Thank you for your support👍 🦅🦅🦅 #besiktas #sk23 #japan #Turkey #shinjikagawa #cometobeşiktaş
Hi friends, supporters and members of Besiktas🦅 I came here with a strong will and motivation. I will do my best to help the team. I’m looking forward to meet the passionate fans of Besiktas! Go, go Bisiktas! #besiktas #sk23 #japan #Turkey #cometobeşiktaş #SamuraioftheBosphorus
The images coming out of #Turkey really break my heart. I'm so happy to see photos such as this brave 10 year old holding on to her brother that was rescued a few hours ago. There is hope❤️
While all the focus is on #Turkey. This is The White Helmets volunteers in #Syria, 3000 of them are on the ground searching for survivors and they really need your help if you can afford it❤️
[#ACE_PHOTO] 📸 카이막 같은 에이스 역시 👍 See you again Turkey 🇹🇷 #에이스 #터키 #ACE #Turkey #주터키한국문화원
#Istanbul #Turkey 左はヨーロッパ、右はアジア。文化の交差点、#トルコ #イスタンブール
My heart and prayers goes out to the #SHIBARMY in #Turkey and #Syria. Please put non-profits that accept #Shib from the commemt area so whales can help!
[본방사수] ⏰ 잠시 후 한국 시간 9시, #주터키한국문화원 문화원 개원 10주년 기념 축하공연 자랑스러운 K-아이돌 에이스 무대 뿌셔 초이 심장 뿌셔 ❤️‍🔥 🔗 #에이스 #터키 #ACE #Turkey
ایران و ترکیه با هماهنگی به کردها حمله می کنند. جنگ بزرگی در روزهای آینده در انتظار کردها است، این بسیار ناراحت کننده است. #OpIran #Turkey
Thanks to the good news given by President @RTErdogan today, taking a huge step towards full independence. #Turkey becomes a playmaker in the energy field as well! Target 2023! Best wishes for Sakarya gas area.🇹🇷 #GoodNews
#Izmir, #Turkey エーゲ海の真珠、トルコのイズミル
Lake Sevan in #Armenia, and Mt. #Ararat in #Turkey #アルメニア にある高山湖のセバン湖と、 #トルコ にある #アララト山 アララト山は標高5000mを越え、ノアの箱舟伝説で有名です。
While BJP and its Hindutva goons are attacking Muslim women, their Hijab , their chastity in full public spector in India, What is the Muslim and the Arab world doing in response ? Can’t we stop this tyranny on Muslims by acting unitedly? #Kuwait #Saudia #Qatar #Turkey #Pakistan
Regular dialogue with our friends & partners from #Turkey.The next humanitarian aid from 🇹🇷 was discussed with the DefMinister Hulusi Akar. We also discussed the need to open more humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians. Thanks to all our partners for their support
#Türkiye-#İtalya Hükümetlerarası Üçüncü Zirve hazırlıklarını ele almak ve temaslarda bulunmak üzere #Roma’dayız.🇹🇷🇮🇹 In #Rome to discuss the preparations of the third #Turkey-#Italy Intergovernmental Summit and hold bilaterals.🇹🇷🇮🇹
I am on my way to Antalya, #Turkey, to discuss the urgent issue of ensuring the safety and security of #Ukraine’s nuclear facilities.
📌 Conveyed greetings and best wishes of President @RTErdogan to President Alvi. 📌 Pakistan is our second home. 📌 We are in Islamabad to further our excellent relations. 📌 Will proudly carry the "Hilal-e Pakistan Award”. 📌 #Turkey-Pakistan Dosti Zindabad! 🇹🇷🇵🇰
[#ACE_VIDEO] 🎥 A.C.E Turkey Fanmeeting Behind #1 🔗 #에이스 #ACE #Turkey
[#ACE_VIDEO] 🎥 A.C.E Turkey Fanmeeting Behind #2 🔗 #에이스 #ACE #Turkey
#Türkiye-#Polonya-#Romanya Dışişleri Bakanları Üçlü Toplantısı'na katılmak ve ikili temaslarda bulunmak üzere #Bükreş'teyiz. In #Bucharest to attend Trilateral Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of #Turkey, #Poland and #Romania and hold bilaterals.🇹🇷🇵🇱🇷🇴
Merhaba!!Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum. #Turkey in #CNBLUE
#Türkiye-#Katar-#Rusya Dışişleri Bakanları Üçlü Toplantısına katılmak ve ikili temaslarda bulunmak üzere dost ve kardeş Katar’dayız. 🇹🇷🇶🇦 In friendly and brotherly Qatar to attend #Turkey-#Qatar-#Russia Trilateral Foreign Ministerial Meeting and hold bilaterals. 🇹🇷🇶🇦
Discussed with 🇹🇷 President @RTErdogan details about the situation on the frontlines, russian war crimes against civilians & damage to infrastructure. I appreciate all the support which #Turkey provides, including political and diplomatic.
In #Turkey 이스탄불의 밤 허허하