#محمدقبادلو ۲۲ ساله که در جریان #اعتراضات ایران بازداشت شده بود، از سوی جمهوری اسلامی به اعدام محکوم شد. قاضی حتی به وکیلش اجازه حضور در جلسه را نداد. مادرش درخواست حمایت می کند #MohammadGhobadlou #مهسا_امینی
22-year-old #MohammadGhobadlou who was arrested during the #IranProtests has been sentenced to death by the Islamic Republic. The judge did not even allow his lawyer to attend the hearing. His mother is pleading for support. Please be his voice. #MahsaaAmini #IranRevolution
URGENT! #MohammadGhobadlou & #MohammadBoroughani are at imminent risk of being executions. Please act now to stop these atrocities @UN_HRC #محمد_قبادلو #محمد_بروغنی
Can the world hear us?The lives of these two young men are in danger in Karaj prison and they will probably be executed in a few hours! They are innocent. #MohammadGhobadlou #MohammadBroghani @UN_HRC @AmnestyIran @FoxNews @DrAliceJEdwards @POTUS45
SOS Das Leben von #MohammadGhobadlou ist massiv in Gefahr! Der oberste islamistische Gerichtshof in Iran hat ihn wegen der Teilnahme an der #IranRevolution endgültig ohne Annahme einer Revision zu Tode verurteilt! Macht auf seinen Fall aufmerksam, um sein Leben zu retten
#MohammadGhobadlou, 22, is one of the Iranians who is charged by death penalty in the first court session without being able to have a lawyer. His neurological disorder that make tolerating prison harder. Also his family want us to BE HIS VOICE. #StopExecutionInIran #MahsaAmini
SOS Das Leben von #MohammadGhobadlou ist massiv in Gefahr! Der oberste islamistische Gerichtshof in Iran hat ihn wegen der Teilnahme an der #IranRevolution endgültig ohne Annahme einer Revision zu Tode verurteilt! Macht auf seinen Fall aufmerksam, um sein Leben zu retten