When thousands of #HKers queued for masks overnight, #HKGov still refused to take measures to stabilize supply and price amid #coronavirus. To combat citywide shortage and price-gouging, @demosisto has just bought another 1,200,000 masks and shipped to #HK.
[No one can fight an endless war with limited weapons] 1/ Unfortunately, this piece appeals to identity politics & loses touch with reality in #HK, especially #HKGov's messy mishandling over the past few weeks. It's #quarantine rule is entirely toothless. time.com/5784258/hong-k…
Behind tearful story there lies profound bravery of helpless families against brutal regime: ‘In my eyes, what he did wasn't at all violent...I feel like we're doing all we can, but #HKGov't is playing us over and over again' washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pac… #Save12HKyouths
1/ It's terribly alarming that #HKGov barred Kenneth Roth from #HongKong for no reason. It well illustrates how #Hkgov now cooperates with #CCP to deliberately undermine our international human rights system.
[Cancelling separation of powers in #HK] 1. #Carrielam claimed today there's no separation of powers in HK after #HKGov’s recent textbook censorship. Even the next Chief Justice that she appointed, Andrew Cheung, said in 2008 that separation of powers is enshrined in Basic Law.
【7165 arrested, 1154 on trial】 According to the written reply from #HKGov to Legislator @ChuHoiDick, 7165 HKers were arrested since last summer because of protest. 1154 #HKProtesters are now on trial (including me & @chowtingagnes), while 5613 are still under investigation.
2/ Jimmy Lai, most high-profile pro-democracy media tycoon, has been critical of #HKGov & #CCP leadership. He was invited by @VP Mike Pence & @SecPompeo to share #HK situation. As press freedom isn't allowed under authoritarian regime of #Xijinping, he becomes the prime target.
#hongkongers own them our deep gratitude for their generous support. When #HKGov is reducing into a failed state and completely mishandles #coronavirus, it proves once again that a robust civil society with strong international networks is the only way out for #HongKong.
2/ That's why Police watchdog IPCC is merely a whitewashing & propaganda to justify the future bloody crackdowns on protest. When police violence has becomes the elephant in the room, what #HKGov do is to act like a #MinistryOfTruth to ignore all these widespread atrocities.
We believe the best way to protect autonomy is not strengthening #HKGov's repressive forces against the public call for freedom protections. Without dissident voices, the city's autonomy is the next to be blown away.
We call on the French government to call a halt to its export of tactical suits to our notorious #HKGov. We also invite the world to join our petition before April.
4/ As #HKGov refuses to seal the border, the burden now shifts to shop holders. Once customers are found inflected, stores are forced to close for weeks. Restaurant owners complained that they face the twin blows to their income and reputation.
2/ However, over past 8 months, #Beijing and #HKGov have intensified its strong-arm policies on #HKers. Extra 2.5 billion dollars have been spent on expanding police forces, with its budget on purchasing teargas & rubber bullets tripled.
[#AntiELAB Movement vs #UmbrellaMovement: are #HKers walking on the old path?] 1.1/ #HK's protests have indeed reduced due to the #COVID19 and the #NationalSecurityLaw. #HKGov mass arrests protestors, and crackdown on the education, mass media, medical and judicial industries.
In Mongkok, #HKPolice is arresting #Hongkongers for commemorating the 31st anniv. of #TiananmenSquareMassacre. This is the 1st yr that 🇨🇳#CCP & #HKGov banned #TiananmenVigil in #HongKong. HKers still go out en masse tonight, holding memorials at many locations across the city.
Battalions of #HKPolice fully armed w/ riot gear march into #Cityplaza to arrest #Hongkongers gathered in the shopping mall to sing #GloryToHK, the protest anthem. In the name of "enforcing social distancing". Social distancing rules are #HKGov's tools of suppressing #HKProtests