アグネス周庭さんのフェイスブックによると、今警察はアグネスさんの家にいます。逮捕されるかどうかまだわかりません。 #アグネス #周庭 #StandWithHongKong
🗳️Cast your vote❗️ After the passage of the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act" on the House floor, should the Senate pass it as soon as possible? Tag your Senator and get their answers! #StandWithHongKong
多謝韓國😭 原文: 韓國大學學生仲支持緊我地! lih.kg/2000905 ●來源:失控杏仁核 #韓國 #StandWithHongKong #連儂牆 #LIHKG
#China is trying to silence us. So, we bring our struggle to their doorsteps. Join #FridaysForFreedom by @now4humanity. Today, #StandWithHongKong! now.world/fridaysforfree…
Breaking: President Trump signed the #HongKong Autonomy Act into law. “The bill that President Trump signed also allows for sanctions against banks doing business with blacklisted officials and agencies.” #StandWithHongKong google.ca/amp/s/www.wsj.…
Today 47 candidates in the Primaries are officially being charged by the NSL. The max sentence is life imprisonment. CCP aims to eradicate the whole pro-democracy camp in HK. As a nominee in exile, I urge @JoeBiden and @ABlinken to react on this crackdown. #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/SunnyCheungky/…
この動画、ぜひ最後まで見てください🙏😷 #StandWithHongKong #StandwithHK #HongKong twitter.com/black19743/sta…
Prtrait for Tony Chung, HongKong student leader, former member of Studentlocalism. He was just arrested by national security agents for inciting secession hours ago. He is only 19. 前學生動源召集人鍾翰林被扣上手扣帶走,被控 「煽動他人分裂國家」。 #StandWithHongKong
#HKPolice fired rubber bullets at protesters defying #China ’s push. Hundreds have been arrested. @joshuawongcf and I witnessed the first round of tear gas since the COVID19 lockdown. #HKers will never back down and will resist the #NationalSecurityLaw. #StandWithHongKong
心配をかけてありがとうございました。香港に戻ったばかり逮捕され、パスポートを没収した。この逮捕で博士の夢を破るかもしれません。東大に短く間、感謝したい。本当に研究を継続したいです... #nsl #StandWithHongKong
//Like many other protest movements, ours is built on the empathy we have for one another. Those who are in power and obsessed with power can never comprehend that.// #StandWithHongKong Give Hong Kong the Autonomy It Was Promised nytimes.com/2020/10/01/opi…
Hong Kong Police Force are arresting uniform students on the streets 相關討論 - 警察又搞學生妹 lihkg.com/thread/2037930… #LIHKG #HongKong #香港 #StandWithHongKong
Hang in there, Apple Daily. Whether we are in Hong Kong or abroad, we will always support your newspaper. #StandWithHongKong
Hong Kong Police fired pepper rounds indiscriminately at civilians during lunch time at the financial area, 27th May 2020 相關討論 - 持搶警員,午飯時間中環鬧市無差別槍擊市民 lih.kg/2037592 #香港 #StandWithHongKong #HongKong #LIHKG
My honour to talk to @matanevenoff, the legend who baited clippers into flashing his #StandWithHongKong T-shirt at #NBA game. Now he has shot 120+ videos on #hkpolicebrutality & zealously supports #HKers in our fight for justice. 👇🏻Click here & join us📺 patreon.com/posts/42387534
**連結更正!* 十月二十日前得到五萬個聯署,德國議會便會就制裁中國舉行聆訊。 請立刻參與聯署! 聯署中文版: bit.ly/2ZZxtAD 聯署方法: bit.ly/3mNgmvp 聯署網址: epetitionen.bundestag.de/petitionen/_20… English Version: bit.ly/3478FYL #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
The voices of HKers are everywhere. We need to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for its human rights violations. We need to preserve our culture, identity, and universal values as they are the most powerful weapons against tyrannies. #StandWithHongKong
One million Hong Kongers. Two years ago. #StandWithHongKong
More cities joined supporting #Save12HKYouths. The 12 young activists are still under tight detainment for more than 60 days in China who are unable to receive family visits, lawyers’ advice and medicines. There will be an online assembly tonight in #HongKong. #StandWithHongKong
Police are making arbitrary arrests across #HK. Secondary school students sitting in a park have been arrested too. We are seeing such arrests all day long and it simply shows why we have no #1C2S. #StandWithHongKong
#HKPolice is rewriting history of 21 July 2019 Yuen Long mob attacks. #Hongkongers will not allow them to! #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/tomgrundy/stat…
From London to San Francisco, from Tokyo to Kampala, the #FridaysForFreedom protest to defend #HongKong continues. This Friday, join @now4humanity volunteers in front of Chinese Embassies all over the world to #StandWithHongKong. 👉List of protests here: now.world/FridaysForFree…
【告知】7月11日20時〜配信💥自由、自治。そして民主主義とは何か。いま、私たちに何ができるのか。「香港国家安全維持法」をめぐり香港、台湾、沖縄にルーツを持つ若者が考えます!#StandWithHongKong [司会] 安田菜津紀 [登壇] 阿古智子 / 伯川星矢 / 小松俊 / 元山仁士郎 youtu.be/pFQE3hD-0pI