ゼレンスキー大統領の演説について、皆様に自由な感想を持っていただきたいので私からは何もいいません。 私の2人の娘たちの名前には、🇯🇵と🇺🇦の2つの故郷を愛でつなぎ、愛で満たしてほしいという願いを込めています。 どうか皆様、子供たちの未来のためにお力をお貸しください。 #StandWithUkraine
The next 24 hours will be critical for Ukraine, and for Kyiv in particular. Tonight, please join me in praying for the safety of the Ukrainian people as the Russian military brutally continues its assaults on civilian targets. #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦
ウクライナのキエフの地下鉄の駅で生まれた赤ちゃん。#StandWithUkraine twitter.com/nexta_tv/statu…
THIS IS HUGE! Russia will be expelled from the SWIFT international banking system within the next few days, according to multiple reports. That would be a DEVASTATING blow to Putin and the mega-rich oligarchs who support him. #StandWithUkraine
最愛の彼女を残して戦場へ😥😭 ウクライナを支持します。 ロシアのウクライナ侵攻に抗議します。 #StandWithUkraine #ロシアのウクライナ侵攻に抗議する
昨日、フィンランド外務省の建物は青と黄色の光で照らされました。ウクライナの独立、主権、領土の一体性をフィンランドは強く支持します。 ウクライナ🇺🇦とウクライナの皆さんとともに。 #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦 twitter.com/Ulkoministerio…
嬉しいお知らせです!マリウポリ市の劇場から避難者が出始めました。地下のシェルターはしっかりしており,避難者が生きています!神様に感謝しています!そして,ウクライナとウクライナ人の無事を祈り続けます🙏🙏🙏 絵:ハリーナ・ナザレンコ #StandWithUkraine #ウクライナは勝つ #ウクライナ
WAR CRIMES: Russia reportedly launched an attack on a kindergarten and an orphanage in Okhtyrka, a small city in Ukraine's Sumy province, killing several children. #StandWithUkraine
BREAKING: The Biden Administration will ask Congress for $6.4 billion in economic and military aid to help Ukraine as it fights the Russian invasion. #StandWithUkraine
ロシアによるウクライナ侵略を踏まえた日本国政府の対応について(3月11日現在) #StandWithUkraine #Ukraine
🇧🇾 ' Беларускія партызаны падпалілі галоўную дыспетчарскую станцыю на вакзале Баранавічы, каб пераканацца, што расійскія танкі і тэхніку не змогуць перавозіць на вайну ва Украіну ' - @BFreeTheatre #Belarus #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 twitter.com/BFreeTheatre/s…
侵略に対してウクライナの人々と共にあることを示すため、抗議デモに参加してきました。また、この馬鹿馬鹿しい事態に巻き込まれたロシアの人々にも同情と応援を。最悪の選択肢ばかりの中でマシなものがあるとして、それを選ぶ力を持っているのですから。 #StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression
Today, while visiting #Kaohsiung, I by chance met Ksenia, a young student from #Ukraine. She thanked me for our support, & I assured her that #Taiwan will do whatever we can for Ukraine, a like-minded democratic partner. #StandWithUkraine
[When did my house becomes a Ukrainian shelter...?]#01 #Ukrainianshelter #StandWithUkraine #StopTheWar
It increasingly looks like Tucker Carlson chose the wrong side. #StandWithUkraine
「圧倒的な世論で侵略者を包囲しよう」 普段冷静沈着な山添拓議員の熱いスピーチ🎤 #StandWithUkraine
This is Rubizhne town. Once an industrial centre in #Luhansk region, it is now completely destroyed by #Russian invaders. Literally turned into dust. #StandWithUkraine
Almost overnight, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has become one of the most respected world leaders. #StandWithUkraine
Honoured to meet and chat with President Viktor Yushchenko, former President of Ukraine and leader of the Orange Revolution. #StandWithUkraine
#Kharkiv, Viktor Hubariev, 79, killed by #Russian bomb. He went out to buy bread and bring it back home to his daughter Iana. His daughter still has that bread with her father's blood on it. "It is a part of my father", she says. #StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAgression
Today marks one year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In defending their country, the #Ukrainian people have inspired the world with incredible bravery & determination. #Taiwan is proud to #StandWithUkraine & will continue to support our partners in democracy & freedom.
ウクライナをサポートしましょう!🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine bonfire.com/i-need-ammunit…
🖊️@ZelenskyyUa personally signed a letter of gratitude to our regular donors🇺🇦 Today, thousands of people worldwide, who became members of the 24 Friends of Ukraine by subscribing to a $24 monthly donation via #united24, will find this letter in their inboxes. #StandWithUkraine
ウクライナへの支援は、欧州のみならず、アジア含む国際秩序の根幹を揺るがす者に対する、国際社会による結束の証です。 我々は自由、法の支配、人権の尊重等の普遍的価値を有する同志と手を携え、強権を以って秩序を変えようとする者があれば、これに断固として反対します。 #StandWithUkraine 🇯🇵🇺🇦