#فضيحه_الفبركه_في_المملكه #السعودية البيان رقم ٥ من سلسلة بيانات قصة وفاة الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز ومصرع ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان بموت سريري .. عاجلٌ مَن يبحثُ عن الحقّ لا يَملّ.. #تركيا #اردوغان #Fabrication_Scandal_in_KSA #Turkey #COVID19 COVID-19 Erdogan الإمام المهديّ… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#SHIB is Currently One of the Most Popular Crypto Assets in #Turkey thecryptobasic.com/2023/04/18/shi…
拡散 #東日本大震災#津波 による #福島第一原発事故 5年前には安全性の指摘を受け 想定内だったことが判明 #売国奴日本政府与野党#日米合同委員会 と計画して 人工地震を起こして 東北の無実の人たちの命を奪った可能性が高いと思われます #人工地震 #HAARP #Turkey @kishida230
NATO member #Turkey has started drone strikes on the people of NE #Syria again, including this car west of #Kobani. Turkey continues to conduct airstrikes against civilians in NE Syria. #Rojava
Chinese take every opportunity to flaunt their hostility toward #Turkey's support of human rights in Xinjiang, even after an #earthquakeinturkey . #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
— Donation for #Turkey earthquake victims! 🙏 Under the name of Build Jakapan Puttha, the team have donated 10 USD at @AFADBaskanlik earlier. Its a small amount given by us, but we pray that this may help the Turkish people that are affected by the earthquake. 💙 #BuildJakapan
While all the focus is on #Turkey. This is The White Helmets volunteers in #Syria, 3000 of them are on the ground searching for survivors and they really need your help if you can afford it❤️ whitehelmets.org/en/
台灣搜救隊抵土耳其阿達那機場 向聯合國RDC報到 news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/b… 土耳其強震釀多人死傷,台灣國家搜救隊昨晚搭機前往馳援。今晚第一梯次的搜救隊員已轉機抵達土耳其阿達那機場!並前往聯合國接待及撤離中心(RDC)報到。並已立即投入災區進行救援 #Turkey #Taiwan 圖:台灣內政部消防署
The images coming out of #Turkey really break my heart. I'm so happy to see photos such as this brave 10 year old holding on to her brother that was rescued a few hours ago. There is hope❤️
土耳其重災還吃豆腐 網盜台救援隊圖稱「中國伸出援手」 news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/bre… 提醒大家小心中國 #認知戰 ! 台灣派國家搜救隊前往土耳其參與救援、卻被中國刻意盜用照片曲解,在網路盜用台灣照片宣稱「中國人向土耳其伸出援手了」無恥行徑令人傻眼。明顯是對國際的大外宣 #Turkey #Taiwan 圖:微博
I’m very sorry to heard about the Earthquake in #Turkey. Please stay safe and may all beautiful souls rest in peace. 🕊️🤍 be strong.
SİTELER MAHALLESİ KARAMUSA CADDESİ NO:34 ADIYAMAN/ MERKEZ ‼️ ENKAZDAN SESLER GELİYOR YARDIM EDİN ‼️‼️ Leyla Mente Mehmet Mente Mustafa Mente Zeynep Mente Nazmiye Mente #Turkey #deprem #Enkaz #enkazaltındakiler #ACILYARDIM #acildurum
Turkey has declared a fourth level alert state The level 4 alarm condition includes an international call for help For those of you around the world reading this message Our people who were under the rubble of earthquake in my country need your help to be saved #Turkey twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
international armys… especially europe and us armys… your currency is 20 times more valuable than ours, so even a little amount can make a difference here. Please donate if you can…🙏🏼 #Turkey
My heart and prayers goes out to the #SHIBARMY in #Turkey and #Syria. Please put non-profits that accept #Shib from the commemt area so whales can help!
Fury of Mother Nature Major back to back earthquakes jolts #Turkey & #Syria with magnitude of 7.9 & 7.7 on Richter scale Killing more than 2000 people.Billions worth of infrastructure destroyed. PM @narendramodi pledges NDRF rescue/100 member medical team and relief material. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
At the request of the DM I received, I added English subtitles to the Japanese TV program that reported on HAARP. #Deprem #Kahramanmaraş #Turkey
【トルコ地震へ日本国からの支援】 トルコ地震において甚大な被害が発生したため総務省消防庁は 「国際消防援助隊」以下5名を 派遣しました ・総務省消防庁 1名 ・東京消防庁 4名 本日22:40 羽田発の飛行機で イスタンブール空港に向かい 予定だと翌6:00頃に現着します #Turkey #Syria
日本語字幕を付けました。 #トルコ地震 #Deprem #Kahramanmaraş #Turkey
Turkey has declared a fourth level alert state. The "level 4" alarm condition includes an international call for help. For those pf you around the world reading this message.. Our people who were under the rubble of earthquake in my country need your help to be saved. #Turkey
Is the Turkish judiciary turning into a criminal syndicate? arrestedlawyers.org/2023/01/26/is-… @ArrestedLawyers #Turkey
🚨🧵 Letter to Osechkin from a Russian government source dated January 4th, 2023. Subject: #Russia is trying to foment a new conflict with #Japan and #Turkey. “Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko is already officially voicing a military ultimatum to Japan on behalf of Russia.
#Turkey’s unprovoked attacks against the #Kurds must be stopped! #Rojava
トルコ政府は中国大使館の前で平和的デモを行なっているウイグル人達を強制退去させた 。 やっぱり中国の金が強かった。 恥! #Turkey
ایران و ترکیه با هماهنگی به کردها حمله می کنند. جنگ بزرگی در روزهای آینده در انتظار کردها است، این بسیار ناراحت کننده است. #OpIran #Turkey