world. At this testing time, it’s heartening to see former #US @DeptofDefense #SecDef Ash Carter reaffirm our shared democratic values.
Before we take off, I want to thank everyone involved for making my #Houston stopover a wonderful one filled with good memories. My administration will continue strengthening every aspect of #Taiwan-#US relations. Until next time!
Thank you my friend, Chairman Armitage, for the unwavering commitment to #Taiwan & our shared values. We truly cherish your support of our enduring partnership with the #US. twitter.com/Project2049/st…
I’m delighted to welcome #AIT Director Christensen on his 3rd posting to Taiwan. Given the rapid changes in the #IndoPacific, I anticipate we'll work closely in strengthening the #Taiwan-#US trade & security partnership, as well as promoting regional peace, stability & prosperity
Welcome to #Taiwan, Admiral Swift. I salute your efforts to maintain regional security & deepen #Taiwan-#US military exchanges whilst commander of @USPacificFleet.
I thank @VP @Mike_Pence for recognizing #Taiwan’s democratization achievements & the importance of stability in the Taiwan Strait. Working together with the #US, we look forward to the continued promotion of peace & stability in the region. twitter.com/VP45/status/10…