#NATO that bombarded the Yugoslavia 23 years ago is now accusing #Russia of "invading" #Ukraine. How stupid & shameless. To them, the morals and values they often talk about do not exist at all.
Fully agree. The #US and #NATO are the least qualified in the world to teach others how to respect sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Born in the #ColdWar, #NATO hasn't disbanded after it but continues to live on war, agitate for war & profit from war. It has never been a peace-lover or peace-maker.
#China has the best record for peace among major countries, as it has never invaded any country. The #US and #NATO should learn to respect the real peace-promoter, instead of dividing the world and stoking conflict with their "pride and prejudice".
On March 23, 1999 at 22:17, #NATO Secretary-General announced the "initiation of air operations in the Federal Republic of #Yugoslavia."
Mit jeder seiner Aggressionen gegen die #Ukraine hat Putin seine Situation verschlechtert: Nach der Annexion der Krim 2014 hat die #NATO im Osten neue Sicherheitsstrukturen etabliert. Jetzt machen wir in der EU und andere sich unabhängiger von Russlands Energie. Unumkehrbar.#EUCO
With each of his acts of aggression against #Ukraine, Putin has worsened his situation: After the annexation of Crimea in 2014, #NATO established new security structures in the East. Now the EU and others are making themselves less dependent on Russia's energy. Irreversibly.#EUCO
今日の髙橋洋一チャンネル☝️は 第434回 今収録しました!NATO軍と北朝鮮ICBMの話 是非見てください😄 youtu.be/1uaQx2cnooA #高橋洋一 #NATO #北朝鮮 #ミサイル #日本
This is why the #US and #NATO have no guilt or remorse for the massive casualties of innocent civilians they caused in military attacks on #Iraq, #Syria, #Afghanistan...
Staff of the Chinese Embassy in #Serbia paid tribute to the 3 Chinese killed in the #NATO bombing 23 years ago. History must not be forgotten.
Ukrayna’daki savaşı ve güncel küresel gelişmeleri ele alacağımız #NATO Dışişleri Bakanları Toplantısına katılmak ve ikili temaslarda bulunmak üzere Brüksel’deyiz. In #Brussels to attend @NATO #ForMin to discuss current developments, particularly war in Ukraine & hold bilaterals.
#NATO Dışişleri Bakanları toplantısı marjında ilk olarak Kanadalı mevkidaşım Melanie Joly’le görüştük. İlişkilerimizi ve Ukrayna‘daki son gelişmeleri değerlendirdik.   On margins of @NATO #ForMin met 1st w/ @melaniejoly of Canada. Reviewed our relations&situation in Ukraine.🇹🇷🇨🇦
According to media reports, #AUKUS is planning to commence new trilateral cooperation on hypersonics. This is another evidence that AUKUS indeed is a small circle aiming at building #NATO replica in the Asia-Pacific.
Putin mistakenly gambled on the int’l community turning a blind eye to his brutal invasion of Ukraine. He lost that bet. #NATO allies and partner countries #Finland and #Sweden met again in Tokyo today to condemn his atrocities. We all stand with #Ukraine.
More people in the region and around the world are coming to the realization that the #US is trying to create an #Asia-#Pacific version of #NATO.
#NATO Toplantısı marjında #BirleşikKrallık Dışişleri Bakanı Liz Truss'la ekonomik ilişkilerimizi, savunma sanayii işbirliğimizi ve Ukrayna’yı görüştük. On sidelines of NATO Meeting, discussed economic relations, defense industry cooperation & Ukraine w/FM @trussliz of #UK.🇹🇷🇬🇧
#Canlı 📡 #NATO Dışişleri Bakanları Toplantısı Sonrası Basını Bilgilendirme 📍Brüksel twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
At the @NATO #ForMin, evaluated developments in Ukraine and issues on the Alliance's agenda. Discussed new Strategic Concept that will guide #NATO's next ten years. Will further strengthen our cooperation in response to increasing global security challenges.
#NATO Dışişleri Bakanları Toplantısında Ukrayna’daki gelişmeleri ve İttifakın gündemindeki konuları değerlendirdik. NATO’nun önümüzdeki on yılına yön verecek yeni Stratejik Konsepti ele aldık. Artan küresel güvenlik sınamalarına karşı işbirliğimizi daha da kuvvetlendireceğiz.
#Belçika Ziyaretimiz Visit to #Belgium 🇹🇷🇧🇪 #NATO #OTAN
We don't know if Russian people believe the outrageous lies #Russia state media spouts out by the dozens. We do know that Chinese people do. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #RussiaUkraineWar #NATO
🇪🇺EUのジョセップ・ボレル外務・安全保障政策上級代表の「この戦争は戦場で勝たなければならない」という発言に関する🇷🇺ロシア外務省の #ザハロワ報道官 のコメント 💬 これは #欧州連合 が「経済組織」であることの証明だ. これではもはや欧州連合とは言えない. 今は #NATO の経済関係部門にすぎない. twitter.com/mfa_russia/sta…
#NATO 東進の動画。 時系列の地図で分かる様に、NATOの東進は防衛的ではなく極めて侵略的。 「NATOの防衛戦」は真っ赤な嘘で、#岸田 氏も安倍氏も #集団的自衛権のトリックとプロパガンダ でNATO侵略戦争に加担⁉️ イエローキャブの罵倒を浴びせるヤンキーの輩が指すのは、日本人ではなく両氏のこと。 twitter.com/Rasukule/statu…
#新帝国主義巨悪 US-UK による 🇺🇦での対露代理戦争: ①経済ライバル(欧州と日本)の弱体化 ②兵器メーカーの収益10倍以上で自分の経済危機回復 ③露を仮想敵国に #NATO 拡大 ④戦争で露弱体化 ✴️米はアラスカで露と一続き。新帝国主義マフィアが自分の手を汚さず戦費も払わず利潤を貪る #DIRTYWAR
China cites "#German Media" to criticize #NATO, except said media is categorized by the German authorities as a far-left medium hostile to the constitution with its origin linked to the KPD of the DDR. @bueti @deguoziganwu @crehage @Suyutong #TheGreatTranslationMovement