‼️⚠️#Myanmar military junta uses dead bodies as "tools of terror" @AP & @hrcberkeley investigates👇🏼Bodies snatched & dragged thrown into vehicles to unknown places, secret cremations, mutilated bodies returned to families, torture - this is state of terror ow.ly/6C7K50EVseK
As @UN_HRC holds a special session on #Myanmar, security forces turn violent as they shoot into crowd of peaceful protesters. Several have been shot. The world must act to stop further violence by military. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #CivilDisobedienceMovement #myanmarmilitarycoup
#Japan may have suspended new aid to #Myanmar, but it can do more:
❶ Place targeted economic sanctions against #Tatmadaw leaders & military-owned companies, including asset freezes and travel bans
❷ Support a global arms embargo
❸ Suspend defense cooperation
BBC story on police officers in #Myanmar who defected over to the resistance in the fight to restore democracy.
“We are paid by the people. The weapons we have belong the people. It is totally wrong that we are using these weapons against the people.”
#Canadian real estate firm .@Colliers
(listed on #NYSE .@NYSE) breach of their #HumanRights responsibilities under the #UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights by remaining complicit in the #Myanmar military’s int’l crimes and corruption.
✨A sky full of stars in Myanmar ✨
“The int'l community has a Responsibility to Protect the people of #Myanmar from atrocity crimes"
- .@UNHumanRights & @UNOSAPG
#Apr11Coup #FlashStrike
@SAdamsR2P @GCR2P @R2Protection
Comprehensive analysis on data leaks of #Myanmar businesses by @DDoSecret @donk_enby
See investigations on Coup-leader , Military Chief Min Aung Hlaing and his children’s business empires: Pinnacle Asia, Attractive Myanmar, Photo City.
@bauer_julia @JusticeMyanmar @Reaproy twitter.com/bayer_julia/st…
@Reaproy @cvdom2021 @MOFAMyanmar @pomyanmar @japan @JPN_PMO @kyodo_english @MofaJapan_en @MofaJapan_jp @ituc @hrw_tokyo @fccjapan @NikkeiAsia @hrn_friends_eng Petition to urge Japanese gov for concrete actions on #Myanmar !
ဂျပန်အစိုးရနှင့်ကုမ္ပဏီများအား စစ်တပ်ကို အစိုးရကဲ့သို့ အသိအမှတ်မပြု ရန် လက်မှတ်ရေးထိုးပေးပါ။ chng.it/56DxVQkq
Recognizing and inviting the Hitler of #Myanmar to #ASEAN Summit makes .@ASEAN a supporter of terrorist and #warcrimes in #Myanmar
We do NOT want any formal dialogue with them!
ONLY .@CrphMyanmar and @NUGMyanmar represent the people.
Recognizing and inviting the Hitler of #Myanmar to #ASEAN Summit makes .@ASEAN a supporter of terrorist and #warcrimes in #Myanmar
We do NOT want any formal dialogue with them!
ONLY .@CrphMyanmar and @NUGMyanmar represent the people.
Please urge your local gov NOT to accept the #Myanmar Junta’s replacement of incumbent ambassadors in your country.
See examples in Quote Tweet
[ Thread ] twitter.com/Milktea_Myanma…
@SecBlinken As @G7 country @JapanGov should join others to
➡️ Sanction Generals, MEC/MEHL
➡️ Suspend non-humanitarian ODA projects
➡️ Stop Y-Complex Project (@MLIT_JAPAN #JOIN withdraw)
US$ 21.6 Million (until 2030) land rent to #Myanmar Military
@SecBlinken @POTUS twitter.com/Milktea_Myanma…
Sai Sam Khan at .@_AEPF
“Today #Myanmar stands in solidarity with all oppressed people around the world who suffers from injustice.
We stand in solidarity with #MilkTeaAlliance
#Palestine #Syria #Columbian & grassroots movements against systemic oppression
#InternationalWomensDay ကမ္ဘာတစ်၀န်းတွင် ကျင်းပနေပါသည် #Myanmar တွင်မူ လွန်ခဲ့သော(၂) နှစ်အတွင်း အကြမ်းဖက်စစ်ကောင်စီက အမျိုးသမီး စုစုပေါင်း(၄၈၃)ဦး သတ်ဖြတ်၊ (၃၁၂၅) ဦး မတရားဖမ်းဆီးချုပ်နှောင်ထား၊ (၁၁)ဦးသေဒဏ်ပေး၊(၁၅)ဦး တစ်သက်တစ်ကျွန်း ထောင်ဒဏ်ချ၊ (၁၂၂)ဦးလိင်ပိုင်းဆိုင်ရာအကြမ်းဖက်..
Horrific air strikes by the genocidal military jets on Pazigyee village Sagaing #Myanmar killed 53 innocent villagers including children & women &critically injured dozens. How many lives is needed before the world rises up to end the genocidal military?
Statement from regional and Indonesian Civil Society Organisations regarding Special .@ASEAN Summit on #Myanmar April 24.
.@CrphMyanmar .@NUGMyanmar @EithinzarMM .@cvdom2021
.@jokowi @Menlu_RI @EricPaulsen101 @MalaysiaMFA
👇👇 twitter.com/asia_ajar/stat…
488 CSOs call on #UN & int. community to ensure that provision of humanitarian aid is not weaponized by #Myanmar junta in their campaign of terror. Calls for:
⭕️provision of aid/cross-border aid through local orgs
⭕️Countries to protect #RefugeeRights
#Bike4Myanmar Bike For Democracy protest in #Indonesia in solidarity w/ ppl of #Myanmar ✊ Protest in front of #ASEAN building during special summit dispersed by the police, 6 protesters detained. 2 are legal assistants from LBH Jakarta😒 @Myanmar_Now_Eng: facebook.com/myanmarnownews…
Free @kuasasiswa
#Myanmar stands with you!
Reusing the art he did for #SpringRevolution for us.
It angers to hear the news of @kuasasiswa being arrested and 20 cops breaking into the door before the lawyer could arrived!
Police brutality in @ASEAN is appalling.
@MYmilkteh twitter.com/kuasasiswa/sta…
บทความเพิ่มตีพิมพ์เช้านี้ที่ New York Times เรื่องความร่วมมือระหว่างกองทัพพม่าและไทยในการทำลายประชาธิปไตย
My article this morning at NYT elaborating on how generals plot together in Myanmar and Thailand to crush democracy #Thailand #Myanmar #Democracy
The military hauling lines of peaceful protesters away in several trucks in Tamwe #Yangon #Myanmar. violent crackdowns by brutal military cont. as they gun ppl down in the streets
#Mar3Coup #WhatsHapppeningInMyanmar #Myanmarcoup