#Taiwan🇹🇼, #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵, #Australia🇦🇺 & #Slovakia🇸🇰 are cooperating on combating digital crime. The forces for good staged a #GCTF aimed at beefing up the response to cyber-enabled & #Crypto threats. Our thanks to the near 300 officials from 32 countries for the superb event! twitter.com/SlovakiainTWN/…
… xenophobia and related intolerance. Each time, only 2 stood out in opposition: the #US and #Ukraine.
The lies and remorselessness are shattering the credibility of the self-claimed "beacon of human rights". Those #US officials should wake up from the world of their own imagination & glorification.
Take a look at what the #US has committed & is committing: real genocide against Native Americans, racial discrimination & gun violence, and brutality against #Iraqis & #Afghans.
When the #Chinese people are pained by the tragedy of passenger flight MU5735, the #US Secretary of State is still spreading lies about "genocide" in China. How callous!
#US arms manufacturers seem to gain even faster than the soaring prices. Profit-driven decisions?
The threat of #US bio-labs overseas is not a myth. chinadaily.com.cn/a/202203/17/WS…
#US hegemony: the culprit of the #Ukraine crisis. globaltimes.cn/page/202203/12…
Enriching #US arms dealers, bankers and oil tycoons while leaving foreigners bleeding is immoral & irresponsible. Paying lip service to peace while fueling the flames of war is hypocritical.
Apparently, the #US is a country which likes "war" and always in all kinds of "wars".
While #US fans the flame, #Europe pays the price.
According to reports, only 7 #Ukrainian refugees have been accepted by the #US and another 5 detained while #Europe has accepted 3 millions. Why can't US accept more people and provide less weapons?
#DPRK 1950, #Cuba 1961, #Vietnam 1961, #Panama 1989, #Iraq 1991/ 2003, #Yugoslavia 1999, #Afghanistan 2001, #Syria 2011 ... Red Star Belgrade fans held banners recounting #US/#NATO invasions/overthrow of 20+ countries/govts. But All Quiet in Western Media.
President Xi Jinping had a video call with #US President Joe Biden. Full text: 🔗fmprc.gov.cn/eng/zxxx_66280…
President Biden reiterated that the #US does not seek to have a new #ColdWar with #China, to change China’s system, or to revitalize alliances against China, and that the US does not support “Taiwan independence” or intend to seek a conflict with China.
President Xi stressed that he and President Biden share the view that #China and the #US need to respect each other, coexist in peace and avoid confrontation, and that the two sides should increase communication and dialogue at all levels and in all fields.
All should support #Russia and #Ukraine in having dialogue and negotiation. The #US and #NATO should also have dialogue with Russia to address the crux of the Ukraine crisis.
President Xi pointed out some in the #US have sent a wrong signal to “Taiwan independence” forces, which is very dangerous. Mishandling of the #Taiwan question will have a disruptive impact on the bilateral ties. #China hopes that the US will give due attention to this issue.
President Xi Jinping is having a video call with #US President Joe Biden. President Xi pointed out that the world is neither tranquil nor stable.
What is the #US hiding in the biolabs in #Ukraine?
On the #Ukraine issue, between the #US and #Russia, there are scores of countries besides #China that are drawing independent conclusions, trying to deescalate the situation, encouraging peace talks in deeds as well as words, and protecting their legitimate rights and interests.
If the #US had truly abided by the purposes and principles of the #UNCharter, how could it have staged wars without remorse for the people of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq & Syria ...?
If the #US had honored its assurances, refrained from repeatedly expanding #NATO and pledged that NATO would not admit #Ukraine, and had not fanned the flames by supplying weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, the situation would have been very different.
The claim that #China is on the wrong side of history is overbearing. It is the #US that is on the wrong side of history.
The Guardian view on #CIA torture, two decades on: we need the truth. “The systematic brutalisation of detainees was pointless as well as cruel. An honest reckoning is long overdue.” Indeed, the world needs more truth about the #US. theguardian.com/commentisfree/…