Police pointing a gun to the head of a Hong Kong citizen in #PolyU 相關討論 - 香港警察以槍指向市民頭部 lihkg.com/thread/1734487… #HongKong #HongKongProtests #soshongkong #antiELABhk #HongKongPolice
Earlier on, agitated #HongKongPolice officers fire pepper bombs at the feet of a group of #HongKong journalists. Video copyright: @StandNewsHK #HongKongProtests
#PolyU student head Derek Liu (L) says about 100 protesters newly trapped at campus, after they went near the University to try & “rescue” around 5-600 inside #HongKongProtests #HongKong
.@HKDemocrats says vice chair @lokinhei Lo Kin-hei arrested in East Tsim Sha Tsui. Party says he’s not protesting but trying to understand the needs of people around Energy Plaza but was arrested among dozens of people #HongKongProtests
A #CUHK student publication CU Radio reports that a #HongKongPolice officer in Tai Po shouted that “I want the #JuneFourth massacre to repeat at #PolyU#HongKongProtests #HongKong #HK
警察は、理工大学から離れたボランティア救急隊(医者、看護師など)を戦犯のように全員拘束しました。これは香港の人道危機です。 香港政府は、もう警察をコントロールできていないのです。私たちの命と未来は、香港政府と警察に破壊されています。 #香港デモ #HongKongProtests #香港警察の暴行
00:40 Hong Kong police start catching first-aids and reporters who are inside or nearby the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 相關討論 - 大批 FA 被鎖上索帶 lihkg.com/thread/1731286… #HongKong #HongKongProtests #AntiELABhk
Polytechnic University #PolyU social sciences scholar Chung Kim-wah (R) told #RTHK he's heading back to campus to try and bring out some 20 students from his department. He says he believes they're not violent protesters but are only doing "resources-sorting" #HongKongProtests
#HongKong protesters start blocking traffic on Connaught Road Central, some saying they need to do this to “rescue” fellow protesters at Polytechnic University across the harbour. Parts of the traffic in Central paralyzed #HongKongProtests
Another rally at Edinburgh Place in Central — this one marking the fall of the Berlin Wall & Communist states in Eastern Europe 30 years ago. This is a “wall” #HongKongProtesters built with all the messages they’ve drawn on it #HongKongProtests
Hundreds of #HongKong demonstrators join a praying session in Chater Garden in Central, praying for the injured in the #HongKongProtests. After singing the protest anthem just now, they’re now forming human chain around Govt buildings near area
Breaking: Riot police is preparing to force enter Chinese University of Hong Kong again 原文 - 【中大二橋】即發生第二戰 lih.kg/1724298 ●來源:無搞我後面 #中大 #突發 #AntiELABhk #LIHKG #HongKongers #HongKong #HongKongProtests
今日も香港各区でデモです。ビジネス中心地のセントラルでも、ランチタイムに多くのビジネスマンやOLが集まり、「5つの要求、1つも欠けてはならない」などのスローガンを叫びました。 #香港デモ #HongKongProtests
15 Year old parentless teenager hit by tear gas shot in the head in Tin Shui Wai last night is now in critical situation. His uncle asks why the boy get shot by the Hong Kong police. lih.kg/1719303 ●來源:美臀豬(愛香港) #AntiELAB #LIHKG #HongKong #HongKongProtests #Tear
Chinese State-funded media Global Times reported about a curfew in #HongKong, but has subsequently deleted the tweet #HongKongProtests
Yesterday, #HongKongPolice fired 1567 cannister of tear gas 1312 rubber bullets 380 bean bag rounds #HongKongProtests #HongKong
相關討論 - 林鄭跌入圈套了 lih.kg/1715526 教育局宣布明日全港停課 lih.kg/1715508 ●來源:林鄭月娥 #停課 #停工 #AntiELAB #LIHKG #HongKong #HongKongProtests #香港
This happened in Sheung Shui & apparently a group of pro-#Beijing people clashed with anti-Govt protesters #HongKong #HongKongProtests
政府無停課,學生哥返學誤吸催淚毒氣醫藥費邊個賠? 政府無停工,打工仔今日遲咗返到公司要扣錢邊個賠? 相關討論 - 林鄭月娥:貿然停課就是跌入圈套 lih.kg/1709567 ●來源:林鄭月娥 #停課 #停工 #AntiELAB #LIHKG #HongKong #HongKongProtests
6 out of 8 Hong Kong’s newspapers put a pro-Beijing advertisements on their first page on 13th Nov 2019. 原文 - 今日出既8份報紙 有6份都係維穩 lih.kg/1714396 ●來源:搶獎家姐妍 #報紙 #廣告 #AntiELAB #LIHKG #HongKongProtests #HongKong
#NOW #CUHK @CUHKofficial students are seeking a temporary injunction at High Court banning #HongKongPolice’s unlawful entry of campus or entry without a search warrant, & stopping the use of tear gas & rubber bullets etc without the request of the University #HongKongProtests twitter.com/damon_pang/sta…
Holy Cross Church Hong Kong claimed Police put hammer shape objects into arrested person's bag. 相關討論 - 聖十字架堂出聲明指CCTV 拍到有警察疑似插贓嫁禍 lih.kg/1711480 ●來源:馬仔 #警察 #插贓嫁禍 #AntiELAB #LIHKG #HongKongProtests #HongKong
Hong Kong’s university student worries he will be blinded after being hit in the eye 相關討論 - [有片]有中大學生隻眼中彈 lih.kg/1711185 ●來源:網絡影片 #警察 #大學 #學生 #AntiELAB #LIHKG #HongKongProtests #HongKongPolice
Correction: This photo was taken in downtown Central in Hong Kong. It is still worth sharing though. 更正︰剛才的照片攝於中環,不過還是值得分享 ●來源:中大電台 #警察 #中大 #AntiELAB #LIHKG #HongKong #HongKongProtests #HongKongPolice
Hong Kong police attack a woman who may be pregnant on 12th Nov 相關討論 - lih.kg/1710219 ●來源:網絡影片 #警察 #孕婦 #AntiELAB #LIHKG #HongKongProtests #HongKong #HongKongPolice