Congratulated #UK Foreign Secretary @trussliz on her new appointment. -Discussed regional issues, particularly #Afghanistan. -Will work together on the reciprocal recognition of vaccine certificates.🇹🇷🇬🇧 #UNGA76
#UK: Visits to domestic abuse website have increased by 150% and the number of femicides tripled in the first six weeks of lockdown. 7 in 10 women killed by a man told someone they were suffering from domestic abuse. #orangetheworld #16days #Femicide independent.co.uk/voices/domesti…
The @ArmyCGS, Gen. Sir Nick Carter, met with IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi, to mark the beginning of his visit in Israel. The cooperation between #Israel and the #UK is strong and it’s getting even stronger 🇬🇧 🇮🇱
Rozmawiałem dziś z Panią Premier @theresa_may o konieczności bliskiej współpracy sojuszników @NATO w obliczu nielegalnych i agresywnych działań Rosji. Stoimy ręka w rękę z naszymi przyjaciółmi z #UK
Hello #London !😻 I have my first UK show ever on 24th of May at the #MinistryofSound . Look forward to meeting you all!💃🏻❣️#UK #djsoda #soda
Thankfully, many countries understand that to achieve #HealthForAll, everyone has to be on board. So up until today, many like-minded countries including #Australia, #Canada, #France, #Germany, #Japan, the #US & #UK chose to #SpeakUpForTaiwan & help complete the #WHA story.
Former #UK MP George Galloway: “Chinese warships are not sailing off the coast of Britain or the US. It's the other way around ...
Building disaster resilience is key to advancing sustainable development & transforming our world. #Taiwan🇹🇼 is proud to share its related experience alongside fellow forces for good the #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵, #Australia🇦🇺 & #UK🇬🇧 through the #GCTF. Learn more▶️bit.ly/39Ct8Yw
ふと振り返った時にさ。俺達とEveの過ごした時間、あれから止まったままなのはもったいないなって思ったんだよな。 これからもお兄さん達とたくさんビールこぼそうな💚乾杯🍺 #UK
Minister Wu held a productive & rewarding meeting with @JohnDennisFCO. He welcomed the new head of @UKinTaiwan to #Taiwan🇹🇼, & discussed ways of further deepening friendship & expanding exchanges between the 2 sides. We wish the #UK🇬🇧 representative all the very best in the role.
英国は日本円で32万円を上限に月給の80%を政府が肩代わりします。3カ月は続けるそうです。同時にパブやレストランなどに休業を要請したのでその埋め合わせの意味もあるでしょう。英国も人が接触する可能性のある場所を次々と封鎖しています。#UK nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO…
Such a pleasure to welcome Trade Policy Minister Hollingbery & his delegation to #Taiwan. As the #UK is already Taiwan’s primary destination for investment in Europe, I look forward to an even stronger trade & investment partnership in the future!
New Album “METAL RESISTANCE" jumped up #2 Amazon UK Best Sellers in Albums! #BABYMETAL #MetalResistance #Amazon #UK
Our thoughts & prayers are with @BorisJohnson & the British people. We wish everyone combating #Coronavirus a speedy recovery & return to full health. #Taiwan supports & has every confidence in @DominicRaab, acting #UK prime minister, at this difficult time.
What is #hegemonism: The only reason that the #UK disengaged from #Huawei is because they were told by the Americans that they had to.
昨日のUKのダウンロードフェス、最高に楽しかった!そして、日本のスタッフからこんなクールなプレゼントが届いたよ!気に入ったぜ!ありがとう! Ali 銀魂 Ed 黒子のバスケ Matty NARUTO Dan 幽☆遊☆白書 Ben スーパーマリオ #downloadfestival #UK #ユニクロ
During the 150+ years of colonial rule by the #UK, all 28 HK governors were UK-appointed. No elections or democracy. #HK25 #HKSAR25
【Protest erupted in #London city center demanding Johnson to step down】Some Chinese netizens took the chance to show contempt for #UK's sanctions on #Russia. Disgusting Schadenfreude alert⚠️ #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #UkraineRussiaWar
We sincerely thank Formosa Club’s #Taiwan friendship groups from @Europarl_EN, #France, #Germany & #UK for urging the country's meaningful @WHO participation. Politics mustn't factor in the spread of #Coronavirus & jeopardize #HealthForAll. Learn more: bit.ly/2HlihDZ.
エリザベス女王の棺がウェストミンスター寺院に到着、まもなく国葬 live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv338529… 棺を運ぶ葬列の後ろをチャールズ国王らが歩ます。 19時から世界各国の元首らが参列する国葬、カンタベリー大主教による説教など。19時55分に2分間の黙とうが行われます。#Queen #Elizabeth #UK #reuters
3月16日、#浜田防衛大臣 は、ウォレス英国防大臣@BWallaceMPと日英防衛相会談を実施しました。両大臣は、今年1月の #日英円滑化協定 の署名をはじめとする日英防衛協力の進展を歓迎するとともに日英関係の一層の深化に向けて引き続き緊密に連携することを確認しました🇯🇵🇬🇧#UK mod.go.jp/j/approach/exc…
英南西部コーンウォールのパワースポット、海に浮かぶセント・マイケルズ・マウントを眺めながら美味しいフード&ドリンクを楽しめるパブ、ゴドルフィン・アームス。ぷりぷりの魚介類と英国産スパークリングワインをお楽しみいただけます♪ #G7 #UK visitcornwall.com
See #Yoshikimono in #KimonoKyotoToCatwalk at the #VandAMuseum in the #UK -- reopening August 27! Info: vam.ac.uk/exhibitions/ki… #Yoshiki @YoshikiOfficial @yoshikimonojpn @V_and_A
I thank my dear friend Lord Faulkner, #UK trade envoy to #Taiwan, for his advice on our offshore wind power development. I trust your visit will open the door to more cooperation opportunities in #RenewableEnergy between Taiwan and the United Kingdom.
40歳以上で英在住の私は2回接種を済ませましたがアストラ製です。接種者には接種前に不安払拭用の?パンフが配られました。それによると血栓の発生は50歳以下で1回目の接種で5万人に1人。2回目の接種では100万人に1人以下だそうです。以下にパンフ画像投稿します。#UK nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…