We hope the US Congress can use the International Emergency Economic Power Act to sanction #HSBC who helped the autocratic #HK regime to close down the bank account of a democratic foundation. This severely harms the financial hub status of Hong Kong.
#香港 #銅鑼灣書店 店長 #林榮基 先生的書店,歷盡艱辛,今天在 #臺北 正式開幕,特別獻上祝福。 #臺灣 最引以為傲的就是 #民主 #自由,敬請大家用行動支持書店,支持臺北的銅鑼灣書店,也是對臺灣 #出版自由 的支持! #HK #Taipei #Taiwan 照片出自銅鑼灣書店-台灣重啟
Update: Over 130,000 #HKers have cast their votes in #HKprimaries today amid #Beijng's threat. At one of polling stations in Tin Shui Wai, hundreds of voters have been queuing up for more than two hours in order to cast their ballots in this presumably last free election of #HK. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
[I was tailed by #secretpolice agents again. This time crazier] 1/ Even after #HK’s election was cancelled, #secretpolice stalking has intensified. Today when I met with friends in one building, several unknown agents have lingered outside......
#China has proven itself as an aggressor, a warmonger, and a bully country. #India, as well as #Australia, #Taiwan and #HK - everyone who had been bullied by China should stand firm and stay united against #CCP aggression. twitter.com/TimesNow/statu…
45K HKers joined the rally today. We demanded the gov to withdraw the political prosecution on SparkAlliance, an act that damaged #HK’s status as an international financial hub. We hope the free world will sanction #HSBC and other pro-Beijing corporates like Cathay & Huawei.
That is shocking news to #HKer to hear that our dearest friend James Gordon - Lord Gordon of Strathblane - just passed away due to #coronavirus. As one of the members of All-Party Parliamentary Groups on HK, he has been supporting democracy and defending human rights in #HK.
Another long day working on the #GenocideAmendment - grateful for amazing colleagues and constant encouragement from #Uyghur and #HK friends who are suffering. “I’d rather be ashes than dust”.
[Has #HK become a #secretpolicestate?] 1. More #hongkongers are tailed by unknown agents in recent days. Today pro-democracy lawmaker @tedhuichifung said he has been followed by unknown cars for a few days, with cameras and video recorders inside.
No, I’m not wading in on what #HK should think about the #USElection2020 People can and should disagree. It’s healthy. Will focus instead on ensuring the UK keeps its treaty promises. Right now, we are failing to keep them. #save12hkyouths #FreeAndyLi
[US consulate staff in #HK was assaulted by a Chinese national] #BREAKING: When #US and #China made some progress on trade, an American working for the US consulate general #Hongkong @USAinHKMacau was assaulted by a Chinese national from behind. scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
[Detainee faces indefinite detention & tortures in #HK] 1. A detainee from #India on hunger strike was brutally beaten by officers at Castle Peak Bay Immigration Center (CIC, aka "black prison"), before unwillingly sending to hospital for forced injection, per @appledaily_hk.
Less than 24 hours after the law comes to effect, the most absurd thing happened when a #HKer that chanted "Long Live Liverpool" was accused by #hkpolice for inciting HK independence. Most importantly, #Beijing can use this law to arrest foreigners or foreign companies in #HK. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
[When reporting becomes Orwellian thoughtcrime] 1. @JimmyLaiApple's arrest and the raid of @appledaily_hk is a litmus test for the city's #pressfreedom, one of the cornerstones of whether #HK remains open, free and tolerant to critical views under #Beijing's authoritarian rule.
[Say no to digital authoritarianism, Boycott universal testing] 1. Defying doubts, #HKgov will impose universal testing in #HK, a citywide DNA collection viewed as a way for more surveillance. Medical experts repeatedly raised concerns below that are completely ignored by gov:
Biggest scene outside #HK courthouse in a year where 47 democrats are due to appear after being arrested in the biggest crackdown by authorities under #NSL. Hundreds chanting slogans #HongKongProtests
1/ Ignoring domestic and global concerns, Beijing announced the drafted #nationalsecuritylaw that casts even more doubts. The law erodes #HK’s common law jurisdictions as local courts are NOT allowed to interpret the law once disputes arise.
The decision to impose #NationalSecurityLegislation on #HongKong by the #NPC shatters #China's solemn promise in 1997 to respect #HK's autonomy & freedoms. Now is the time for democracies to #StandWithHongKong! #Taiwan will be ready to offer necessary humanitarian assistance. JW
On #Tiananmen2020, and especially when #HK is in the growing shadow of #NationalSecurityLaw, #Hongkong's stock market today has its unique way to remember #8964 #TiananmenSquareMassacre.
1/ Six months after the passing of #HKHumanRightsandDemocracyAct, #US @StateDept will deliver its first annual certification of Hong Kong’s autonomy as specified in the Act. The Act is designed to safeguard #HK’s autonomy and freedoms from #China’s growing influence.
😭 Daniel, some in this country are profoundly sorry the U.K. failed to protect #HK autonomy and your way of life, as we promised. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
4. Clealy, #Beijing shows a total disregard for the will of the #Hongkongers, tramples upon the city’s last pillar of vanishing autonomy and attempts to keep #HK’s legislature under its firm grip.
#HKGETV has conducted the analysis of #teargas in #HK about the investigation of CS residue inside the Canister from different manufacturers. The unexpected result - NO CS residue on the canister of Jing An KF-302-20 CS Grenade Report : cdn.hkgetv.com/report/HKGETV%… #HongKongProstests
1/ Today #HK court ruled that #hkpolice can go through the arrested's phone without a warrant. More importantly, it is the first time that #hkpolice has admitted using software provided by Cellebrite @Cellebrite_UFED and MSAB @MSAB_XRY to crack my iPhone without my consent.
#JUSTIN #Beijing's #HongKong & Macau Affairs Office blasts the pro-democracy camp's filibuster at #HK #Legco's House Committee, saying it "strongly condemns" the disruption to the normal operations of the council & law-making process on livelihood matters hmo.gov.cn/xwzx/xwfb/xwfb…