I am on my way to Antalya, #Turkey, to discuss the urgent issue of ensuring the safety and security of #Ukraine’s nuclear facilities.
#Türkiye-#İtalya Hükümetlerarası Üçüncü Zirve hazırlıklarını ele almak ve temaslarda bulunmak üzere #Roma’dayız.🇹🇷🇮🇹 In #Rome to discuss the preparations of the third #Turkey-#Italy Intergovernmental Summit and hold bilaterals.🇹🇷🇮🇹
Lake Sevan in #Armenia, and Mt. #Ararat in #Turkey #アルメニア にある高山湖のセバン湖と、 #トルコ にある #アララト山 アララト山は標高5000mを越え、ノアの箱舟伝説で有名です。
#فضيحه_الفبركه_في_المملكه #السعودية البيان رقم ٥ من سلسلة بيانات قصة وفاة الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز ومصرع ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان بموت سريري .. عاجلٌ مَن يبحثُ عن الحقّ لا يَملّ.. #تركيا #اردوغان #Fabrication_Scandal_in_KSA #Turkey #COVID19 COVID-19 Erdogan الإمام المهديّ… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
土耳其重災還吃豆腐 網盜台救援隊圖稱「中國伸出援手」 news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/bre… 提醒大家小心中國 #認知戰 ! 台灣派國家搜救隊前往土耳其參與救援、卻被中國刻意盜用照片曲解,在網路盜用台灣照片宣稱「中國人向土耳其伸出援手了」無恥行徑令人傻眼。明顯是對國際的大外宣 #Turkey #Taiwan 圖:微博
#Izmir, #Turkey エーゲ海の真珠、トルコのイズミル
#Türkiye-#Polonya-#Romanya Dışişleri Bakanları Üçlü Toplantısı'na katılmak ve ikili temaslarda bulunmak üzere #Bükreş'teyiz. In #Bucharest to attend Trilateral Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of #Turkey, #Poland and #Romania and hold bilaterals.🇹🇷🇵🇱🇷🇴
#Türkiye-#Katar-#Rusya Dışişleri Bakanları Üçlü Toplantısına katılmak ve ikili temaslarda bulunmak üzere dost ve kardeş Katar’dayız. 🇹🇷🇶🇦 In friendly and brotherly Qatar to attend #Turkey-#Qatar-#Russia Trilateral Foreign Ministerial Meeting and hold bilaterals. 🇹🇷🇶🇦
I’m very sorry to heard about the Earthquake in #Turkey. Please stay safe and may all beautiful souls rest in peace. 🕊️🤍 be strong.
Conveyed best wishes of President @RTErdogan to PM @BorisJohnson of #UK. Pleased w/the decision of UK on quarantine exemption for #Turkey. Wish to conclude the Free Trade Agreement and develop our economic&trade relations.🇹🇷🇬🇧
#Turkey: Skyscraper on fire in #Istanbul.
Discussed with 🇹🇷 President @RTErdogan details about the situation on the frontlines, russian war crimes against civilians & damage to infrastructure. I appreciate all the support which #Turkey provides, including political and diplomatic.
With rumors that President of #Turkey, #Erdogan is livid that #Putin unsurprisingly didn't keep his word on the humanitarian corridor in the Black Sea, this may be a bigger turning point in the West's actions toward #Russia. twitter.com/Hromadske/stat…
At the request of the DM I received, I added English subtitles to the Japanese TV program that reported on HAARP. #Deprem #Kahramanmaraş #Turkey
We hacked main ziraat bank data center and main global money transfer line and its in our hand and they can't use it and we are extracting the documents about money laundry from Turkey and Iran regim and china and Russia we will share important documents later #OpIran #Turkey
international armys… especially europe and us armys… your currency is 20 times more valuable than ours, so even a little amount can make a difference here. Please donate if you can…🙏🏼 #Turkey
#Turkey is the largest donor of humanitarian aid. Proud to be part of the world’s most generous nation. Deep appreciation for the efforts of the humanitarian workers. Civilization is a question of conscience not possibility! #WorldHumanitarianDay
#SHIB is Currently One of the Most Popular Crypto Assets in #Turkey thecryptobasic.com/2023/04/18/shi…
#Canlı 📡 #Türkiye-#Afganistan-#Pakistan Dışişleri Bakanları Ortak Basın Toplantısı #Live 📡 Joint Press Conference Following Trilateral Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of #Turkey, #Afghanistan and #Pakistan 📍İstanbul twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
We also discussed the possibility of evacuation from Mariupol, especially of wounded civilians. I‘m sincerely grateful to 🇹🇷 President @RTErdogan for humanitarian aid & assistance to Ukrainian citizens who fled to #Turkey from the russian war twitter.com/oleksiirezniko…
🚨🧵 Letter to Osechkin from a Russian government source dated January 4th, 2023. Subject: #Russia is trying to foment a new conflict with #Japan and #Turkey. “Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko is already officially voicing a military ultimatum to Japan on behalf of Russia.
#Canlı 📡 #Türkiye-#Polonya-#Romanya Dışişleri Bakanları Ortak Basın Toplantısı #Live 📡 Joint Press Conference Following Trilateral Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of #Turkey, #Poland and #Romania 📍Bükreş/Bucharest twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
At the invitation of #Turkey’s Foreign Minister @MevlutCavusoglu I will travel tomorrow to Antalya. In meetings there I hope to make progress on the urgent issue of ensuring the safety and security of #Ukraine’s nuclear facilities. We need to act now!
#Turkey: Women who stand against impunity, #femicide, abuse, harassment, and rape are put on trial. In 2019, 440 women were murdered by men in Turkey, and women are standing trial for performing the Las Tesis dance in protest. #EndImpunity Report: ahvalnews.com/femicides/turk…
Human rights defenders in #Turkey issue rallying cry for international solidarity: Ankara Women’s Platform call for action ahead of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. #EndImpunity #StopKillingWomen Report: morningstaronline.co.uk/article/w/wome…