Last year #HongKong leader #CarrieLam said she had to bring justice to the murdered Poon Hiu-wing & her family, so she introduced the #ExtraditionLaw; now she asks the Poon family (her mother in cap) to let go, & the suspect, Chan Tong-kai, to surrender to #Taiwan in his own time
[Video recap] 20190908, thousands marched to areas near the US consulate to support for the #HongKong Human Rights & Democracy Act. Protesters chanted slogans, waved the US flag, sang the US #nationalanthem & displayed placards urging the Congress to pass the Act.
🚨Hearing STRONG rumours within @GOVUK that BN(O) scheme for #HongKong WILL be extended within 24 hours to include some younger #HKers (details unclear) If so, HUGE credit @hk_watch @DamianGreen @DavidAltonHL Lord Patten @benedictrogers @Johnny_HKWatch @SamGoodman22 + others 👏
香港での「国家安全法」は立法会を通さず、直接基本法の付属書類3に入れ、来週木曜日に表決する。 その内容先程話した国家分裂やテロリズム以外に、金融経済・ネット交信・外国干渉・宗教・海外へ制裁を求めるなども含むかもしれない。 つまり完全なるウイグル化。 #StandwithHK #HongKong #SOSHK
Supporters already arrived at the West Kowloon Magistrates’ Court. #HongKong police charged 47 pro-democracy activists under the #NSL on Sunday. They will appear at the court tmr Photos by Michael Ho
As govt’s handling of #coronavirus outbreak sparks fury in #HongKong, protesters are calling for a general strike on 1/29 in support of local medical staff and restarting operation dawn to block traffic in the morning. One major demand is to close the border.
#AndyLi - diminutive, skinny, peaceful advocate for the fulfilment of the promises made to #HongKong by China and the UK, treated like the Incredible Hulk in a ridiculous show by the HK authorities. twitter.com/lokinhei/statu…
Pepper ball just fired again at Shantung street after someone threw water bottles at the police #HongKongProtests #HongKong CC BY 4.0
Happiness turns out to be luxury, peace is good enough. May #HongKong people all over the world have a safe Christmas!
We mustn't forget what happened 31 years ago today in #TiananmenSquare, #Beijing. The event is commemorated in #Taiwan as a reminder not to let history repeat itself, including in #HongKong. Genuine freedom & democracy are the only way forward for all. twitter.com/iingwen/status…
Images of the chaos in Hong Kong on the first day of No Dining In policy after a new series of COVID-19 preventative measures announced by the government comes into effect lih.kg/2130184 lih.kg/2130130 #HongKong #raining #lunch #LIHKG
Last year today, thousands of protesters assembled at Central, holding signs that read "Free #HongKong" and asking the world to save us, in the G20 summit rally. One year has passed, the world is changed. How many heroes has been working day & night silently for HK? CC BY 4.0
Our co-founder & CEO @benedictrogers has been threatened by #HongKong Police under #NationalSecurityLaw, requiring removal of our website We will not remove our website. We will not be silenced. Here's our statement, with comments from Patrons & others hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2022…
#HongKong Govt says it’s not intervening in the actions of other jurisdictions with regards to #12HKyouths detained in Shenzhen for allegedly fleeing to #Taiwan on speedboat
“Boss… what should we do?” #HongKong
As I told @appledaily_hk, Beijing’s latest threat to somehow “not recognize” BN(O) passports is ludicrous. #HongKong citizens use our HKIDs to exit the territory and, if we enter China, use our so-called “Return Home Permits.” Meanwhile, British citizens use their UK passports.
2 Hong Kong's doctors may get infected with Wuhan pneumonia after treated a patient. They are having isolation treatment now. 威院兩名身穿全套防護裝備的醫生接觸過武漢肺炎病人後出現病徵,現正接受隔離治療 lih.kg/1850732 #isolation #武漢肺炎 #HongKong #LIHKG
“This is an illegitimate government. It’s not elected by the people and does not represent the people. I wrote this in both English and Chinese so people can see and know the injustice that’s taking place in #HongKong.”
The deadline for #HongKong ppl with BNO to move to the UK under the LOTR scheme is tonight. In the afternoon, there are two flights to London. The departure hall is packed with people saying their goodbyes and filled with farewell cry.
Kitty and doggy are on duty in preliminary election stations #HongKong 原文 - 初選票站竟然出現 "非人類職員" lih.kg/2104647 #lihkg
One year ago today, a message "Add oil #CUHK" was written on a barricade under #HKU after the event "Siege of CUHK". This was also the weekend when "Siege of #POLYU" started #HongKong #StandWithHongKong
Some #HongKongProtesters still staying behind after the rally on #HKHumanRightsandDemocracyAct is over. Some of them are still in their school uniforms. #HongKongProtests #HongKong
Felt a bit mean for this. But then I remembered the #Uyghur concentration camps and #HongKong and quickly got over it.
Activist @SunnyCheungky confirmed on Facebook page that he has left #HongKong. “Homesickness is the most unbelievable pain...for the first time in my life, I understood the feeling of being a foreigner and being cut off from your roots.”