3/ Clearly, #China plans another bloody crackdown upon pro-democracy #hongkongprotests. Not to mention that #China is imposing a new sinofication on the city and turning #Hongkong into another Mainland city.
2. - send angry letters to urge pulling articles critical of #Beijing -seduce or intimidate scholars into dropping "sensitive" studies -hire students to counter-protest during assemblies related to #Hongkong and #Uyghurs
We always stand together with #Hongkong!
3/ Bit by bit, #Beijing tightens its red line on #Hongkong, isolates this international city from the world, and puts #onecountrytwosystems in peril. The case is the best indicator of #Beijing ’s authoritarian expansion and weakening human rights situation in #China.
4/ There's only one group of people in the city who can ignore traffic rules & bear no consequences for their reckless driving - China’s national security agents. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, agents can directly kidnap any citizens or foreigners inside the territory of #Hongkong.
#Hongkong artist Justin Wong’s recent work in Mingpao, titled “wait till I return”. Who knew dotted lines could carry so much emotions
4. The nomination also sends a worrying sign as #HK scholars and students will gradually face more political pressure when studying and researching in #Hongkong, especially for studies that are regarded as sensitive or too critical on the situation in #Hongkong and #China.
4. The nomination also sends a worrying sign as #HK scholars and students will gradually face more political pressure when studying and researching in #Hongkong, especially for studies that are regarded as sensitive or too critical on the situation in #Hongkong and #China.
5. As the primary is the litmus test to #NationalSecurityLaw that rattles both the city's civil society and foreigners, we hope the world will continue to put #Hongkong under the global spotlight.
-and keeping the public informed. We have noted Andy's interest in international advocacy on #Hongkong #HumanRights conditions, which we hope to leverage to call for international attention on all 12 detainees. #AndyIsMissing #save12hkyouths
2. Similar things have already happened last year in #Hongkong, where Apple removed our crowdsourced mapping app HKmap.live from App Store, days after #Beijing’s state mouthpiece’s criticisms. qz.com/1725175/apple-…
!イベント情報! 『香港と出会おう、東京で。「#香港ミニチュア展2022」』が5年ぶりに開催決定!2022/7/28(木)〜8/7(日)KITTE アトリウムにて! hketotyo.gov.hk/japan/jp/minia… #アガる香港 #香港旅行準備中 #香港 #ミニチュア #ミニチュア写真 #Hongkong
2. At the time when #Beijing is unilaterally imposing the draconian #NationalSecurityLaw upon #Hongkong, this year might be the last year that Hongkongers can talk about #TiananmenSquareMassacre publicly.
In a failed state like #Hongkong, #Carrielam only knows how to suppress, but not govern. What #HKers should do is not merely #FreeHongKong, but also save Hong Kong.
#JYP #여명 #黎明 #LeonLai #Hongkong 비 오는 날씨, 와인, 여명 정말 멋진 홍콩의 하루네요^^ Rainy weather, wine and Leon...… instagram.com/p/BGTJcPRMo7G/
#Hongkong จับกุมนักเคลื่อนไหวและนักการเมืองที่สนับสนุนประชาธิปไตย 53 คน ซึ่งถูกกล่าวหาว่า พยายามจะ "โค่นล้ม" รัฐบาลฮ่องกง กลุ่มคนที่ถูกจับกุมตามกฎหมายความมั่นคงฉบับใหม่ รัฐบาลจีนกล่าวว่ากฎหมายนี้ จะช่วยทำให้ฮ่องกงกลับมามีเสถียรภาพอีกครั้ง
島田食べるシリーズ2 青島ビール飲めたー🍺 #香港 #Hongkong
4. It is the first time ever that even religious activities in #Hongkong were allegedly surveilled by #China’s agents two months after the new #nationalsecuritylaw has been put in place.
「理大囲城」上映開始しました! 一度きりなので真剣に視聴させていただきます! #香港 #Hongkong #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/StandwithHK_JP…