For those who don’t know, Mr Stott was on the #IPCC expert panel before they quit collectively, citing a lack of investigative powers. He calls for a judge led independent inquiry into the policing of the #HongKongProtests & claims made by the #HongKongPolice twitter.com/cliffordstott/…
Instead of the usual plain backgrounds, Chief Executive Carrie Lam has opted for a collage of #HongKongProtests images for her press conference where she is responding to police watchdog's report released today. "The Truth About Hong Kong", it reads.
#HongKongProtests’ Citizens Press Conference: the #IPCC report on #HongkongPolice action in months of protests should be ignored becuz it’s biased & “dilutes police brutality” They’re having a moment of silence, 11 months since protester Leung Ling-kit fell to death in Admiralty
Video of the #HongKongPolice asking the journalists to “cry louder, it [doesn’t sound] sad enough” facebook.com/71047679570461… Footage from @StandNewsHK #HongKong #HongKongProtests
#HongKongPolice has asked a large amount of #HongKong journalists to fall on their knees, asking mainstream media to group together & other web-based or student press to stay elsewhere in #MongKok. The reporters are asked to stop rolling their live streams #HongKongProtests
普通に街で歩いでも警察に怒鳴される、泣いている子供と殴れる若者たちを見ると心苦しい、香港の日常はもはや地獄に見える… Can you imagine that you and your child would get yelled at Hong Kong police since you walk in the street #香港デモ #香港警察の暴行 #HongKongProtests
About half an hour ago, pro-#Beijing unionist Kwok Wai-keung of the #FTU appeared to have dragged Ray Chan @ray_slowbeat of People Power to the ground before the beginning of the #Legco House Comm “officially” began #HongKong #HongKongProtests
The moment when #DAB chair Starry Lee - escorted by #Legco security - rushes up to take the chairman’s seat right after the previous panel meeting ended — more than an hour before the House Comm is scheduled to start #HongKongProtests #HongKong
Former @HKHIIAD spokesman @SunnyCheungky quotes ex-Edu Uni’s student union head Kex Leung as saying “in unusual fashion”, some CCTV footage from Prince Edward #MTR station appeared to be missing, lawyers hv asked rail firm to explain #HongKongProtests facebook.com/sunnycheungky/…
Even McDonald’s in Taipei is now advertising using the phrase「缺一不可」made famous by the #HongKongProtests’ chant「五大訴求,缺一不可」(“five demands, not one less”). Unlike McDonald’s HK, owned by China’s CITIC Capital, McDonald’s Taiwan franchise is owned by a local firm.
#BREAKING: ex-lawmaker Au Nok-hin @loktinau has been sentenced to 140 hours of community service for assaulting two #HongKongPolice officers with a loudhailer while mitigating tensions during #AntiELAB protests in July last year in Mong Kok #HongKongProtests
At least one girl was fined for HK$2,000 for allegedly violating the #HongKong Govt’s public gathering ban, as dozens of #HongKongPolice surrounded a group in busy #MongKok. The people were giving out masks & sanitisers, as their street booth had items of #HongKongProtests
League of Social Democrats’ activist @ManYuen_Ng has said on social media he’s been arrested by #HongKongPolice for organising & taking part in rallies on 1 Oct & 20 Oct last year #HongKongProtests
Hard to imagine this isn’t a nod to the #HongKongProtests. An exhibition on the 30th anniversary of Taiwan‘s pro-democracy Wild Lilly student movement by Liberty Square speaks of a new “Five Demands”—just like Hong Kong’s—for the new Legislative Yuan voted into power in January.
Very, very heavy #HongKongPolice presence in & outside Prince Edward #MTR station, 7 months after officers were accused of indiscriminately attacking people inside #HongKong #HongKongProtests
#HongKongPolice warned & yelled at an old woman with a (purple) banner "God wipe out the CCP" that if "I see u in Tai Po again, I'll arrest u for unlawful assembly", as crowd gathers in district 2 oppose the plan 2 have a designated #Covid clinic there #HongKongProtests #HongKong
The pro-#Beijing #DAB’s lawmakers will hold a press conference tomorrow, saying the mom of Chan Yin-lam, who mysteriously died last year amid the #HongKongProtests, opposes a pro-democracy district councillors’ proposal to name a Tseung Kwan O park after Chan. Photo: @StandNewsHK
相關討論 - 有記者係行人路被噴胡椒噴霧 lihkg.com/thread/1904298… #LIHKG #HongKongProtests #HongKong #HongKongPolice
Question: does anyone in #HongKong get to violate the law three times, get a warning for the first two offenses, & then only get arrested the third time round? Say, those involved in #HongKongProtests? twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
先ほど將軍澳のデモ、市民を轢き殺そうとする私服警察。隔離病棟は敬遠するくせに市民への虐待は喜んで承ってる。 鬼畜っぷりは健在。 #香港 #香港デモ #香港警察 #HongKong #HongKongProtests #hongkongpolicebrutality #StandWithHongKong
The demonstrators rise as the #HongKongProtests anthem Glory for #HongKong was being played, holding up a hand to express their #5DemandsNot1Less towards the Govt
There’s a rally at Edinburgh Place in Central calling for international sanctions against the Govts in #China & #HongKong & this protester, Sheung Chi (nickname), says he’s singing the US national anthem becuz it represents freedom, equality & justice #HongKongProtests
4/ Tonight is also the precious moment for #Hongkongers. #HongKongProtests have shown China’s intolerance to dissidence an d freedoms, and #Taiwaneses have defended their lovely island with their votes.
ペッパースプレーを吹いた鬼畜たちが仲間まで吹いた。仲間さえ分別できなかったことは無差別で吹いた証ですね。ちなみに冒頭のデブは完全なる強盗面だな… #香港 #香港デモ #香港警察 #HongKong #HongKongProtests #HongKongPolice #StandWithHongKong
Hong Kong police force arrest peaceful demonstrators after the lawful Shang Shui Demonstration 相關討論 - 上水遊行後 圍捕超過100人 lih.kg/1812057 ●來源:尼維熊小 #上水 #警察 #HongKongProtests #HongKong #HongKongPolice #LIHKG