Islamic Republic is using rape and sexual violence on protesters in an attempt to scare Iranians into silence. #OpIran #IranRevolution iranintl.com/en/20221227999…
The people are angry with the massacres and are asking the regime to account. #IranRevolution #IranProtests #Tehran #مهسا_امینی
They unite the Iranian people in solidarity with people around the world, and today there are movements all over the world to support the Iranian revolution.#MahsaAmini #IranRevolution 🇮🇷 For Freedom. #مهسا_امینی #نیکا_شاکرمی twitter.com/YourAnonRiots/…
Voice your solidarity with the Iranian people #IranRevolution
فهرست شرم #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution 🇦🇲ارمنستان 🇧🇩بنگلادش 🇧🇾بلاروس 🇧🇴بولیوی 🇨🇳چین 🇨🇺کوبا 🇪🇷اریتره 🇮🇳هند 🇮🇩اندونزی 🇮🇶عراق 🇰🇿قزاقستان 🇱🇧لبنان 🇳🇮نیکاراگوئه 🇰🇵کره ش. 🇵🇰پاکستان 🇴🇲عمان 🇵🇭فیلیپین 🇷🇺 روسیه 🇱🇰 سریلانکا 🇸🇾 سوریه 🇹🇯 تاجیکستان 🇹🇲 ترکمنستان 🇺🇿 ازبکستان 🇻🇳 ویتنام 🇿🇼 زیمباوه
Iran ile ilgili Son Durum Hayatını Kaybedenlerin sayısı İnsan Hakları vb Kurumların Açıkladıgından Çok Daha Fazla. Ayrıca Kayıp Kaçırılan Çok sayıda İnsan Var ve Akibetleri Bilinmiyor Sadece bize Yüzlerce Kayıp yakını Ulaştı bu Resim Sadece Bir örnek #Iran #IranRevolution
A struggle for a free future #IranRevolution
#BenyaminGhaffari a non binary blogger in Tehran was kidnapped and transferred to an unknown place with charge of supporting the ongoing #IranRevolution by the #IRGCterrorists We sincerely ask all #LGBTQ activists to be their voice
STOP EXECUTION OF IRANIAN PROTESTERS - Sign the Petition! #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution chng.it/prybKXZK via @Change
@UNICEF Did you know him? He just was 10 years old when Iran’s government’s shot him #KianPirfalak #IranRevolution
“The Women of Iran Fighting for Freedom” have been selected as @ TIME’s Heroes of the Year. #Iran #IranRevolution
Watch The Meeting Between Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani & His Supporters in Yemen - Part I. 22-March-2022 fb.watch/gd3EOK2p2v/ #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #SkirmishWar 2️⃣ #ByElections2022 #earthquake #IranRevolution #Ukraine #Russia #USA #COVID19 Russia America Trump twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
SOS Das Leben von #MohammadGhobadlou ist massiv in Gefahr! Der oberste islamistische Gerichtshof in Iran hat ihn wegen der Teilnahme an der #IranRevolution endgültig ohne Annahme einer Revision zu Tode verurteilt! Macht auf seinen Fall aufmerksam, um sein Leben zu retten
Free #FatemeSepehri a brave human right activists who've been in jail since the protest begin. It is said that she started to stutter under the pressure of torture. Be her voice. #IranRevolution #MahsaAmini
Confrontation between barehanded people on one side and people’s enemies with weapons of war on the other side. Iran, #Javanrud, Dec. 31, photo from @KurdistanHRN #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution @n_roettgen @Fr_Bechieau @EmmanuelMacron @SecBlinken @UN_HRC @senateur61 @CNN @nytimes
The world must join Iranian women’s heroic fight. #IranRevolution
Abdollah Mohamad pour was only 16 when he was killed by #IRGCterrorists during the uprising #IranRevolution . IRGC should be put on terrorist list ASAP.They’ve hold a country and it's people as hostage. They brutally kill and torture people. #MahsaAmini
This morning, the Islamic Republic regime executed #MohsenShekari ; an Iranian protester accused for closing down the street in recent #IranRevolution ! #MahsaAmini
We have be in a stronger solidarity! #StopExecutionsInIran #IranRevolution
#Iranian Actress & Director, #SoheilaGolestani published this footage showing her & other actresses without forced Hijab. #IranRevolution twitter.com/anonymousnn3/s…