中共毒疫苗官司开始了 Lawsuits against the CCP virus vaccines have started #MilesGuo #爆料革命 #HongKong #滅共 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #疫苗災難 #新冠病毒
✨✨✨ Review of Mr. Miles Guo's Live Breaking News (Jan. 08.2023.) 🔶 The CCP Virus traceability can almost determine the life and death of the CCP. 病毒溯源几乎可以决定着共产党的生死。 #MilesGuo #爆料革命 #HongKong #滅共 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #疫苗災難 #新冠病毒
04/18/2023 前国家情报总监约翰·拉特克利夫 (John Ratcliffe) 表示,有“压倒性证据”表明 COVID-19 是在武汉的实验室中制造的。 #MilesGuo #爆料革命 #HongKong #滅共 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #疫苗災難 #新冠病毒
CCP 在2019年9月份就开始放毒了,那时正好是在军运会期间想放毒嫁祸美国军人的。 #MilesGuo #爆料革命 #HongKong #滅共 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #疫苗災難 #新冠病毒
Fujii Kaze and the piano Asia Tour Jun 24th #Seoul July 1st&2nd #Bangkok July 7th #Jakarta July 9th #KualaLumpur July 22nd #Taipei July 29th&30th #HongKong #FujiiKaze #藤井風 ▼Tickets information fujiikaze.com facebook.com/FujiiKazeoffic…
👀香港的懸日真美☀️❤️ #大美中国 #HongKong
🗣️🗣️病理博士Dr.Ryan Cole🗣️🗣️ 🔥 🔥 接种“新冠疫苗”后,患癌人数增加了二十倍!!🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 接种“新冠疫苗”后,患癌人数增加了二十倍!!🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 接种“新冠疫苗”后,患癌人数增加了二十倍!!🔥 🔥 #MilesGuo #爆料革命 #HongKong #滅共 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #疫苗災難 #新冠病毒
In this timely one-hour @ARTEde documentary, Minister Wu stressed #Taiwan🇹🇼 has no appetite for #China’s notorious #1C2S scam, particularly after noting #HongKong’s lesson. WATCH▶️bit.ly/3Zw2Oqc auf Deutsch▶️bit.ly/3G5zRe3 en français▶️bit.ly/3G5QXbO
Erm. @InnFin thinks it’s OK to host #HongKong Financial Secretary Christopher Hui for a “fireside chat”. No 🇬🇧 org should host those who have facilitated and celebrated Beijing’s demolition of human rights in #HK. Protest 👉 17th April Guildhall, Gresham Street EC2V 7HH
#thread: “I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with the film or technical reasons,” director Rhys Frake-Waterfield told us, after #WinnieThePoohBloodAndHoney was abruptly dropped by #HongKong cinemas, days before its release. So what went wrong?
I’m thrilled to see #HongKong’s commitment to supporting its development. With a comprehensive support system for VA and Web3 startups, HK is well-positioned to be a leading hub in Asia. 🔥 Looking forward to seeing more innovation and entrepreneurship! 👇 info.gov.hk/gia/general/20…
These three books are my kid's favorite books before he sleeps. And #HongKong government is arresting people for merely possession of the book "The Guardians of Sheep Village", a children's book that tells the story of how a sheep village got invaded by wolves... #byadmin
🤬 #HongKong making a ministerial visit to the UK. Let’s get this straight: 🇬🇧 silent on the trial of the 47 🇬🇧 done nothing to hold 🇨🇳 to account for destruction of the Joint Declaration Now 🇬🇧 wants to hand John Lee a propaganda victory. 🤯 ft.com/content/f685b9…
A cellular repair shop owner ,refused to hand over customers phone data to police in #HongKong 2019;been detained for 2 1/2 yrs now, without a trial; accused of plan murdering a cop; under the imaginary world of NSL
The best way to facilitate social cohesion and harmony between groups is to increase mutual understanding. Glad to bring #HongKong culture to Ealing, collaborating with @Pitzhanger. @hongkongmarch will be in 16+ cities, partnering 40+ orgs and hosting 50+ events. Join us!
【火事情報まとめ】#中国 #香港 尖沙咀付近 工事中の高層ビルから激しい炎あがる火災3/3 #HongKong - 事件事故・災害速報ニュース blog.livedoor.jp/reer121/archiv… #nhk_news #NHK #火事 #火災
📢近期香港概念、華人概念爆火🔥你知道的哪些coin是 #ChineseCoins ✅follow @ChineseCoinex ✅留言分享你知道的 #ChineseCoins 🎁抽取5人各送100.00CET #CoinEx #CET #Crypto #HongKong
The names and faces we should remember. #HongKong The 47 Pro-Democracy Figures in Hong Kong’s Largest National Security Trial nytimes.com/interactive/20…
The BNO visa is great. Really. But it didn’t honour our promise to #HongKong. Our treaty promise was to uphold a “high degree of autonomy” and HK’s way of life. We failed to honour this promise. And we didn’t do anything to hold Beijing to account for breaking that treaty. twitter.com/ukhomeoffice/s…
#New: foreign judges serving on #HongKong courts get paid….wait for it… £38,000 per month (+ flights and accommodation). 😳
Our Patron & the last Governor of #HongKong Lord Patten wishes you a very happy #LunarNewYear. 🐰🧧
47 #HongKong pro-democracy activists were charged with “conspiracy to commit subversion” under the #NSL over their organisation & participation in LegCo primaries in 2020. 17 of them pleaded not guilty & there will be a pre-trial review on 17 Jan. #FreeHKPoliticalPrisoners
This is a joke. The 🇬🇧 Six Monthly Report on #HongKong fails to condemn another material breach of the Sino British Joint Declaration, but instead says that we want to “work constructively” with those responsible. That’ll really show ‘em. 🤦‍♂️