元日に宣誓大会を行った香港警察の集合写真です。何に似てると思いますか? #香港 #香港デモ #香港警察 #HongKongProtests #HongKongPolice
Veby Mega Indah, journalist who’s blinded after being shot by a suspected rubber bullet in Sep, is asking court to order #HongKongPolice to give ID of officer who fired a round in Wan Chai. Lawyer for cops say preliminarily they know who the officer is but...1/2 #HongKongProtests
It’s 31Dec & #HongKongPolice already have given first warning to people gathering outside Princed Edward #MTR for 31Aug, as officer says burning indents is illegal #HongKongProtests
Wong Wai-shun is at it again -- he accused Commercial Radio's reporter of "getting a question wrong", saying nobody should be scared of #HongKongPolice, & only criminals have to be scared. #HongKongProtests #AntiELAB
#HongKongPolice top PR officer Kwok Ka-chuen said the officer who stuck the #HongKong ID card onto @StandNewsHK's reporter Ronson Chan's live-streaming camera made a mistake, a police probe is underway & the force'll coop with privacy watchdog in their probe #HongKongProtests
Hundreds of protesters are at a rally in Central in support of Spark Alliance, the fund helping those arrested in #HongKongProtests which had 4 members arrested for alleged money laundering last week. Organisers want, among other things, the US to sanction corps from #China
A group of undercover police detained a girl without giving reasons or their warrant cards, Hong Kong. 原文 - 大埔女子被一群警察拉扯4分鐘: 憑咩拉我? 警察: 關你咩事 lihkg.com/thread/1791317… #lihkg #HongKong #大埔 #HongKongProtests
Someone shot a live round to another citizen on the street in Hong Kong. 相關討論 - 突發 大埔出咗實彈 lihkg.com/thread/1791106… #大埔 #實彈 #lihkg #HongKong #HongKongProtests
Wrote #HKU student leader @SunnyCheungky: it could be a crowd fund in support of #HongKongProtests being frozen today, it could be money of multinational corporations tomorrow. “Intl economic interests could be damaged with a flick of #China’s political wrist” #HongKong twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
An open letter by a Hong Kong Protestor detained in Lai Chi Kok Reception Center pleading for help 相關討論 - 荔枝角收押所入面嘅手足來信 lih.kg/1787553 ●來源:拔箤有個大PK #HongKong #sosHK #HongKongProtests #LIHKG
Hong Kong police pepper sprayed at children and elderly when retreating causing people discontentment lih.kg/1783809 ●來源:如果真的太好 #sosHK #HongKong #HongKongProtests #九龍灣 #警察 #LIHKG
「他人の自由を否定する者は 自らも自由になる資格はない」 "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." #香港デモ #HongKongProtests
今日のデモには、80万人が参加しました。 5大要求、1つも欠けてはなりません。 香港政府は今すぐ民意に応えるべきです。 #香港デモ #HongKongProtests
This participant in the #HongKongProtests has been crawling his way, literally, in Wan Chai, as part of the #HongKong demonstrations
今の香港です。 #香港デモ #HongKongProtests
今日はまた大規模デモが行われます。今日のデモは事前に警察の許可を取っている活動なのに、警察はデモが始まる前に、集まる市民に向かって催涙弾の警告旗を上げました。 #香港デモ #香港警察 #HongKongProtests #HongKongPoliceState
The cop with a loudhailer kept yelling that whoever that refused to continue walking would be stopped for a check in suspicion of unlawful assembly in #MongKok. Where’s the reasonable suspicion though? #HongKongPolice #HongKongProtests twitter.com/jeffielam/stat…
Instead of displaying his #HongKongPolice warrant card/“call sign”, this #HongKong officer on the left put a miniature of a black warning flag showing “disperse, tear smoke” on his chest, as he negotiates with district councillor-elect @DrKwanEC here in Whampoa #HongKongProtests
#HKGETV has conducted the analysis of #teargas in #HK about the previous gas monitoring of ambient HCN at the areas affected by Tear Gas on 2 & 17 Nov 2019. #HongKongProtests Report : cdn.hkgetv.com/report/HKGETV%… Please RT & #StandwithHK
A Korean magazine used #HongKongProtests as their cover. The headline was “Tear of Hong Kong: 100 hours on site interview”. 『응원해주셔서 감사합니다 ㅠㅠ 』 原文 - 韓國雜誌用香港事件做封面 lih.kg/1758068 ●來源:糊辣2小 #홍콩 #홍콩시위 #홍콩상황 #lihkg
In the first hour of #HKDCElection, unprecedented queues sprung up all across #HongKong with people eager to vote amid #HongKongProtests. 47% turnout rate 4 years ago was a record, by this rate that can easily be smashed. Ppl vote early perhaps in fears of trouble that’d....
Protesters being beaten in the leg and stomped on the head after being arrested by Hong Kong police lih.kg/1744369 lih.kg/1737274 ●來源:HKNepal、NowTV、Mr Ng #HongKongProtests #ployU #sosHK #LIHKG #HongKongPoliceState
The usual lunchtime in Central, & #HongKong protesters moved to area outside Exchange Sqaure today becuz of police presence near Pedder St. they sang the protest anthem just now #HongKongProtests
In case you didn’t know why many participants of the #HongKongProtests are still out on the streets — they are outraged by what they see as injustice & damages to the rule of law by the #HongKongPolice twitter.com/lokinhei/statu…
相關討論 - [最新消息]美國參議院通過香港人權與民主法案 lih.kg/1740051 ●來源:網上新聞 #美國 #參議院 #香港人權與民主法案 #LIHKG #Hongkongers #HongKongProtests #HongKong