Lifeboats campaign: Senator Stephen Greene of Canada 🇨🇦 calls on the Foreign Minister to offer a “lifeline” to #HKgers. Thanks for #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
Hong Kong has been protesting for six months. The city may never be the same again. cnn.com/interactive/20… Peoples of the free world see their future by watching Hong Kong. Fight against authoritarianism together with Hongkongers. It is now or never #StandWithHongKong
BREAKING: The House has passed the Hong Kong Autonomy Act. #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/RepTedYoho/sta…
What can you do to help Hong Kong #antiELAB ? 1. Share 2. Donate 3. Set Up 4. Rally 5. Create 6. Sign 7. Boycott 8. Voice 9. Tweet Please RT & #StandWithHongKong
Today’s front page of “Apple Daily”🍎 “SWHK and Atlantic Council launch new US-China policy report” Join us at the Atlantic Council X SWHK event: atlanticcouncil.org/event/hong-kon… #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
Lord Patten: through changing Hong Kong's electoral system "the CCP has shown the world once again that it cannot be trusted" Our statement: hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2021… #StandWithHongKong
It’s graduation season in Hong Kong, and students are demonstrating their attitude in their own creative ways. Proud of you all me fellow Hong Kong citizens! The regime is losing generations of youngsters. How can they rule effectively in the future? #StandWithHongKong
Last year today, on the evening of 11.17, #hkpolice completely surrounded #polyu. It marks the beginning of The Siege of PolyU which lasted for more than 10 days. At that time, there were still about a thousand protesters on the campus. #StandWithHongKong (1 by WBC,2 ML,3-4 SI)
9.3 ppm of [HCN] in air was found by our journalist a few minutes later near #PolyU at 2216 on yesterday. almost meet the OSHA PEL (10ppm). & around 2 times of ACGIH (4.7ppm)!! HKers are under the threat of exposure of Chinese made tear gas every day. #StandWithHongKong
One year ago today, a message "Add oil #CUHK" was written on a barricade under #HKU after the event "Siege of CUHK". This was also the weekend when "Siege of #POLYU" started #HongKong #StandWithHongKong
#CCP and #XiJinping got what they had wanted? So, what next? #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
くそったれ。日本政府は抗議の声明を出せよ! #FreeAgnes #FreeJoshua #FreeIvanLam #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/japanavi/statu…
Today US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will meet with the #EU27 Foreign Ministers to discuss the crisis in Hong Kong. Here are Hong Kong Watch's five asks for action that should be taken as part of the discussion. #StandWithHongKong 🇪🇺🇺🇸🇭🇰
Hope is the one thing that can help us get through the darkest of times. #StandWithHongKong
One of the most high-profile podcasts I have done, and one of the most impressive one. Thank @DavidAltonHL for making this possible. Hongkongers' voices should be heard by people who believe in democracy. #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/davidaxelrod/s…
周庭さん、裁判所に出頭するために姿を現したんだな。「生きていれば、希望があります」とツイートした周庭さん不安だろうな。裁判も名ばかりの暗黒裁判だ。日本の政治家、メディアに「周庭さんに手を出すな」と声を挙げてもらいたい。#StandWithHongKong news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/f01e3…
Five Demands, Not One Less! Christmas Version God Bless HK #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong 好得!願榮光歸香港🇭🇰 光復香港,時代革命!五大訴求,缺一不可!
“We need an alliance that includes major democracies in the world – and to combat the authoritarian expansion of China. ” #StandWithHongKong Nathan Law: “Erosion of Hong Kong’s freedom has reached a new height” newstatesman.com/world/asia/202…
Great call with @PatKelly_MP to discuss the human rights situation in Hong Kong and what more Canada can do including pushing for Magnitsky sanctions and expanding its lifeboat scheme for Hong Kongers. #StandWithHongKong
HK Police still tells us this is proper use of police powers. And, Carrie Lam still refuses to appoint a Commission of Inquiry. HKers are outraged and will definitely fight on for freedom, human rights and rule of law! #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/LamYikFei/stat…
集合場所はJR新宿駅東南口前(右側)に決まりました! また、初めてデモを参加する方もいらしゃるので説明致します。基本的に手ぶらで大丈夫ですが、自家製のプラカードなども大歓迎!ただしヘイトスピーチはご遠慮下さい。どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 #人間の鎖 #StandWithHongKong
遅れた発信失礼しました。 今日のデモにご参加して頂いた皆様、 お疲れ様でした! すでにデモは報道されております: 47news.jp/search?phrase=… www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020… #生きる権利を奪還せよ #香港デモ #StandWithHongKong #香港人を中国大陸に連れて行かないで
Students in the #CUHK just parked a school shuttle bus on a main road to serve as a #roadblock to prevent #HKPoliceTerrorists from storming in. University Campus should always be sacred and we will definitely protect it. PROTECT students. #StandWithHongKong #CUHKMassacre
A first aider shared his gas mask with a kid as Police continue to deploy tear gases in downtown HK. Cr.: @felix_image at @HK_Imaginaire #StandWithHongKong #antiELAB
It is not new that #HongKong has already turned into a #policestate but asking innocent civilians to kneel and be obedient? It is unacceptable. Hong Kong is now being invaded and colonised, #HongKongers are alienated. Please #StandWithHongKong and fight against #Chinazi