This 👇🏽 statment jointly issued by Chief of Defense from 12 countries incl. #Japan must be turned into action. Japan must end its training to #Myanmar military! Also stop enriching military through Y complex & immediately review its ODA to ensure it doesn’t benefit the military
#Sakurajima, #Japan 噴煙をあげる #桜島 勇壮な景色です。 #鹿児島
#Japan may have suspended new aid to #Myanmar, but it can do more: ❶ Place targeted economic sanctions against #Tatmadaw leaders & military-owned companies, including asset freezes and travel bans ❷ Support a global arms embargo ❸ Suspend defense cooperation #SaveMyanmar
春霞の神戸、大阪。Hazy #Kobe #Osaka #Japan
When asked by a journalist about Japan's reaction to the situation in #Myanmar, #Japan's FM Toshimitsu Motegi quoted The Little Prince, saying "What is essential is invisible to the eye." Absolutely embarrassing. #SaveMyammar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar mofa.go.jp/press/kaiken/k…
#東海 から#九州 まで。東日本は残念ながらすっぽり雨雲に覆われてます。West #Japan
#Japan’s FM in response to question re ODA says “It is necessary to continue urging and communicating with the Myanmar military in various forms.” Then goes on to quote Little Prince 🤦🏻‍♀️what fairytale is the Japanese gov living in while 560+ killed & terrorized by junta?😔 twitter.com/TeppeiKasai/st…
Russian Progress spacecraft and #Japan night. 太平洋側から日本の夜景を見る。東京、名古屋、大阪はもちろんですが、#宍道湖#琵琶湖、そして #能登半島まで判りますね
春うららの西日本。二本のカナダアーム、ドラゴン、そして #きぼう も写っています。West #Japan, two #Canada arms, #SpaceX dragon, and Japanese #Kibo module in view.
Travis Japan、グループ初の冠ラジオ番組が決定! ジャニーズJr.では3組目のオールナイトニッポン特番 #Travis #Japan #トラジャ #オールナイトニッポンPremium #オールナイトニッポン #トラジャANNP @Ann_Since1967 thetv.jp/news/detail/10…
My book has been released! Japan’s Nationalist Right in the Internet Age: Online Media and Grassroots Conservative Activism -routledge.com/Japans-Nationa… Also on Amazon: amazon.com/gp/product/B08… #Japan #japanpolitics @routledgebooks
NEW: #Japan confirmed with @hrw it has NOT provided vehicles and wireless equipment to the Myanmar police, an ODA program announced last July. Unclear why the aid has been on hold for more than 6 months. #SaveMyanmar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar bit.ly/3a2MSVR
Great #Taiwan🇹🇼, #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵 & #GCTF-debutants #EU🇪🇺 cooperation! The like-minded partners are on the same page when it comes to strengthening supply chain resilience & #SME responsiveness amid #COVID19. A big thanks to @grzegorzewskif & #Germany🇩🇪 Rep. Prinz for the support.
Whilst @DominicRaab @StateDeptSpox has announced targeted sanctions to #MEHL #MEC and/or #Myanmar Gem Enterprise colluded with #Myanmar Junta, @kantei @JapanGov has not followed ANY recommendations by @RapporteurUn @SpecialCouncil Or requests by the people of #Myanmar #Japan...
People of #Myanmar #Japan call for ➡️ Sanction Generals, MEC/MEHL ➡️ Suspend non-humanitarian ODA projects ➡️ Stop Y-Complex Project (@MLIT_JAPAN #JOIN withdraw) US$ 21.6 Million (until 2030) land rent to #Myanmar Military @SecBlinken @POTUS @JapanGov (thread)
We welcome the statement by @POTUS & @sugawitter in which they underscore the importance of peace & stability across the Taiwan Strait. #Taiwan🇹🇼 will keep working with the #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵 & other like-minded partners in forging a free & open #IndoPacific. whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/…
Thank you for looking out for #Taiwan, my dear friend @KishiNobuo. Cloud nor #COVID19 can get in the way of our friendship with #Japan. JW twitter.com/KishiNobuo/sta…
#佐渡島 佐渡金山、能舞台。#Sado island #Niigata #Japan
#能登半島 #ボーイスカウト の#ジャンボリー で何回か訪問しました。#Noto #Japan
A #SouthKorea court has rejected a claim by South Korean rape slavery victims seeking compensation from #Japan over wartime rape slavery. At least 200,000 Korean women and girls were raped by Japan in WWII. #comfortwomen #EndImpunity #Seoul Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=Ft6S_Y…
Today marks the 20th anniversary of our album "Wages Of Sin"! 🥳 It was released for the first time on this day in 2001 in #Japan! What's your favorite song from the album?⁠ Give it a listen at lnk.to/AEWagesOfSin! #archenemy #wagesofsin #anniversary #release #album
📍Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan Protest by Myanmar people residing in #Japan protest with performance to illustrate violence and killings of #Myanmar Military Junta People request @sugawitter to recognize @NUGMyanmar @cvdom2021 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
NEW: #Japan should immediately review its aid portfolio for Myanmar and suspend non-humanitarian projects that benefit the junta or military, @hrw said today. #SaveMyammar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar hrw.org/news/2021/04/2…