渋谷ハチ公前で行われているロシアのウクライナ侵攻に抗議するデモで、小さな子どもを抱いた女性と男性の3人の家族に、記者が「ウクライナ人ですか?」と声をかけると、男性が「いえ、ロシア人です」と答えていた。 #StandWithUkraine
The sky over #Kyiv in the colors of our national flag 💙💛🇺🇦❤ #StandWithUkraine
ロシアの #ウクライナ 🇺🇦侵略により何十万人もの #難民 が発生していることを受け、#欧州委員会 は2日、避難してくる人々に #EU 🇪🇺域内での一時的保護を即時に提供することを加盟各国に提案した #StandWithUkraine twitter.com/EU_Commission/…
This is how 🇺🇦 #Bakhmut looks after months of 🇷🇺 shelling. The city became a fortress of invincibility. 10 000 people stay in the city without heat and electricity, refusing to leave home. #StandWithUkraine
マリウポリ市から避難したおばあさんは,オンドリを連れて別のところに行きました。何でオンドリが一緒にいるかと聞かれたら,"私の友人だからです"と答えました。オンドリと一緒に地下室にいて,二人とも攻撃と飢餓を経験したわけです。ウクライナ人は心が広いです💙💛 #ウクライナ #StandWithUkraine
Compassion, generosity & unity: These are the hallmarks of #LoveFromTaiwan support for those affected by #Russia's war against #Ukraine. Watch our video documenting the country's response to the plight of kindred spirits in #Europe. The people of #Taiwan🇹🇼 #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦!
At the time when #russia’s missile attack Ukrainian cities and towns, our children sing 🇺🇦 anthem in the shelters. russia will never defeat us. We are brave, we are strong, we are Ukrainians. And we will come out only stronger. #StandWithUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
Abducted and tortured #Crimea civic #journalist Iryna #Danilovych forced to hunger strike as #Russia denies her medical care #Ukraine #FreeDanilovych #LetMyPeopleGo #StandWithUkraine #StopRussia khpg.org/en/1608812006
Présidente, j'arrêterai d'importer ce gaz de la honte qui ne sert qu'à financer la guerre de Vladimir Poutine. Mettons fin à cette hypocrisie et trouvons des solutions à l'échelle européenne. #JT20H #Hidalgo2022 #StandWithUkraine
#Russia fired missiles at high rise residential building & a holiday camp in #Odesa region. #Ukrainian emergency services continue their rescue operation. It is known now about 17 people killed, 31-injured, incl. children. #russiaisaterrorisstate #StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNow
410 bodies of civilians killed by #Russian occupants have already been removed from the territory of #Kyiv region, Prosecutor General of #Ukraine Iryna Venediktova says. At the moment, 140 bodies have been examined by prosecutors & other experts. #BuchaMassacre #StandWithUkraine
Rescue dogs risk their lives and health too. That is why they work in special socks to avoid burning or injuring their paws. Photos taken after recent #russian missile strikes in #Zaporizhzhia. #russiaisaterrorisstate #StandWithUkraine
#Mykolaiv, #Ukraine. State Emergency Service of Ukraine reports 12 people killed following #Russian missile strike on building of Mykolaiv regional state administration. 33 people injured. #Russia keeps killing 🇺🇦 civilians. #StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAgression #StopPutinNOW
ジョージアはロシアによる侵略行為を強く批判します。そしてウクライナに対する支持と連帯をどこまでも続けます。#StandWithUkraine twitter.com/MFAgovge/statu…
#Mariupol #Russian invaders continue bombing #Azovstal plant from land,sea&air. There are still hundreds of civilians in the tunnels. They are hiding from🇷🇺occupiers. #Ukrainian soldiers keep on holding heroically Azovstal. God bless them. #StopRussianAgression #StandWithUkraine
I'm honored to witness the hard work of the volunteers repacking the humanitarian donations for #Ukraine. #Taiwan's love is seen by the world because of you! My sincere thanks. #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦 JW
Look how #Azovstal defender Zoryana Repetska meets her family after 5 months in #russia's captivity. Tearful reunion with her daughters who were waiting for her mother so much. #StandWithUkraine
#China will continue to increase strategic coordination with #Russia no matter what. Friendship with benefits boosts trade & is obviously "unlimited cooperation" 2.0. But #Taiwan will continue to do the right thing & #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦. JW reuters.com/world/china/ch…
A Hong Konger visits his friend in Kyiv. #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦 twitter.com/ArthurKei_UA/s…
英国はウクライナへさらなる4000万ポンドの人道支援を決定。医薬品、医療器具や基本的な生活必需品を届けます。 また周辺国へのウクライナ避難民を支援するため、英国政府の人道支援専門官も派遣しています。 英国はウクライナと共に、この局面を乗り越えていきます。 #StandWithUkraine 🇬🇧🇺🇦 twitter.com/10DowningStree…
#Russia's missiles attacked #Dnipro tonight. At least 3 people confirmed dead, 15 - injured. Filmed is a car in an explosion crater #russiaisaterrorisstate #StandWithUkraine
We all were raised, reading the books and watching movies where the decency, friendship, and love always overcome the forces of evil. In the real world it’s only possible when you stop being neutral. #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦
This is what #Russia's missiles have done to the centre of #Vinnytsia. We will rebuild and Russia will pay for it. #StandWithUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #ArmUkraineNow
#Borodianka, near #Kyiv, #Ukraine. 263 dogs in a dog shelter died from hunger and dehydration. #Russian occupants did not care and denied access to them. #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAgression #StopPutin