No Non Ne не Na Nee Ei нет жок Nej አይ Nē Nei ไม Nee Nem Leai Cha Yox Nie όχι नहीं Não 没有 Nein Немає Yo'q Не ні Níl Maya Nu Ոչ Nihil いや Hayır 아니 Ingen ਨਹੀਂ Hapana nullum žiadny না Không होईन Mba Tidak Geen 番号 Jo In every language, NO MEANS NO. #orangetheworld #16Days
At least six women are killed by men every hour in a global pandemic of femicide and sex-based violence that is being partly hidden by #COVID19 and mostly by misogyny. #femicide #orangetheworld #16days #16DaysOfActivism weforum.org/agenda/2020/11…
1 woman is killed by a man every 3 days in the UK. Femicide Census recommends a thorough collection of sex-desegregated data, ratification of the Istanbul Convention, and improved funding to provide safety and support. #femicide #orangetheworld #16days theguardian.com/society/2020/n…
No more oppression. No more discrimination. No more marginalization. No more gender-based violence. On #IDPD, commit to protecting the rights of women and girls with disabilities. #16days #orangetheworld
#UK: Visits to domestic abuse website have increased by 150% and the number of femicides tripled in the first six weeks of lockdown. 7 in 10 women killed by a man told someone they were suffering from domestic abuse. #orangetheworld #16days #Femicide independent.co.uk/voices/domesti…
Don’t be an accomplice to perpetrators of violence by being a bystander. Speak up, intervene and show you stand with survivors during the #16Days, and every day. #orangetheworld
#新型コロナウイルス の感染拡大以来、女性に対する暴力が急増しています。ジェンダーに基づく暴力撤廃に向けた16日間のキャンペーンは、より良い社会のために変化を起こすチャンスです。私たち一人ひとりが、果たすべき役割を持っています。 #16Days #世界をオレンジ色に #orangetheworld
Are you ready to #orangetheworld and take a stand against gender-based violence? Join us for #16Days of Activism from 25 Nov to 10 Dec! Find out more: unwo.men/QMkp50GnHa5