【活動予告】 集合場所:JR新宿南口(予定) 時間:8月23日 19:00-21:00 一年前の8月23日、香港は人間の鎖という平和的なデモを行いました。残念ながら、この自由でさえなくなるのが現状になっています。私達と心を繋いで、日本からの応援を香港に届きませんか? #StandWithHongKong  #人間の鎖
香港での人権抑圧をいっそう強め、中国の国際公約である「一国二制度」を有名無実にする「国家安全維持法」に反対する署名をしたところ、お礼の葉書が届きました。人権問題は国際問題。国境越えた連帯で、中国当局の直接弾圧許さず、言論、集会、結社の自由を守りぬきましょう! #StandWithHongKong
My honour to meet with @pritipatel on BNO scheme. Had a very constructive dialogue alongside with @lukedepulford and @benedictrogers. “The BNO scheme means a lot to Hong Kong people who had tasted freedom but gradually losing it." #StandWithHongKong uk.reuters.com/article/hongko…
China has been threatening the global order and the liberal values that we all share. Your freedom is at risk. Supporting Hong Kong means supporting the global fight to preserve our universal values. #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/CBSNews/status…
612 Global Rally (London) “Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong” @benedictrogers , CEO of Hong Kong Watch #StandWithHongKong #HKbewater2021 #HK
The Chinese consulate in Sweden never looked better. #FreeHongKong #StandWithHongKong
Support from all around thew world. The 12 young activists are still under tight detainment for more than 60 days in China who are unable to receive family visits & lawyers’ advice. #Save12HKYouths #StandWithHongKong
2 years ago today, 1 million #hongkong ppl marched peacefully on the street from day to night against the extradition bill. The gov didn't listen & the course of history was then changed forever. Photo 1: Anthony Rossi via @hkfp 2,4: Studio Incendo 3: Hf9631 #StandWithHongKong
【拡散希望】#香港版国家安全法に抗議します 香港が今まさに死につつあります。 中国が香港の民主主義を粉砕した後は、台湾、日本の順に襲われることになります。 日本のメディアではこの問題はほとんど取り上げられません。香港市民を応援しましょう! #StandWithHongKong #FreeHongKong
China has demanded that Australia stop its #StandWithHongKong Here's how you can show #SolidaritywithAustralia. twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
#HongKongers: As we approach #612, I have written this message for you, in my own handwriting, from my own ❤️, from the depths of my spirit, and just for you. #HongKong was once my own home. I unite with you today, and always. #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
「自由と民主」を求めて立ち上がった200万の香港市民。 すでに6千5百人が逮捕され、その過半数が若者・学生です。2019年6月以降の8ヵ月に渡る壮絶な現場を、至近距離で撮り続けた現地香港の10人のPhotographerによる作品、30点余を展示します。#HongKongProtest #StandWithHongKong
国会前、始まっています。心配された雨も降らず、涼しい風が吹いています。香港に連帯する人々が続々と集まってきています。20時までやっているので、来られる条件のある方、ぜひ。 #StandWithHongKong
Mooncakes with hidden messages, like those used by Ming rebels, have become a metaphor for how Hong Kongers now live their lives in a police state under the National Security Law. #MidAutumnFestival #StandWithHongKong🥮
Turned 28 today and grateful for all the support received in the past year. Will continue to be a voice of Hong Kong, and urge the world to build a stronger global democracy. 🎂🎉 #StandWithHongKong
Breaking: Pro-Democracy singer and former director of #HK media standnews Denise Ho @hoccgoomusic released from police custody #StandWithStandNews #StandWithHongKong
Breaking: The court refused to grant @JimmyLaiApple bail, he is immediately detained until next April. Ytd, @joshuawongcf and @chowtingagnes were put into jail, and now Jimmy is in custody. A wave of political purge is undergoing, please #StandWithHongKong and reprimand the CCP.
To unite the diasporic HKers community, consolidating our beliefs and visions is the crucial first step. Join us: 2021HKcharter.com #StandWithHongKong
Can't tell what was happening in this picture... (By LIHKG little editor) 相關討論 - lih.kg/axnAnPV #LIHKG #HongKong #HongKongProtests #StandWithHongKong #香港 #香港警察
US sanctions Chris Tang coz he besieged #polyu. The world didn’t forget the price students paid. #StandWithHongKong #CarrieLam
Timelapse of 2 million Hong Kongers creating history by marching through the streets of Hong Kong on 2019.6.16 Source: @StandNewsHK #StandWithHongKong
周庭さんら逮捕に日本は「重大な懸念」どまり 欧米との落差「弱腰」批判、SNS上で広がる - 毎日新聞 #StandWithHongKong mainichi.jp/articles/20200…
香港でやらせないというのならば日本で100倍やってもらいます! #8964Tiananmen #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #東京 #新宿