[Support our Thai fellows in their fight for democracy] 1. #Hongkongers will never forget how our Thai fellows stood with us against #China’s nationalist trolls during #nnevvy saga and spoke up for us amid #Beijing’s authoritarian suppression in #HK. #MilkTeaAlliance
First time in #HK's history: #hongkongers are warned that their flags, banners, slogans or other behaviours during demonstrations or protests may be arrested on charges of "secession" or "subversion of state power" under #NationalSecurityLaw, which was once only found in #China.
1/ It is crazy for #hkpolice to arrest the 81-yo veteran democrat #MartinLee, the Father of Democracy. He is the one who helped draft #HK’s basic law under #1country2systems. For almost 40 years, he has been promoting democracy and human rights in #HongKong.
It was heartening to see so many #HK citizens turn out to vote in the district council elections & make their voices heard. We hope the election results will be respected, & that HK will move forward on the path to democracy. Photo: Billy H.C.Kwok bit.ly/2DeFsxO
[First day of national security law: #HKers will not surrender] 1/ When #Beijing has defied social oppositions and enacted the sweeping #nationalsecuritylaw in #HK, The UK government has offered an important lifeboat by opening path to citizenship for #HKers.
1/ Although #China’s liaison office has been toughening its control on #HK in recent weeks, #Hongkongers do not scare off. Tonight, thousands of #hongkongprotesters sang #GloryToHK at Cityplaza and reminded all #hkers of our cause for democracy.
The #HK police force just released a video saying that they would shot live ammunition if the resistance in #PolyU continues. We are so worried about the upcoming possible slaughter and urge the international community to deescalate the situation by holding the govt accountable.
[First anniversary of #831 #PrinceEdward attack] 1. In the past year, everything worsens in #HK, with a draconian #NationalSecurityLaw imposed, textbooks censored, #hkprotesters forced into exile, and the fate of 12 asylum seekers now left unknown during detention in #China.
Accusing #Taiwan of interfering in the #HongKong situation is an insult to their pursuit of freedom & democracy. As a democratic country & a responsible member of the international community, we are concerned about #HK.
[The city's largest-ever DNA collection by #China] 1. Starting from today, #Beijing will send medical personnel from China to #HK for mass testing. Just like #nationalsecuritylaw legislation, the decision is unilaterally imposed without public consultation.
Breaking: After 610,000 #HKers voted in #Hkprimaries, Benny Tai, co-organizer of the primary and also Umbrella movement in 2014, was just sacked by #Beijing loyalists-dominated #HKU governing council. #Beijing now extends its reach to academic freedoms in #HK.
[I was tailed by an unknown car with China-HK license even on Sunday] 1. Today when my friends and I visited Victoria Peak Garden in #HK, I was tailed by an unknown 7 seater car with a #China-HK license plate.
😭 Lots of friends arrested today in #HK Remember the international community (esp the UK) has legal obligations to prevent this from happening. If we get another hand-wringing 5-eyes statement about “serious concern” I swear.... twitter.com/austinramzy/st…
Several pro-Beijing women attacked citizens at Tin Shui Wai. Police officers arrived but said they won’t take any action nor arrest anyone. #HK Cultural Revolution has started.
Tony was arrested for "inciting secession" after he wrote a FB post on #China's nationalism. Meanwhile, arrestees' mobile phones were hacked by unknown #Huawei and #Samsung phones soon after their arrests. Tonight's arrest will clearly send a chilling effect on #HK online speech. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
Thank you @HudsonInstitute & @amprog for the opportunity to share my perspective on #HK, cross-strait relations & our strong ties with the #US. #Taiwan stands on the frontline of democracy & supports closer ties between like-minded countries. More: bit.ly/3gRjp2s
[In response to #US's latest decision on #HK] 1. Clearly, the US’s decision is a reaction to #Beijing’s series of reckless crackdowns in #HongKong, from unilaterally imposing a sweeping #nationalsecuritylaw, ... bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
JUST IN: One day before pro-democracy primary election, #HKPolice just raided the office of #HK’s survey body (Public Opinion Research Institute), accused it of dishonest use of computer and took away all computers, days after the enactment of #nationalsecuritylaw.
Tam Yiu-chung, #HK's sole delegate to #Beijing's top legislature NPCSC, said media coverage on #hkpolicebrutality can be charged for "inciting subversion of state power" under #NationalSecurityLaw. Now the red line has been once again tightened. What's next?
#Breaking news by @appledaily_hk: #12hkyouths’ speedboat was allegedly tracked by #Hkgov aircraft before capture. Family members suspect that #HK gov cooperated w/ #China and helped Chinese cops to arrest the 12 #AsylumSeekers after their #refugee route was known. #save12hkyouths
When thousands of #HKers queued for masks overnight, #HKGov still refused to take measures to stabilize supply and price amid #coronavirus. To combat citywide shortage and price-gouging, @demosisto has just bought another 1,200,000 masks and shipped to #HK.
It’s a disgrace to see this is happening to #HongKong, a place that used to shine as a beacon of #PressFreedom in East Asia. The people of #Taiwan will stand with the people of #HK in the pursuit of truth. JW twitter.com/hkfp/status/12…
Over 30 #hkpolice today surrounded & arrested a #HKer when he tried to put a caricature of #Xijinping with #coronavirus head onto #lennonwall in #KwunTong #HK. Clearly, #hkpolice’s only duty is to carry out political censorship & save face for this authoritarian leader of #China.
[Staff complaints: @Apple bans staff from wearing colours associated w/ #hkprotests] 1. I've received complaints by @Apple store staff in #HK who blasted the company for conducting political censorship by banning them from wearing yellow masks or those printed with "HongKong".
[No one can fight an endless war with limited weapons] 1/ Unfortunately, this piece appeals to identity politics & loses touch with reality in #HK, especially #HKGov's messy mishandling over the past few weeks. It's #quarantine rule is entirely toothless. time.com/5784258/hong-k…