It's not a bad thing to be labeled by the #US: at least it means there are voices out there not toeing the US line. Like the flicker of candle flame at night, it can help people catch a glimpse of truth.
This #US journalist was labeled years after his death, because he had moved his career to #RT after getting tired of being paid to spread #CIA propaganda. Is this the much-touted freedom of speech and press the US is so proud of?!
@StateDept Yes, big countries cannot bully small countries. Think about what the #US did to Cuba, Panama, Grenada, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria & Libya ... Does the US feel guilty now? Will the US pledge not to bully others any more, and under any circumstances?
While top #US arms manufacturers boasted of the conflicts in #Ukraine as a boon for business, American people are suffering from soaring prices and higher inflation.
While top #US arms manufacturers boasted the situation in #Ukraine as a boon for business, American people are suffering from soaring prices and higher inflation. The military-industrial complex gains while the people pay.
Some #US officials either lack basic knowledge about history or are forgetful of the past. What they say now might sound more credible if the country had observed the basic norms of international relations all along and had not audaciously launched military strikes against ...
This is what the #US submitted to the Meeting of States Parties to the #BWC. The US remains the only country that has been against the establishment of a BWC verification regime, for 20 years. If this is disinformation, what's truth?
Some in the #US have been accusing #China of "echoing" #Russia in spreading disinformation about its bio-labs. Strange. The US conducts more biological military activities in the world than others and has 336 labs in 30 countries.
The #US has gone so far as to threaten that other countries will “pay a price” for not following suit and imposing sanctions as it has done. One country orders a luxury meal, and the rest of the world has to foot the bill? This looks more like what a bully would do.
Having put #Ukraine on a tinderbox, the #US is fanning the flames and supplying arms. While the US military-industrial complex is pocketing huge profits, it is the #European countries that have to take in refugees and live with high gas prices.
Some in the #US have been brandishing sanctions again in an attempt to intimidate #China, reminding people of the empty threats & self-inflicted wounds of the trade war. They should know this: 1⃣ Sanctions are a double-edged sword and a boomerang.
If the #US really cared about the people of #Ukraine and promoted peace instead of delivering weapons & ammunition, the situation would have been much better.
Some #US official alleged that #China would provide weapons for #Russia. This is a ludicrous suggestion and a humiliation to Russia. Unlike the US, China never adds fuel to the fire.
Director Yang Jiechi: "The recent actions of the current #US administration on the #Taiwan question are obviously not consistent with its statements." "#China urges the US not to go further down the road of great danger." 🔗mfa.gov.cn/eng/zxxx_66280…
The #US has been the ONLY country to oppose setting up Biological Weapons Convention multilateral verification mechanisms in the past 20 years.
The #US is the ONLY country that still possesses chemical weapons. The #US has twice missed the deadline for destruction of its chemical weapons.
The #US is the ONLY country that still possesses chemical weapons. The #US has twice missed the deadline for destruction of its chemical weapons.
As a #Chinese saying goes, "the more concealed, the more conspicuous". The #US should give the world a very clear, honest and straightforward answer.
The #US side said it's in full compliance with its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention and does not develop or possess such weapons.
Some in the #US have a habit of creating and leaking #disinformation through anonymous sources. This is a sign of moral degradation. Distasteful and truly pathetic.
We welcome enactment of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022. The provision stating that no funds should be used to create, procure or display maps inaccurately depicting Taiwan is appreciated. Our thanks to the Biden administration & Congress for backing #Taiwan-#US ties.
Media reveal that the #US Embassy in #Ukraine has deleted from its website all documents about Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine recently.
White House officials have been briefing social-media influencers on #US policy on #Ukraine to attempt to counter #Russian propaganda. #UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar #Yac #UkraineUnderAttack #TikTok
3. What is stopping the #US from opening its overseas bio-labs, as well as Fort Detrick, to independent international inspection?
2. Why has the #US been preventing, single-handedly & for 20 years, the conclusion of a Biological Weapons Convention verification protocol?