“US military biological facilities...are completely prohibited by the #BWC. We have long been exposed to the danger of being harmed by biological weapons.” South Koreans have taken to the streets to protest against the USFK bio labs.
#ロシア#ウクライナ 国内の生物研究所で生物兵器禁止条約(#BWC)に該当する活動を米国とウクライナが行っていたという疑惑を調査する委員会を設置するため、国連安保理に決議案を提出した。スプートニク通信の入手した文書で明らかになった。
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All of humanity has a stake in bio-security. A verification mechanism under the #BWC that is fair, independent and professional is urgently needed. Yet the #US has single-handedly thwarted the international effort for 20 years. One cannot but ask whether it has something to hide.
Then why has it single-handedly impeded the conclusion of a #BWC verification protocol for 20 years? Why has it remained silent at the calls to open its bio-labs around the world and #FortDerrick to independent international investigations? What's the secret they are hiding?
This is what the #US submitted to the Meeting of States Parties to the #BWC. The US remains the only country that has been against the establishment of a BWC verification regime, for 20 years. If this is disinformation, what's truth?