#Myanmar has their election stolen and their votes stolen as their military is trying to take over.
#Beijing trying to steal #HongKongers election: They detain/ jail all pro-democracy elected officials.
#ElectionsStolen! twitter.com/ThomasVLinge/s…
cowrote it with @benedictrogers , in solidarity with the protestros in #Myanmar. Democracies should come together to defend our common values in the face of rising tyrannies.
Opinion: The Myanmar coup is more proof that global democracy is under threat independent.co.uk/voices/myanmar…
1/4) When #Myanmar citizens travel these days, you have to hold up and show your NRC and say why you are traveling and where to at check points. So there was this case, soldier and police came onto the bus and checked passengers ID.
Marking a grim # of 1,000 ppl killed by #Myanmar junta since coup in Feb. according to @aapp_burma but like Ko Tate said, number is likely far higher. Many have been killed in ethnic areas due to fierce air strikes & artillery shelling, many due to COVID: reut.rs/2W2YVi1
Congratulations @TotalEnergiesPR for rebranding !
Total = funds Junta committing terrorism in Myanmar
.@TotalEnergies = continue funding to Junta committing terrorism in #Myanmar
Slogan suggestion for .@PPouyanne
“Total Energies - Keep Killing”
300+ ppl fled to Thailand due to airstrikes by #Myanmar military that started on 27 April. Many from Ei Htu Hta IDP camp & surrounding areas. Too common for IDPs to be displaced more than once. Airstrikes aiming outside villages where villagers r hiding ow.ly/YsDV30rG8ME
Statement from regional and Indonesian Civil Society Organisations regarding Special .@ASEAN Summit on #Myanmar Set for April 24.
.@CrphMyanmar .@NUGMyanmar @EithinzarMM .@cvdom2021 twitter.com/asia_ajar/stat…
#Thailand and #Singapore BLOCKED support for a global weapons agreement to protect 54 millions of lives in #Myanmar.
Countries must STOP weapons going to Myanmar military!
.@MFAThai .@VivianBala .@DominicRaab .@SecBlinken .@BWoodward_UN .@Reaproy
Due to COVID19 & the junta the economy in #Myanmar is free falling.
UN predicts poverty will double. Meanwhile the junta has been exposed for using human shields in battles vs resistance groups. #May14Coup #HumansAreNotShields #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
.@CNN reconstructs the minutes before 19-year-old “Angel” Ma Kyal Zin, was gunned down in the streets of #Myanmar during a peaceful protest against the #Myanmarcoup. 70+ ppl killed since Feb 1, some as young as 14. Watch 🎥👇🏽 Link: cnn.com/videos/world/2… #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
If .@Total @TotalPress @PPouyanne must make Government tax, duties or any form of payments, you should hold them in escrow or send them to the official #Myanmar government account held at the Federal Reserve Bank in the US.
Tax money belongs to the people sacrificing lives.
Dear .@POTUS @SecBlinken
We are disappointed by poor and vague responses by the .@sugawitter .@moteging administration to #HumanRights crisis in #Myanmar
.@JapanGov as a #G7 #QUAD country fails to share the same democratic values as others.
[THREAD] twitter.com/Milktea_Myanma…
@Chevron and @Total must stop any form of payment to #MOGE, Military Junta.
This is in breach of Myanmar Law and any tax payment should be send to Federal Reserve.
STOP funding killings in #Myanmar
@TotalDirEnergie @PPouyanne
📣Protest Alert 🚨
📆 22 Apr Wednesday
Decorate a large circle of fabric/paper.
Decorate to raise awareness on environment / #Myanmar.
မြန်မာလို ပုံတွင်ဖတ်ပါ။
Use the hashtags:
@cvdom2021 .@GretaThunberg @MilkTeaMM_MTAM
it's always so good & constructive to talk to the #British #Parliamentarians. Thank you for your support & solidarity with the people of #Myanmar who have suffered so much for so long under the genocidal military junta's reign of terror against the entire population of #Myanmar
it's always so good & constructive to talk to the #British #Parliamentarians. Thank you for your support & solidarity with the people of #Myanmar who have suffered so much for so long under the genocidal military junta's reign of terror against the entire population of #Myanmar
#Myanmar is currently suffering a catastrophic COVID19 failure due to the junta's February 1st coup d'état and subsequent violent repression. #July9Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #CovidIsNotOver yac.news/blogs/news/bet…
🔔Oxygen resource for #Myanmar.
If you or a loved one need oxygen due to COVID19, this app can help you find it. Share widely. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #CovidIsNotOver #July9Coup mmcovid.glideapp.io
1500+ org & individuals worldwide signed the letter strongly calling onto the special #ASEANSummit .@ASEAN to:
- support .@NUGMyanmar
- restore democracy in #Myanmar
- reject the illegitimate Military regime
#ASEANrejectSAC #SupportNUG
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar @cvdom2021 twitter.com/mta_PH/status/…
#Hokkaido University released #Myanmar's first micro-satellite from the ISS after @Reuters reported a delay due to the #coup and concerns of misuse. It says it has placed safeguards so the military will not be able to abuse the technology.
#WhatsHappeninginMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
Military (multiple) jets spotted in #Mandalay sky this morning (8:48AM). @hninyadanazaw has the images of jet in Yangon sky yesterday.
📍 Chevron HQ, San Ramon, CA
.@Chevron stop bankroll to MOGE, under #Myanmar Junta.
Stop funding for #warcrimes and #CrimesAgainstHumanity in Myanmar.
739 dead; 45+ are children.
30 sentenced w death penalty
twitter.com/truecostchevro… twitter.com/Milktea_Myanma…
I'm wearing blue today in solidarity with thousands of political prisoners in #Myanmar/#Burma
Many face brutal torture & sexual violence
The int'l community must speak out for all political prisoners & demand immediate, unconditional release
#BlueShirt4Burma #BlueShirtDay
Time to hold #CCP, #Myanmar mulitary junta and other dictators accountable.
#MilkTeaAlliance twitter.com/FCDOGovUK/stat…