10 year old kid, #KianPirfalak was murdered by the Islamic Republic. Yes, a 10 year old kid. #IranRevolution
Today, November 20, is #WorldChildrensDay, but children in #Iran are killed by the Iran Regime. A photo from Iran that everyone must see as the world is celebrating the #WorldChildrensDay! #KianPirfalak
This is #KianPirfalak 10 years old, who was shot by thugs of Islamic Republic. He planted a tree for his city and could do so much more Your silence makes such crimes possible #IranRevolution #مهسا_امینی
@UNICEF Did you know him? He just was 10 years old when Iran’s government’s shot him #KianPirfalak #IranRevolution
In his hobbies list he mentioned Football, beside art and rope game. He might be a great footballer or a great artist but He didn't get the chance to pursue his dreams. IRGC forces brutally shot him at the age of 9. #KianPirfalak #ENGIRN #مهسا_امینی