Dear Iranian brothers and sisters to bypass your regime's censorship try using @torproject. Twitter now also supports tor union address, so be free to share you voice. But do is safe and be careful! #OpIran #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/…
Several witnesses have reported that #FatemehSepehri has lost her ability to speak and is stuttering due to the torture and harassment of the Islamic Republic agents in prison. She is in need of medical treatment but the agents refuse to send her out of the prison #IranRevolution
People of #Khoy have lost their houses and are now living on streets under snowy weather. Reports say that seven people are dead and over eight hundred people are injured. And IRGC won't help them. #IRGCterrorists #IranRevolution
Anonymous helps Iran protesters evade internet curbs amid social blackouts newsweek.com/anonymous-iran… #EndIranRegime #IranRevolution #IranProtests
The IR is shooting at #Javanroud civilians attending in funeral of two kids who were killed in protests. The world is busy with the World Cup and overlooks innocent Iranians being slaughtered in streets just for protesting. #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution #مهسا_امینی
unity and solidarity lead to victory #IranProtests #IranRevolution twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/stat…
広島でのG7サミットと同時にイラン国民の声を世界に届けました تجمع اعتراضی ایرانیان ژاپن برعلیه جنایات حکومت اسلامی در شهرهیروشیما #IranRevolution #MaximumSupport #نه_به_جمهوری_اسلامی
iran Katil Rejimi hala #MahsaAmini cinayetini Savunuyor Polis Haklı diyor nasıl cani bir katil şebekesi iranı yıllardır yönetiyor bu bile yeterli ama iran cezaevleri'de fikirlerinden dolayı yatan binlerce tutsak daha iyi bilir katil molla rejimini #Opiran #IranRevolution
دعوت اوکراینی ها به پیوستن به ایرانی‌ها در تجمع ١۶ ژانویه استراسبورگ و همراه کردن آنها برای قرار دادن سپاه در لیست سازمان‌های تروریستی. ○هشتگ‌ها: #IRGCterrorists #IranRevolution #MahsaAmini
The IRGC has shelled border areas of Iraq’s Kurdistan region,l has learned. #opiran #IranRevolution
SOS Das Leben von #MohammadGhobadlou ist massiv in Gefahr! Der oberste islamistische Gerichtshof in Iran hat ihn wegen der Teilnahme an der #IranRevolution endgültig ohne Annahme einer Revision zu Tode verurteilt! Macht auf seinen Fall aufmerksam, um sein Leben zu retten