Combating #COVID19 takes #AllHandsOnDeck. This is why we're working with TSMC Charity Foundation & Medtecs Group in facilitating the donation of coveralls, hazmat suits, head covers, isolation gowns, masks & shoe covers to #Eswatini, #StLucia & #Somaliland. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp🇹🇼
This @Telegraph article highlights the government's gold-standard response as key to limiting the spread of disease. #TaiwanCanHelp by sharing its experiences with other countries. Read @niccijsmith's firsthand take on how #Taiwan is combating #COVID19.…
#台湾 EUへ援助、贈られた医療マスクが届いた。勿論EUの医療人員に優先。 EUの公式サイトでは台湾ありがとうの映像をアップした。 ドイツのテレビニュースもわざわざ台湾への感謝は流れていた。 #TaiwanCanHelp
Much to chew on in this well-stated story by @Diplomat_APAC on why #Taiwan's democratic strategy is proving more successful than authoritarian #China. #TaiwanCanHelp the @WHO in strengthening global #COVID19-fighting efforts & realize #HealthForAll.…
It's great having @SecPompeo & @StateDept in #Taiwan's corner. The fight to share the #TaiwanModel & secure #WHA73 observer status is needlessly tough. But the backing of like- & right-minded partners gives us hope. #TweetForTaiwan & spread the gospel: #TaiwanCanHelp. JW…
Avocados are great. But they're even greater when cultivated from homegrown seedlings. We're happy to see Amb. Wen join @JuanOrlandoH at the opening of the #TaiwanCanHelp nursery project. #Taiwan🇹🇼 & #Honduras🇭🇳 are partners in promoting sustainable agriculture & realizing #SDG2.…
Highlights of #Taiwan🇹🇼-#Ukraine🇺🇦 Friendship Reception included stirring remarks by @ua_parliament’s @yulia_klymenko, @kiraincongress & @ICUVua’s @HopkoHanna. Grand finale was Minister Wu’s announcement of a US$56 million budget for #TaiwanCanHelp #RebuildUkraine. Slava Ukraini!
Watch @pmharriskn urge #Taiwan's🇹🇼 @UN🇺🇳 system participation at #UNGA. We thank the prime minister of #StKittsAndNevis🇰🇳 for his friendship & championing the country's role in international development. #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs & spur global action on shared challenges!
Thank you @AndersFoghR for the friendship, support & no-nonsense assessment of the need for #Taiwan's🇹🇼 meaningful participation in the activities, mechanisms & meetings of the @WHO⚕️ such as #WHA73. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp combat #COVID19 & save lives. It's our honor to retweet.…
#Taiwan🇹🇼 is a responsible member of the global community working to achieve the @WHO's vision of #HealthForAll. Our #TaiwanCanHelp donations of 10K #COVID19 vaccine shots to #Caribbean allies #StLucia🇱🇨 & #StVincentAndTheGrenadines🇻🇨 will save lives & power progress on #SDG3!
#Taiwan🇹🇼, the #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵 & #Australia🇦🇺 held a #GCTF on Efforts & Development on Eliminating #Hepatitis C in the run-up to #WorldHepatitisDay🇺🇳. The event involved 100+ participants from 39 countries & showed #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll! ▶️
👩‍✈️ Start spreadin’ the news, I’m leavin’ today 🧩 I want #Taiwan to be a part of #UNGA 🗽 New York, #NewYork 🇹🇼 Very proud to be sharing the country's latest & greatest ideas on realizing the #SDGs with @UN partners. ⏳ The clock is ticking: #TaiwanCanHelp achieve #Agenda2030.
Good common sense from @USAsiaPacific🇺🇸 DAS Waters. It's true. #TaiwanCanHelp spur global action on shared challenges & must be brought into the @UN🇺🇳 system. Bottom line? #UN Resolution 2758 isn't a blank check for China to run roughshod over #Taiwan🇹🇼 & its 23.5 million people.…
#Taiwan🇹🇼 & #France🇫🇷 are burning the midnight oil in combating #COVID19. Deputy Minister Tseng was proud to host a #TaiwanCanHelp donation ceremony for essential items safeguarding the health of the people. Many thanks to all public-private sector partners for the collaboration!
Watch #MarshallIslands🇲🇭 President Kabua make a strong case for #Taiwan's🇹🇼 participation in the @UN🇺🇳 system at #UNGA. We thank the country's good friend for his cleareyed recognition of the many ways #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs & spur global action on shared challenges!
We sincerely appreciate @AbeShinzo taking #Taiwan's case to @DrTedros for participation in the activities, mechanisms & meetings of @WHO. There's no question #TaiwanCanHelp combat #Coronavirus & realize #HealthForAll. It's time for the country to have a seat at the #WHA73 table.
To achieve #globalhealth, every life counts. The people of #Taiwan should be entitled to enjoy equal participation in all @WHO events. We thank like-minded countries & int’l friends who support our #WHA participation! #TaiwanCanHelp #HealthForAll…
Watch @MaritoAbdo urge #Taiwan's🇹🇼 @UN🇺🇳 system participation at #UNGA. We thank our good friend, the president of #Paraguay🇵🇾, for his support & choosing to #StandWithTaiwan. It's an irrefutable fact: #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs & spur global action on shared challenges!
Thank you @moisejovenel for the message of friendship & gratitude. #Taiwan & #Haiti are true friends & partners in prosperity. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp achieve #SDG7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable & modern energy for all. @claudejoseph03 @MCHaiti @PresumeMichel…
1,000-plus lawmakers from the #FormosaClub, @Europarl_EN & parliaments across #Europe can't be wrong! @DrTedros must put #HealthForAll above politics & bring #Taiwan🇹🇼 into the @WHO posthaste. We thank our cleareyed friends for standing on the side of right. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp…
Watch @allenmchastanet back Taiwan's bid for meaningful participation in the @UN🇺🇳 system. On behalf of the government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼, we thank the PM, @SaintLuciaGov & #StLucia🇱🇨 for the #UNGA support. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs, & we must #LeaveNoOneBehind.
I'm grateful #Taiwan's diplomatic allies are sending letters to @DrTedros requesting Taiwan be invited to the World Health Assembly as an observer. We have much to share & contribute on discussions over #UniversalHealthCoverage. #Healthforall #TaiwanCanHelp
Thank you @ComradeRalph for the warm message. #Taiwan🇹🇼 & #StVincentAndTheGrenadines🇻🇨share beautiful bonds of friendship, cooperation & trust. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #SDG4: Ensure inclusive & equitable quality education & promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.…
Watch @moisejovenel back Taiwan's bid for meaningful participation in the @UN🇺🇳 system. On behalf of the government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼, we thank the president & #Haiti🇭🇹 for the #UNGA support. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs, & we must #LeaveNoOneBehind.
VP Chen sits down with #Japan's @Sankei_news to talk #Taiwan's experiences fighting infectious diseases & #COVID19. The renowned epidemiologist stresses #TaiwanCanHelp the @WHO in ensuring #HealthForAll & preventing spread of the #coronavirus. Read more:…