Notorious 77 LID in Tamwe where tensions have ran high tonight. They are known to be one of the more brutal divisions committing atrocities in ethnic areas incl. #Rakhine & #Chin. In 2007, they ran over peaceful protesters & opened fire according to @hrw #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
#Mindat #Chin State within 48 hours #Myanmar Military has - launched airstrike & fired artillery shells - abducted people in the town to use as human shields - shot civilians using machine guns - employed heavy artilleries, around 1000 troopers Please do NOT ignore us again.
#BurmeseGenocidalMilitary #JuntaSAC launched genocidal airstrike, around 10:16 am this morning against civilians at Khuafo Village, Thantlang township of #ChinState killing at least 10 civilians including 2 children, more than 20 injured&destroyed several houses.. #Chin #Myanmar
Update from #Tedim Additional to the alarming escalating violence and shooting of civilians at #Mindat #Chin State, more civilians are shot in Tedim. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar twitter.com/hninyadanazaw/…