2. But when he sued for injury compensation, #HK legal aid dept, not only unreasonably rejected his request but also prejudicially supported #HKpolicebrutality, saying "the use of force by the Police at the material time was reasonable" before trials and rulings even begin.
4. Clearly, it is another assault on #HK's rule of law and judicial independence & also casts doubt on whether presumption of innocence still holds under # Beijing's sweeping #nationalsecuritylaw, where citizens/foreigners can be extradited to #China's secret courts and jails.
[Has #HK become a #secretpolicestate?] 1. More #hongkongers are tailed by unknown agents in recent days. Today pro-democracy lawmaker @tedhuichifung said he has been followed by unknown cars for a few days, with cameras and video recorders inside.
3. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, it is dubious if our privacy and safety are still under protection when more evidence suggests #HK comes closer to a #secretpolicestate where citizens and foreigners can be maliciously followed by unknown agents.
[Staff complaints: @Apple bans staff from wearing colours associated w/ #hkprotests] 1. I've received complaints by @Apple store staff in #HK who blasted the company for conducting political censorship by banning them from wearing yellow masks or those printed with "HongKong".
4. #CCP-funded courses also function as #China's propaganda arms, with their teaching materials legitimizing #Beijing’s human rights violations in #Uyghur re-education camps in #Xinjiang and stigmatizing #HK democracy movements. news.com.au/finance/busine…
[Detainee faces indefinite detention & tortures in #HK] 1. A detainee from #India on hunger strike was brutally beaten by officers at Castle Peak Bay Immigration Center (CIC, aka "black prison"), before unwillingly sending to hospital for forced injection, per @appledaily_hk.
6. In fact, throughout #hkprotests last year, #HKers were reportedly subject to brutal tortures in detention centres. As #nationalsecuritylaw allows indefinite detention w/o trials and bail, it is worrying that this kind of Chinese-style black prison will become prevalent in #HK.
[#China blocks MPs from meeting pro-democracy figures] 1. #Beijing exerted pressure on #Canadian MPs, urging them not to meet #HK democracy figures, incl recently arrested media mogul #JimmyLai and me during their tour to HK in 2017, per @globeandmail. theglobeandmail.com/politics/artic…
[I was tailed by an unknown car with China-HK license even on Sunday] 1. Today when my friends and I visited Victoria Peak Garden in #HK, I was tailed by an unknown 7 seater car with a #China-HK license plate.
4. Most horrifying thing is, while this time it's an unknown woman waiting for us, next time would that be #secretpolice? In the past, we DID have cases that businessmen were kidnapped by #China's agents right in the heart of #HK, such as Xiao Jianhua and bookseller Lee Bo.
6. When pro-democracy figures like @tedhuichifung and @JeremyTamMH face similar furious stalking, there's a growing concern that #HK is now turning from #policestate to #secretpolicestate where people's freedoms and safety are under unprecedented assault.
[US consulate staff in #HK was assaulted by a Chinese national] #BREAKING: When #US and #China made some progress on trade, an American working for the US consulate general #Hongkong @USAinHKMacau was assaulted by a Chinese national from behind. scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
[New clampdown on #HK press freedom] 1. While Beijing claims #nationalsecuritylaw won't affect #PressFreedom in #Hongkong, #HK Immigration Dept just denied w/o reason the work visa for a @HongKongFP reporter, who has been closely following #hkprotests hongkongfp.com/2020/08/27/vis…
[New clampdown on #HK press freedom] 1. While Beijing claims #nationalsecuritylaw won't affect #PressFreedom in #Hongkong, #HK Immigration Dept just denied w/o reason the work visa for a @HongKongFP reporter, who has been closely following #hkprotests hongkongfp.com/2020/08/27/vis…
4. With a more stringent #nationalsecuritylaw in #China, as well as other draconian criminal laws #HK doesn’t have, it is worrying that they could be sent to #China’s secret courts & black prisons, with restricted access to lawyers & high risk of forced confession under torture.
[Say no to digital authoritarianism, Boycott universal testing] 1. Defying doubts, #HKgov will impose universal testing in #HK, a citywide DNA collection viewed as a way for more surveillance. Medical experts repeatedly raised concerns below that are completely ignored by gov:
2. No inflow curb: test can only be achieved w/ full border seal, stay-at-home order & full population testing in short time. All don’t exist in HK. As #Hkgov now exempt tens of thousands ppl from quarantine, main factor for #HK third wave, the test is deemed to failure w/ leaks.
[First anniversary of #831 #PrinceEdward attack] 1. In the past year, everything worsens in #HK, with a draconian #NationalSecurityLaw imposed, textbooks censored, #hkprotesters forced into exile, and the fate of 12 asylum seekers now left unknown during detention in #China.
[Religious talks via #GoogleMeet allegedly surveilled by #CCP security agency in #HK] 1. @hkcnews_com reports the HKCCCC church held an online talk on Christianity in #China via #googlemeet on Aug 30, illustrating the history of religious policies in China.
5. While #Beijing's #HK chief Xia Baolong is notorious for burning crosses & demolishing churches in China, not to mention that #CCP long considers religious activities as potential threats to #nationalsecurity, it is worrying similar religious crackdown will soon extend to HK.
[Cancelling separation of powers in #HK] 1. #Carrielam claimed today there's no separation of powers in HK after #HKGov’s recent textbook censorship. Even the next Chief Justice that she appointed, Andrew Cheung, said in 2008 that separation of powers is enshrined in Basic Law.
3. Four years ago, no one would believe what had happened in #HK, with #policebrutality, arbitrary prosecution, draconian #NationalSecurityLaw, censorship, disqualification, election cancellation and media meltdown, with 9000+ #HKers arrested and 12 youths now detained in #China.
[Cherrypicking evidence for #speechcrimes] 1. Hours after #Carrielam’s #freespeech assurance, #HKpolice charges #HK activist #TamTakChi on “uttering seditious words” just because he chanted slogans like “#5DemandsNot1Less”, “revolt” etc. Worse still, Tam's bail bid was banned.
[#HK Christianity becomes #Beiijing’s tool of nationalist propaganda] 1. After textbooks were found censoring #TiananmenSquareMassacre, now even religious textbooks at primary schools were injected w/ Chinese patriotism, asking students to learn from Jesus to love their nation.