#Hongkong Cheung Ka-long won men’s individual foil gold medal, first gold meal after 1996 #OlympicGames Cheung: Everyone keep striving on, don’t give up easily.
[Eyes and ears everywhere, both in #Hongkong and overseas] 1. Four months after #nationalsecuritylaw has become effective, #hkpolice plans to launch a new national security hotline to gather intelligence from the public via SMS, #WeChat and #Line. scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
When #hkpolice attempts to rewrite the history to justify its #PoliceBrutality in #Hongkong under #nationalsecuritylaw, we should insist on telling the truth. Congratulations! twitter.com/sopasia/status…
2/ Although the law is highly contentious in #Hongkong, and widespread backlash broke out when #HKgov introduced the law in 2003, Beijing this time deliberately chooses to ram through this unpopular law by completely ignoring the will of #Hongkongers.
3. In fact, even before the law was put in place, businessmen like Lee Bo and Xiao Jianhua have already been kidnapped by Chinese agents WITHIN the territory of #Hongkong and brought to #China. With more sweeping powers under the new law, the problem will only be more common.
2. One day more for our last free election, our new target will be 500,000, which amounts to 30% of votes in pro-democracy camp and 10% of the total registered voter in #Hongkong.
For years, #Hongkong is the only place on #China’s soil that people can still commemorate the massacre, but it will no longer be the case as remembrance becomes new crimes, after #China's recent decision that grants powers to executives to expel lawmakers without court scrutiny.
4. In fact, it is common for #China to use discretion power to return criminal suspects to #Hongkong in the past. @hkcnews_com revealed, #Beijing did send around 2-3 suspects per year to #HK over the past 5 years, even for cases that fell into China’s jurisdiction.
5/ When such Orwellian doublespeak by #hkpolice becomes ubiquitous, #Hongkong is further turned into another city in #China. With police violence prevailing, #Hongkong is now trimming to 1 country 1.5 systems.
5/ When such Orwellian doublespeak by #hkpolice becomes ubiquitous, #Hongkong is further turned into another city in #China. With police violence prevailing, #Hongkong is now trimming to 1 country 1.5 systems.
Round pushpin Les derniers jours de #Hongkong Arrestations et filatures d'opposants se multiplient, fondées sur des accustations de « collusion avec des forces étrangères ». Notre dossier de la semaine Rightwards arrow bit.ly/319ZuX7 @LePoint
2. Under #China's #wolfwarrior diplomacy with authoritarian intimidation, it is just politically hypocritical for such a tyrannical regime to claim itself as the promoter of peace, not to mention its expansionist ambition in the South China Sea and its repression in #Hongkong.
🎇JG asia tour FanConcert 2018-2019🎇 The Last show 2019 😂🔊3.3 #Bangkok 3.10 #Hongkong. !!! I've been missed you angel's so much Let me see your dance🕺💃 and We can make amazing… instagram.com/p/BuOrzCth60H/…
5. With draconian punishments, the law is Sword of Damocles hanging over civil society & business communities in the city. As #Hongkong is on the brink of collapse, I call upon the world to take stronger actions to urge China to withdraw the law.
3. That’s another case that #Hongkong judges biasedly praise pro-#Beijing assailants. Earlier in April, HK judge hailed another assailant for having "noble sentiments” after he slashed three #HKers with beef knife, causing one's lung collapsed and wounds on their necks and backs.
7/ Technically instead of sending to China, DNA data could be directly handed over to the city’s newly established #nationalsecurity agency. Also, there is a loophole in #Hongkong’s law on personal data, which fails to bar data transfer to #China.
2/ The latest development by @Reuters shows, #Beijing plans to impose a #CCP-led court in #Hongkong that blocks all foreign judges. Beyond any doubt, all these new measures will undermine HK’s judicial independence and its role as the only common law jurisdiction on China’s soul.
On Women's Day, do not forget #Hongkong
5. Being barred from leaving #Hongkong, it is hard for me to pursue further studies overseas, let alone high uncertainty about when I will be thrown into prison again. The clock is ticking on the days that I am still free.
2. Clearly, this is another game censorship after the recent ban on Animal Crossing, which #Hongkongers take our activism into video games. And also #Blizzard saga last year, where a Hearthstone player was banned for supporting #Hongkong.
5/ With tens of thousands of travellers crossing the border every day, it is expected that such weak quarantine policy cannot fend off the #coronavirus spread. Without a full border seal with #China, #Hongkong is doomed to be sealed by the world.
2/ Solely in #Hongkong, throughout #hkprotests last year, #hkpolice has been using Cellebrite's hacking technology to crack at least 4000 #Hkprotesters’ phones without consent, with our private conversation used by authoritarian regimes for political purges.
3. It casts more concerns on the city’s academic freedoms and #freespeech when #CCP members are now nominated to head #Hongkong’s university directly, let alone the chilling effects of the sweeping #NationalSecurityLaw.