[TEEN TOP PARTY TO.N9NE 2019 EUROPE TOUR in UK] C.A.P & CHANGJO Message #틴탑 #TEENTOP #캡 #CAP #창조 #CHANGJO #PARTY_TON9NE #Europe_Tour #UK #LONDON youtu.be/mWtvHYCR3c0
当選後のスピーチで「ボリス、あなたは #Brexit をやり遂げた。コービン(前労働党党首)を粉砕した。コロナワクチンを普及させ、プーチンに立ち向かった」と前任のジョンソン首相をたたえました。トラス氏がなぜこの党首選で勝てたのかわかる象徴的なスピーチです。 #UK nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…
Happy #Easter, @BorisJohnson and the rest of the #UK. Hope you know that #Chinese netizens are rejoicing over #Russia sanctioning you personally. @ukinchina @CWilson_FCDO #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
Congratulations from #Taiwan🇹🇼 to @trussliz on her victory as leader of @Conservatives, soon to be officially appointed #UK’s🇬🇧 new prime minister. We look forward to growing our partnership based on the shared values of democracy, freedom & respect for rules-based world order. twitter.com/trussliz/statu…
Consul General Zheng Xiyuan (郑曦原) should be kicked out of #UK. twitter.com/Byron_Wan/stat…
#유노윤호 #NOIR #U_Know #UK #TVXQ yes24からCD紹介引っ張ってきて訳したよー! だからみんないっぱいいっぱい買ってよーう!🥳 ブックレットが130ページ以上ってCDなの写真集なのー ぎえぇぇえぇー😱❤️😱
The #Taiwan🇹🇼, #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵, #UK🇬🇧, #Australia🇦🇺 #GCTF on #COVID19 vaccine rollout was a boon for the 135 participating officials & experts from 36 countries. Experiences were exchanged, advanced strategies shared. Global🌐 health cooperation is key to combating #Coronavirus!
Outstanding to see #Taiwan's🇹🇼 friends @ZygisPavilionis & @DSakaliene accompanying like-minded #UK🇬🇧 lawmakers @MPIainDS, @GeraintDaviesMP & @DavidAltonHL on a special visit with @TW_in_LT Rep. Huang at The Taiwanese Representative Office in #Lithuania🇱🇹. We're #StrongerTogether! twitter.com/ZygisPavilioni…
英スタジオ見学ツアー「スリザリン祭り」の詳細です🐍 映画『秘密の部屋』でハリーたちが忍び込んだスリザリン談話室や、本物の衣装などが見られます💚💚⇒pottermania.jp/info/event/log… #ハリーポッター #UK #WBTourLondon
Good, strong, principled & timely backing of #Taiwan🇹🇼 in the @UKParliament's @UKHouseofLords. We sincerely thank @tariqahmadbt for clearly stating the #UK's🇬🇧 staunch support for our country. We also thank Baroness D'Souza for initiating the debate ably joined by fellow ... 1/2 twitter.com/UKHouseofLords…
The UK Government has published its latest Six-monthly Report on #HongKong, covering the period June to December 2020. Find out more about Six-monthly Reports - and why the #UK produces them - in the clip below. Read the #SixmonthlyReport: gov.uk/government/col…
Our sincere thanks to @trussliz for choosing to #StandWithTaiwan. The #UK🇬🇧 foreign secretary's strategy of ensuring "democracies like #Taiwan🇹🇼 are able to defend themselves" gives the country confidence as it faces #China's encroaching authoritarianism. gov.uk/government/spe…
Impassioned support from @aliciakearns during the #UK🇬🇧-#Taiwan🇹🇼 friendship & cooperation debate in the @HouseofCommons! We warmly welcome approval of the motion & thank participating MPs like @taiwanappg Chair @BobStewart_BUK & @amandamilling for choosing to #StandWithTaiwan. twitter.com/ChinaResearchG…
日本人が英国に入りやすくなります。日本での2回接種の証明書があれば渡航前の陰性証明も英国到着後の隔離も要らなくなります。10月4日から。日本も各国受け入れ時の規制緩和が課題になります。#UK nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…
#HongKong 2019: We want to hand over fugitives to Taiwan, China, and Macau 2020: We suspend to hand over fugitives to Cananda, UK, and Australia 相關討論 - 特區政府將暫停與英、加和澳洲刑事互助協議 lih.kg/2128837 #fugitive #UK #China #LIHKG
Is this the type of response that normal people will have, after reading about a child suffering from long #COVID19? #UK #China #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
5/ In order to safeguard HK’s liberties & foreign business interests, I call upon the #UK Gov to impose necessary sanctions & restrictive measures in order to push for the withdrawal of the bill & urge China to honour its promise of autonomy under its UN-filed Joint Declaration.
"UK Civil Society offers welcome to Hong Kongers" New op-ed by @benedictrogers To read: bit.ly/36lDKJU #BNO #BNO簽證 #hongkongers #UK #visa
The sole legitimate Govt of #Myanmar, the National Unity Government #NUG welcomes the announcement by the United Kingdom's #UK Govt of further targeted sanctions against those enabling the #BrutalBurmeseMilitary's assault on the democratic aspirations of the people of #Myanmar
JUST IN: David Perry QC has told #HongKong’s Department of Justice he’s not coming to #HK to prosecute pro-democracy activists over 2019 #HongKongProtests, citing pressure he’s been under in the #UK DoJ says another counsel has been appointed instead info.gov.hk/gia/general/20…
🇬🇧Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, a patron of Hong Kong Watch: "We cannot afford to allow those in the #HK and #CCP to muffle those in the #UK and elsewhere who have the power and protections afforded under the law to speak out against this growing human rights crisis."