Cool #Japan night, May 2. #ISS in twilight. 静かに眠る #日本列島。ほんのりと照らされる #ISS。最後の夜が明ける。
菖蒲(#アヤメ)が咲いています。 カキツバタやハナショウブとの違いは、花に名の通り網目模様があります。また、カキツバタは水中、ハナショウブは湿地、アヤメは乾いた場所で見られます。 #休園中 #temporarilyclosed #Japan #tokyo #ツイッターで楽しむ庭園 #Garden #Iris
The #Taiwan🇹🇼, #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵, #UK🇬🇧, #Australia🇦🇺 #GCTF on #COVID19 vaccine rollout was a boon for the 135 participating officials & experts from 36 countries. Experiences were exchanged, advanced strategies shared. Global🌐 health cooperation is key to combating #Coronavirus!
If #Japan votes yes on the #UNGA resolution calling for a global arms embargo on #Myanmar, it will be a major policy shift as Japan has abstained from all Myanmar-related resolutions since 2017. #Japan should not let the intl. community down.…
If #Japan votes yes on the #UNGA resolution calling for a global arms embargo on #Myanmar, it will be a major policy shift as Japan has abstained from all Myanmar-related resolutions since 2017. #Japan should not let the intl. community down.…
二十四節気「小満(しょうまん)」 あらゆる命が満ちていく時期で、動植物がすくすくと育つ季節です。 園内ではユスラウメやヤマグワが実り、サツキやアジサイが咲いています。 #休園中 #ツイッターで楽しむ庭園 #Tokyo #Japan #Garden #庭園 #二十四節気
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Please listen to his song. He can provide a very relaxing, comfortable time. ▼Here is the song that gently invites you to sleep ! 7000人以上のチャンネルご登録いただきました。 心から感謝申し上げます💓 #Asia #Japan #jeity
The strong showing of support for #Taiwan's🇹🇼 meaningful participation in #WHA74 is greatly appreciated by the government & people. Sincere thanks to the country's allies, as well as like-minded partners including the #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵, #UK🇬🇧, #Canada🇨🇦, #Australia🇦🇺, ... 1/2
困ったときに手を差し伸べてくれる人こそ本当の友達。台湾へのワクチン提供を検討して頂き、心よりに感謝します。ジョセフ.ウー A friend in need is a friend in deed. Very much appreciate the government of #Japan considering the provision of vaccines to #Taiwan. JW…
Minister Wu's @fccjapan press event was one for the ages. He broached all the big issues & hammered home an important message. #Taiwan🇹🇼 & #Japan🇯🇵 are great partners in dealing with nontraditional security issues via the highly effective Global🌐 Cooperation Training Framework.…
The government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼 are deeply grateful for #Japan's🇯🇵 donation of 1.24 million #Vaccine doses announced by @moteging. The heartwarming gesture spotlights the special friendship shared by both sides & a joint commitment to combating #COVID19. (📸 @MofaJapan_jp)
My sentiments exactly.✅ Thank you!🙏 Rest assured, #Taiwan’s 1922 vaccination appointment reservation system will put #Japan’s generous gift to good use immediately.🇹🇼🇯🇵…
6月の6が付く日はアジサイの日です。 ハート型のアジサイがありました。 ご入園には事前予約が必要です。 本日は空きがございますので、整理券予約専用ホームページ よりお申し込みの上、ご来園ください。 #都立9庭園予約状況 #tokyo #Japan #事前予約 #hydrangea
We welcome the #Japan🇯🇵-#Australia🇦🇺 2+2 Foreign & Defence Ministerial Consultations joint statement underscoring the importance of peace & stability across the Taiwan Strait & encouraging the peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues. #Taiwan🇹🇼 will continue cooperating ... 1/2…
We warmly welcome #Japan's🇯🇵 House of Councillors unanimously adopting a bipartisan resolution urging the family of nations to allow #Taiwan's🇹🇼 participation in the @WHO's #WHA75. The move recognizes the country's proven health care pedigree & an undeniable fact: #TaiwanCanHelp.
🙏🏻🇹🇭🙏🏻🇯🇵 日本からタイへのワクチン無償提供について、両国で正式に合意されました。タイ国民は日本に対し、心より感謝しています。困難な時期を共に乗り越えていきましょう☺️💉🦠🛬 #vaccine #Thailand #Japan #ワクチン #日タイ #絆…
Our heartfelt thanks to @moteging for a new donation of 1.13 million vaccine doses. The much-appreciated gesture allows the country to keep staging an effective #COVID19 fightback. It also shows the strength of the special friendship & relationship shared by #Taiwan🇹🇼 & #Japan🇯🇵.
The latest donation of 1.13 million vaccine doses from #Japan🇯🇵 has arrived safe & sound in #Taiwan🇹🇼! Our sincere gratitude to @moteging for the timely assistance enabling the country to continue staging its #COVID19 fightback. The support of a #RealFriend is truly treasured.
With the recent arrival of vaccines purchased from AstraZeneca & another generous donation from #Japan, #Taiwan's vaccination drive continues to move forward, with the goal of reaching a quarter of our people with at least one shot by the end of July.
More greatly appreciated support for #Taiwan🇹🇼 from #RealFriend #Japan🇯🇵! Our sincere thanks to @moteging of @MofaJapan_jp for announcing a 3rd donation of vaccine doses. The 1 million shots will help save lives & keep the country's #COVID19 fightback firmly on the fast track.
#CCP Vows to Nuke #Japan if Japan defends #Taiwan. As Japan is the only country that has been nuked, so nuking Japan "will get twice the result with half the effort." 中共軍事頻道威脅對日本實施連續核打擊,直到日本第二次無條件投降。
#CCP's 6 steps to Eliminate #Japan, Divide It Into 4 States and put them under administration of #China and #Russia with an "unlimited war". And liberate #Taiwan at the same time. #中共 軍事頻道威脅將 #日本 「滅國」,分割成四個小國,由中俄代管,中俄駐軍。同時「 解放」 #臺灣
Our thanks to @ModJapan_jp for highlighting the importance of "stabilizing the situation surrounding Taiwan" & paying "close attention to the situation with a sense of crisis more than ever before." #Taiwan🇹🇼 will keep working with #Japan🇯🇵 to realize a free & open #IndoPacific.…
Good things truly come in threes. The 3rd shipment of #COVID19 vaccine doses for #Taiwan🇹🇼 from #Japan🇯🇵 brings the #RealFriend's donated total to 3.3 million since June. The government & people are forever grateful, & wish our special partner a successful #Tokyo2020. Thank you!
Grateful to #Japan, whose 3rd vaccine donation of nearly 1 million doses arrived in #Taiwan today. Together with AZ & Moderna doses purchased by our health authorities, Taiwan received a total of 1.88 million COVID-19 vaccines today, a big help to our public health efforts.